Thomas Paulay
OBE BE PhD Cantuar HonDrTechSc ETH Zurich HonDr BME Budapest HonDr UTCB Bucharest HonDr Cujo Argentina FRSNZ HonMACI Dist FIPENZ

Thomas Paulay FRSNZ
Professor Tom Paulay, one of the great names in earthquake engineering of the 20th Century, died in Christchurch on 28 June 2009 at the age of 86, after a year-long struggle with cancer. He was one of a handful of people round the world who have shaped the art and science of seismic design to the form it now has. His international status was recognised in 2008 by the International Association of Earthquake Engineering with his election as a “Legend of Earthquake Engineering”. With his death, an era of New Zealand earthquake engineering has come to an end.
Tom was born in Sopron, Hungary, to a military family, on 26 May 1923. He was educated in a military academy, and fought with distinction as a cavalry officer in the Hungarian army against the Russians in World War 2, as his father had in the First World War. He met Herta, the Austrian woman who would later become his wife, while helping find accommodation for a band of refugees and wounded soldiers (he himself had just been released from hospital having been wounded for the third time) a few days after the war ended.
Following the war, in 1946, he enrolled in the Department of Civil Engineering of the Technical University of Budapest. In 1948, having been labeled as a security threat, and slated for arrest by the communist authorities, he escaped, with great difficulty and danger from Hungary to West Germany, where he worked for three years for a charitable organisation, being unable to complete his university studies. During this period, he married Herta.
Tom and his family, which then included a young daughter, came to New Zealand in 1951, on a scholarship sponsored by a group of catholic students at Victoria University of Wellington. He completed his final year of studies at the University of Canterbury, then worked in Wellington as a consulting engineer for 8 years. In 1961, he joined the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Canterbury, specialising in the teaching of Structural Design, and in allied research. He was awarded a personal Chair in 1975, and retired as an Emeritus Professor in 1989, though he continued to be active in research for another 15 years.
During Tom Paulay’s tenure at the University of Canterbury, the Department of Civil Engineering became internationally renowned for its research into the seismic behaviour and design of structures. This was largely due to the combined efforts of Tom Paulay and Bob Park (who was also a Royal Society Fellow, and who died in 2004), in developing state-of-the-art structural testing laboratories at Canterbury, capable of testing large-scale models of seismic-resisting elements of structures. This was combined with a fresh outlook on seismic design philosophy, at a time when it was just beginning to be understood that structural strength was less important than deformation capacity.
Tom possessed the key attributes of a top researcher: innovation and intuition. This enabled him to develop completely new concepts, rather than the incremental changes and improvements made by lesser mortals. As part of his doctoral studies, which were carried out while he was on the faculty at Canterbury, he recognised the deficiencies in deformation capacity of the coupling beams of coupled wall buildings, and developed the concept of diagonal reinforcement—a simple yet elegant solution that greatly reduced potential for damage and increased safety by increasing the controlled deformation capacity. This technique has been widely implemented in practice.
Together with Bob Park he developed and extended the concepts of seismic capacity design to “tell the structure how to behave” as he put it. In this approach to seismic design, a strength hierarchy is provided to the structure so that inelastic action under seismic attack is concentrated in carefully defined and detailed locations of the structure. The strength hierarchy ensures that regardless of the characteristics of the earthquake, more vulnerable parts of the structure are always protected. Capacity design has now become a corner stone of the seismic design codes of most countries, though New Zealand still leads the world in its application.
Tom, together with his colleagues and students investigated in great detail the seismic behaviour of the joint region between beams and columns in frame buildings. This region had been largely ignored by designers and researchers alike, as being of little importance to seismic performance. His carefully designed experiments showed that beam/column joints were in fact highly vulnerable to damage, and that their behaviour was complex. Design approaches were developed to describe this behaviour, and to ensure that beam/column joints would not compromise the seismic response of the structure as a whole.
