Our Constituent Organisations
Our Constituent Organisations help us identify and address issues relevant to the research, knowledge and innovation sectors, and link into the research information and activities that the Society undertakes.
Constituent Organisations are generally discipline-based, that is their members group through an interest in a particular discipline. Each Constituent Organisation is a voting member of the Society.
The list below is alphabetical by organisation.
Association for Women in the Sciences
Address: AWIS, 92 Puriri St, Fendalton, CHRISTCHURCH 8041
President: Emma Timewell awisnz.convenor@gmail.com
Contact: Kieren Arthur awis.secretary@gmail.com
Contact: Caroline Loch carolina.loch@otago.ac.nz
Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa/New Zealand
President: Fiona McCormack fio@waikato.ac.nz
Secretary: Jacs Forde jacs.forde@vuw.ac.nz
Representative: Nayantara Sheoran Appleton
Australasian Association of Philosophy
President: Deborah Brown deborah.brown@uq.edu.au
Chief Executive Officer: Tracy Bowell ceo@aap.org.au
Director New Zealand: Jeremy Wyatt jeremy.wyatt@waikato.ac.nz
General Manager: Eliza Goddard elizagoddard@aap.org.au
Australian and New Zealand Optical Society
President: David Lancaster david.lancaster@unisa.edu.au
Vice President: Frederique Vanholsbeeck f.vanholsbeeck@auckland.ac.nz
Secretary: Haoran Ren haoran.ren@monash.edu
Contact: Carlie Watt ausoptsoc@gmail.com
Australian and New Zealand Society for Immunology (NZ branch)
President: Inken Kelch i.kelch@auckland.ac.nz
Representative: Kerry Hilligan khilligan@malaghan.org.nz
Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologists (NZ Section)(ASCEPT)
Address: ASCEPT, PO Box 351, Hamilton Central, QLD 4007, AUSTRALIA
President: Katie Burns k.burns@auckland.ac.nz
Councillor: Michelle Glass michelle.glass@otago.ac.nz
Contact: Simone Disborough secretariat@ascept.org
Geoscience Society of New Zealand
President: Sam McColl president@gsnz.org.nz
Contact: Nicki Sayers admin@gsnz.org.nz
Meteorological Society of New Zealand
Address: Meteorological Society of New Zealand (Inc.), PO Box 238, Mosgiel, 9053
President: Nicolas Cullen president@metsoc.org.nz
Secretary: Katrina Richards secretary@metsoc.org.nz
Treasurer: Gregor Macara gregor.macara@niwa.co.nz
New Zealand Archaeological Association
Address: New Zealand Archaeological Association Inc., PO Box 6337, DUNEDIN 9054
President: Mary O'Keeffe mary@heritagesolutions.net.nz
Contact: Isaac McIvor secretary@nzarchaeology.org
New Zealand Asian Studies Society
President: Robyn Andrews r.andrews@massey.ac.nz
Secretary: Shin Takahashi shin.takahashi@vuw.ac.nz
Treasurer: Naimah Talib naimah.talib@canterbury.ac.nz
New Zealand Association for Research in Education
Address: PO Box 40, Kaeo, Far North 0448
Co-President: Georgina Stewart: georgina.stewart@aut.ac.nz
Co-President: Robyn Caygill: robyn.caygill.work1@gmail.com
Executive Officer: Brenda Frear nzare.eo@gmail.com
Treasurer: Rachel Cann rfcann@gmail.com
New Zealand Association of Scientists
Address: New Zealand Assn of Scientists, PO Box 1874, WELLINGTON 6140
President: Troy Baisden president@scientists.org.nz
Vice President: Lucy Stewart
Contact: Fiona McDonald fiona.mcdonald@otago.ac.nz
New Zealand Ecological Society
Address: New Zealand Ecological Society, Secretariat, PO Box 5008, Waikiwi
President: Debra Wotton debra.wotton@moasark.co.nz
Contact: Kate McAlpine secretary@newzealandecology.org
New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society / Ngā Kohinga Wai o Aotearoa
President: Joanne Clapcott joanne.clapcott@cawthron.org.nz
Vice President: Richard Allibone waterwayscon@gmail.com
Contact: Issie Barrett issie.barrett@canterbury.ac.nz
New Zealand Geographical Society
Address: New Zealand Geographical Society, C/- School of People, Environment and Planning, Private Bag 11222, PALMERSTON NORTH 4410
President: Professor Kelly Dombroski K.Dombroski@massey.ac.nz
Vice President: Associate Professor Sophie Bond sophie.bond@otago.ac.nz
Secretary and contact: Dr Erena Le Heron admin@nzgs.co.nz
New Zealand Historical Association
Address: New Zealand Historical Association, C/- History, School of Humanities, University of Auckland, AUCKLAND
President: Te Maire Tau temaire.tau@canterbury.ac.nz
Contact: David Littlewood D.C.Littlewood@massey.ac.nz
New Zealand Hydrological Society
Address: New Zealand Hydrological Society (Inc.), PO Box 12300, WELLINGTON 6140
President: Mike Ede mikewaikawa@gmail.com
Secretary: Charlotte Tomlinson Charlotte.Tomlinson@marlborough.govt.nz
Executive Committee Member: Louise Weaver louise.weaver@esr.cri.nz
New Zealand Institute of Agricultural & Horticultural Science
Address: NZ Institute of Agricultural & Horticultural Science, PO Box 121063, Henderson, AUCKLAND
