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About the New Zealand ORCID Consortium


Following the recommendation of a broad cross-sector working group, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment generously agreed to pay the consortium fee to allow eligible New Zealand organisations to join in a national approach to ORCID membership.

This support covers the Society’s ORCID Work Programme, which includes consortium membership subscriptions for up to 99 NZ organisations, and covered a software development work programme to create a New Zealand ORCID hub that allows organisations of all scales and technical resource to productively engage with ORCID.

Consortium membership immediately brings the benefits of Premium ORCID Membership to all participants in the Consortium.  In addition, the NZ ORCID Consortium is operated with an Advisory Committee.

The Society has entered into a consortium agreement as Lead Agency and formally launched the Consortium with 34 member organisations, on 1 October 2016. 

View more on the background

View more on the launch agenda and presentations

Joining the Consortium

Institutions of higher education, non-profit organisations, and government research and funding agencies are eligible to join the New Zealand ORCID Consortium, at no cost to the organisation, under our arrangement with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). Inclusion of organisations based in New Zealand and legally affiliated with these entities is up to the discretion of ORCID, MBIE, the Royal Society Te Apārangi and the NZ ORCID Consortium Advisory Committee. Teh Royal Society Te Apārangi will first meet with all organisations interested in joining the consortium to establish how they may utilise an ORCID membership effectively.

Current consortium members include universities, Crown Research Institutes, independent research organisations and consultancies, government departments, research funders and members of the GLAM sector. List of current consortium members

By joining the consortium you gain the benefit of premium ORCID membership, including the ability to request, and act on, permission to read/write to the profiles of researchers. Premium membership also provides personalised monthly analytic reports, specific to your organisation, together with a range of other benefits, including local technical support and assistance with ORCID integration.

If you wish to become a member of the New Zealand ORCID consortium you will have to sign an accession agreement (sample). Once you have signed the agreement you will have to provide a main contact person as an ORCID communications conduit for your institution, as well as a technical contact person who will liaise with us over system integrations and/or use of the New Zealand ORCID Hub.

Please contact the Society if you would like to discuss membership of the New Zealand ORCID Consortium. 

Useful resources for Consortium members

As the Consortium Lead, the Society provides support to the Consortium's Members.  For a description of what this means, and a collation of useful resources, see here: NZ ORCID Consortium Resources


The New Zealand ORCID Consortium Advisory Committee

The Consortium benefits from the input of a sector-representative Advisory Committee.  For a description of the roles, meetings, and membership of New Zealand ORCID Advisory Committee, see here: NZ ORCID Consortium Advisory Committee.

The New Zealand ORCID Hub

New Zealand's research organisations are found in a range of sizes and sectors, with widely differing technical resources.  To encourage and support New Zealand research organisations, and their researchers, to be able to use and benefit from ORCID, the New Zealand Government supported the development of the New Zealand ORCID Hub. This is an open source project developed by the Society's Technology Partner, the University of Auckland, with the Society as Product Owner. 

The New Zealand ORCID Hub is a web application that allows organisations, both large and small, to connect with ORCID to read from and write to their staff/students' ORCID records, with the record holder's permission. This saves researchers time, as they don't have to update their ORCID record themselves, and saves organisations time, as they can access information directly from their staff/students' ORCID records.

For more information on the New Zealand ORCID Hub, see: NZ ORCID Hub.

FAQs relating to the NZ ORCID Consortium

For a list of Frequently Asked Questions received about the Consortium, see here: NZ ORCID Consortium FAQ. This list will be added to as new questions are received.

Consortium Newsletters















NZ ORCID-Consortium-newsletter15-final.pdf















NZ ORCID Consortium Newsletter 30

NZ ORCID Consortium Newsletter 31

NZ ORCID Consortium Newsletter 32

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