He recognised the logical error in treating torsion of buildings under seismic attack as an elastic phenomenon, and developed rational alternative design approaches, based on inelastic response. He continued to write elegant, insightful research papers in this and allied areas into his late seventies and early eighties. This work on torsion is still at the forefront of knowledge in the field, and is the basis for ongoing current research in seismic regions of the world. This is a very incomplete list of topics in which he made highly significant contributions.
Results of his research efforts included numerous technical papers, and three co-authored text books, two in English, one in German, which have internationally become the standard texts for understanding and implementing seismic design of building structures, and which have been translated into many languages. He put great efforts into contributions to design codes, both in New Zealand and overseas, preferring to be a corresponding member. His extensive efforts in this regard are reflected in New Zealand seismic design codes which are considered by many to be the most advanced in the world, and which have influenced code developments in many other countries—particularly Japan, Canada and Europe. New Zealand’s reputation for seismic design was also recognised in the significant number of joint international committees examining differences in seismic design approaches and philosophy, on which Tom served. He collaborated with many researchers in the world’s seismic regions, and was in great demand as a speaker, in the United States, Japan, South America and Europe.
He received numerous honours, both civic and technical, including the Order of the British Empire in New Zealand, The Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary, Fellowship of the Royal Society of New Zealand, and honorary doctorates from universities in Switzerland, Hungary, Romania and Argentina, and a great number of national and international awards for research excellence—too many to list.
Tom was primarily a teacher, researcher, and designer, and had no great love for administration, which he felt got in the way of his research. In fact he avoided university administrative duties where possible. Nevertheless, he was pressed into a few important positions—first as President of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering (as it was then named) between 1979 and 1981, and later as President of the International Association for Earthquake Engineering between 1992 and 1996, a great honour for him personally, and also for New Zealand. It was typical of Tom that when he did accept an administrative position he carried it out with insight and dedication.
Tom was a brilliant, charismatic teacher, as is attested by all of his “victims” as he called those students fortunate enough to attend his design classes. He worked them shamelessly, expecting them to spend at least twice or three times as much time on his courses as on any other course (to the occasional dismay of lecturers of other subjects), but the students loved it. His clear insight into structural performance and his emphasis of the different roles of analysis and design enlightened his students. The outcome of this was a generation of New Zealand design engineers who understand structures at a level that is envied in other countries. Like all brilliant teachers he had a natural sense of the theatrical. No dry mumbling into the blackboard for Tom. His lectures were full of action. He used his partial deafness (a result of his war time experiences) as a theatrical prop, using it as an excuse to storm up the lecture room steps as though on a cavalry charge again, to place his ear inches from the mouth of some student who had the temerity to question an equation or a concept.
As a supervisor of graduate research, he was unstinting in his generosity with his time, both to his own students, and to any other graduate student who wished to discuss their research with him. No matter how busy he was he would always make time for students. This generosity also extended to correspondence. Tom was a great written communicator, (though sometimes in his own brand of Hungarian English) and would write voluminous comments when presented with a draft technical paper that the author thought might be of interest to Tom, or might benefit from his comments. One never had the paper returned with a terse comment such as “very interesting” or “nonsense” from Tom. You got a detailed examination and critique of the work that not uncommonly exceeded the original work in length, and which would have taken days to prepare. Because of this conscientious attitude to review, he was in constant demand from the top international earthquake engineering journals.
Tom was a gregarious man; he loved life, loved company, and loved humour, which tended to permeate all his social interactions. He loved good food and good wine, and was at his sparkling best in company with a glass of good wine in one hand, and a good joke in the other—so to speak. His store of jokes, some of which were perhaps not in the best of taste, was endless.
It is my good fortune to have known Tom for 47 years: first as one of his “victims” in 1962, then, after a 10-year hiatus, as a colleague at the University of Canterbury, assisting him in the design classes, and in collaborative research, and subsequently as a co-author of one of his books. The experience of writing a book with Tom was for me one of the formative highlights of my professional career, and one that bonded us closely. The process was very interactive, full of intense discussions, disagreements and resolutions, and Tom’s intellectual rigour has had a lasting influence on me.