President: Jeremy Burdon Jeremy.Burdon@plantandfood.co.nz
Contact: Jenny Taylor secretariat@agscience.org.nz
New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER)
Address: NZIER, PO Box 3479, Wellington, 6140
Chief Executive: Jason Shoebridge Jason.shoebridge@nzier.org.nz
Contact Terri Boote: econ@nzier.org.nz
New Zealand Institute of Chemistry
President: Michael Edmonds michael.edmonds@canterbury.ac.nz
Past President: Joanne Harvey joanne.harvey@vuw.ac.nz
New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology
Address: New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology (Inc.), PO Box 5574, Terrace End, PALMERSTON NORTH 4441
President: Esraa El Shall esraa.elshall@fonterra.com
Contact: Wendy Bayliss wendy@nzifst.org.nz
New Zealand Institute of Physics
Address: New Zealand Institute of Physics (Inc.), c/o Conferences and Events Ltd, PO Box 1254, NELSON 7040
President: Richard Easther president@nzip.org.nz
Secretary: Chris Gordon secretary@nzip.org.nz
Contact: Simon Granville simon.granville@vuw.ac.nz
New Zealand Marine Sciences Society
President: Pete Wilson president@nzmss.org
Secretary: Jenny Hillman secretary@nzmss.org
New Zealand Mathematical Society
President: Bernd Krauskopf b.krauskopf@auckland.ac.nz
Vice President: Melissa Tacy melissa.tacy@auckland.ac.nz
Secretary: Geertrui Van de Voorde geertrui.vandevoorde@canterbury.ac.nz
New Zealand Microbiological Society
President: Gavin Lear g.lear@auckland.ac.nz
Secretary: Helen Withers helen.withers@mpi.govt.nz
New Zealand Plant Protection Society
President: Hayley Ridgway hayley.ridgway@plantandfood.co.nz
Contact: Jenny Taylor secretary@nzpps.org
New Zealand Political Studies Association/Te Kahui Tatai Torangapu o Aotearoa
President: Jeremy Moses jeremy.moses@canterbury.ac.nz
Contact: Claire Timperley claire.timperley@vuw.ac.nz
New Zealand Psychological Society
Address: New Zealand Psychological Society Incorporated, PO Box 25271, WELLINGTON
President: Dr Waikaremoana Waitoki moana@waikato.ac.nz
Contact: Veronica Pitt executivedirector@psychology.org.nz
New Zealand Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Address: New Zealand Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Inc), School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, AUCKLAND 1142
President: Peter Mace peter.mace@otago.ac.nz
Secretary: Daniel Pletzer daniel.pletzer@otago.ac.nz
New Zealand Society for Parasitology
President: Ash Keown ashkeown@gmail.com
Contact: Saleh Umair saleh.umair@agresearch.co.nz
New Zealand Society of Endocrinology
President: Rchard Caroll Richard.Carroll@ccdhb.org.nz
Secretary: Sharon Ladyman sharon.ladyman@otago.ac.nz
Holly Phillipps holly.phillipps@otago.ac.nz
New Zealand Society of Plant Biologists (NZSPB)
President: Lynette Brownfield president@plantbiology.science.org.nz
Vice President: Nick Albert nick.albert@plantandfood.co.nz
Secretary: Nigel Gapper secretary@plantbiology.science.org.nz
Treasurer: Mike Clearwater treasurer@plantbiology.science.org.nz
New Zealand Society of Soil Science
President: Pierre Roudier roudierp@landcareresearch.co.nz
Vice President: Diana Selbie Diana.Selbie@agresearch.co.nz
New Zealand Statistical Association
Address: New Zealand Statistical Association (Inc.), PO Box 1731, WELLINGTON 6140
President: John Haywood john.haywood@vuw.ac.nz
Secretary: Ivy Liu ivy.liu@vuw.ac.nz
Nutrition Society of New Zealand
Address: Nutrition Society of New Zealand, PO Box 2039, Gonville, WANGANUI 4543
President: Rachel Brown president@nutritionsociety.ac.nz
Secretary: Helen Eyles secretary@nutritionsociety.ac.nz
Contact: Chrisse Butts Chrissie.butts@plantandfood.co.nz
Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia
President (Aus): Marek Tesar (c/- secretary@pesa.org.au)
Secretary: Andrew Madjar secretary@pesa.org.au
Physiological Society of New Zealand
President: Laura Bennet l.bennet@auckland.ac.nz
Contact: Rebecca Campbell rebecca.campbell@otago.ac.nz
Population Association of New Zealand
President: Rosemary Goodyear rosemary.goodyear@stats.govt.nz
Contact: Shefali Pawar secretary@population.org.nz
Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand
Address: Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand, PO Box 3181, WELLINGTON 6140
President: Nalayini Davies president@rasnz.org.nz
Contact: John Drummond secretary@rasnz.org.nz
Sociological Association of Aotearoa NZ SAANZ
President: Bruce Cohen president@saanz.net
The Ornithological Society of New Zealand Inc. Te Kāhui Mātai Manu o Aotearoa
Address: Birds New Zealand, PO Box 834, Nelson 7040
President: Natalie Forsdick president@birdsnz.org.nz
Vice President: Ian Armitage vp@birdsnz.org.nz
Executive Officer: Ingrid Hutzler eo@birdsnz.org.nz