The death of Tom’s wife Herta in 2007 had a profound effect on him, from which he never fully recovered. He is survived by his three children: Dorothy, Esther and Gregory, and six grandchildren.
Nigel Priestley Hon FRSNZ
Emeritus Professor of Structural Engineering
University of California San Diego
- Paulay, T.; Fenwick, R. C. 1967: Pp. 295-306 in: The Nature of Shear Resistance in Reinforced Concrete Beams, Civil Engineering Transactions, the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol. CE9, No. 2.
- Fenwick, R. C.; Paulay, T. 1968: Mechanisms of Shear Resistance of Concrete Beams. Journal of the Structural Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 94, No. ST10: 2325−2350.
- Paulay, T. 1966: Analysis of Rigid Jointed Frames by Relaxation. New Zealand Engineering, Vol. 21, No.10: 415−424.
- Park, R.; Paulay, T. 1967: Ultimate Strength Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Vol.1, University of Canterbury, 1967, 219 pp. (For seminars arranged by the Department of Civil Engineering and of Extension Studies.) Second enlarged edition in 1969, 312 pp.
- Paulay, T. 1969: The Coupling of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls. Pp. 75−90 in: Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Santiago, Chile, B-2.
- Paulay, T. 1969: Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls. New Zealand Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 10:315−321.
- Paulay, T. 1969: The Coupling of Shear Walls, Vol. I and II. A PhD thesis, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 460 pp.
- Paulay, T. 1970: An Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Coupled Shear Walls. Pp.915−922 in: Proceedings, Journal of American Concrete Institute, Vol. 68, No. 11.
- Paulay, T., 1970: The Shear Strength of Shear Walls, Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 4: 148−162.
- Paulay, T.1971: Coupling Beams of Reinforced concrete Shear Walls. Journal of the Structural Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol.97, No.ST3: 843−862.
- Paulay, T. 1971: An Approach to the Design of Coupled Shear Walls. Proceedings, Third Australasian conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Material, University of Auckland, New Zealand, Vol.1, 19 pp.
- Paulay, T. 1971: Simulated Seismic Loading of Spandrel Beams. Journal of the Structural Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 97, No. ST9: 2407−2419.
- Paulay, T. 1972: Shear Walls in Seismic Design. Pp.12−48 in: Seminar Volume on Structural Design for Earthquakes, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
- Paulay, T. 1972: Some Aspects of Shear Wall Design. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3: 89−105.
- Paulay, T. 1973: Some Seismic Aspects of Coupled Shear Walls. Proceedings Fifth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Rome, Paper 248. 4pp.
- Park, R.; Paulay, T. 1973: Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints Under Cyclic Loading. Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Rome, Paper 88. 10pp.
- Paulay, T.; Binney, J. R. 1974: Diagonally Reinforced Coupling Beams of Shear Walls, Shear in Reinforced Concrete. ACI Special PublicationSP 42, Detroit, Vol. I: 579−598.
- Paulay, T.; Loeber, P. J. 1974: Shear Transfer by Aggregate Interlock, Shear in Reinforced Concrete. ACI Special Publication Sp 42, Detroit, Vol. I: 1−15.
- Paulay, T.; Park, R.; Phillips, M. H. 1974: Horizontal Construction Joints in Cast in Place Reinforced Concrete, Shear in Reinforced Concrete. ACI Special Publications SP 42, Detroit, Vol. 2: 599−616.
- Row, D. G.; Paulay, T. 1973: Biaxial Flexure and Axial Load Interaction in Short Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Columns. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 3: 110−121.
- Paulay, T. 1973: The Elasto-Plastic Response of Coupled Shear Walls under Cyclic Reversed Loading, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering.Symposium, Resistance and Ultimate Deformability of Structure Acted on by Well Defined Repeated Loads. Final Report, Lisbon: 65−67.
- Paulay, T. 1977: The Ductility of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls for Seismic Areas, Reinforced Concrete Structures in Seismic Zones. ACI Special Publication, SP 53, Detroit: 127−147.
- Park, R.; Paulay, T. 1975: Reinforced Concrete Structures, John Wiley and Sons, New York. 769 p.
- Park, R.; Paulay, T.1975: Ductile Reinforced Concrete Frames − Some Comments on the Special Provisions for Seismic Design of ACI 318-71 and on Capacity Design. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 1: 70−90.
- Paulay, T. 1975: Design Aspects of Shear Walls for Seismic Areas. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 3: 321−344.
- Paulay, T.; Uzumeri, S. M.: A Critical Review of the Seismic Design Provisions for Ductile Shear Walls of the Canadian Code and Commentary. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.2, No.4: 592−601.
- Paulay, T.; Santhakumar, A. R. 1976: Ductile Behaviour of Coupled Shear Walls. Journal of the Structural Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 102, No. ST1: 93−108.
- Paulay, T. 1976: Some Considerations of Earthquake Resistant Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Earthquake Structural Engineering, Vol. II, St. Louis: 669−681.
- Paulay, T.; Santhakumar, A. R. 1977: Ductile Behaviour of Coupled Shear Walls Subjected to Reversed Cyclic Loading. Sixth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, New Delhi, 1977. Reprints 3: 227−232.
- Paulay, T.; Spurr, D. D. 1977: Simulated Seismic Loading on Reinforced Concrete Frame-Shear Wall Structures, Sixth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, New Delhi, 1977. Reprints 3: 221−226.
- Paulay, T. 1976: Moment Redistribution in Continuous Beams of Earthquake Resistant Multistorey Reinforced Concrete Frames. Bulletin of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 4: .205−212.
- Paulay, T. 1977: Earthquake Resistance in Low Cost Houses. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Low Cost Housing, Madras, IPS: 47−56. Reprinted: International Journal for Housing Science and its Application, Pergamon Press, Vol. I, No. 3, 1977: 293−298.
- Paulay, T. 1977: Seismic Design of Ductile Moment Resisting Reinforced Concrete Frames, Columns - Evaluation of Actions. Bulletin of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 2: 85−94.
- Paulay, T. 1977: Seismic Design of Ductile Moment Resisting Reinforced Concrete Frames - Shear Strength Requirements. Bulletin of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 2: 80−84.
- Paulay, T. 1977: Deterministic Design Procedure for Multistorey Frames Exposed to Random Seismic Excitations. Sixth Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Christchurch, Vol. I: 171−180.
- Paulay, T. 1978: An Application of Capacity Design Philosophy to Gravity Load Dominated Ductile Reinforced Concrete Frames. Bulletin of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 1: 50−61.
- Paulay, T. 1977: Capacity Design of Reinforced Concrete Ductile Frames. Proceedings of a Workshop on Earthquake-Resistant Reinforced Concrete Building Construction, University of California, Berkeley, Vol. 3: 1043−1075.
- Paulay, T. 1977: Earthquake Resistant Structural Walls. Proceedings of a Workshop on Earthquake-Resistant Reinforced Concrete Building Construction, 1977, University of California, Berkeley, Vol. 3: 1339−1365.
- Paulay, T. 1977: Coupling beams of Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls. Proceedings of a Workshop on Earthquake-Resistant Reinforced Concrete Building Construction, University of California, Berkeley, Vol. 3: 1452−1460.
- Paulay, T. 1978: A Consideration of P-Delta Effects in Ductile Reinforced Concrete Frames. Bulletin of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 3: 151−160, and Vol. 12, No. 4: 358−361.
- Paulay, T.; Park, R.; Priestley, M. J. N. 1978: Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints Under Seismic Actions. Proceedings, Journal of the American Concrete Institute, V. 75, No. 11: 585−593.
- Paulay, T. 1978: Response and Design of Shear Walls. Pp. 208−277 in: Monograph on Planning and Design of Tall Buildings, Vol.CB, Structural Design of Tall Concrete and Masonry Buildings, Council of Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat.
- Paulay, T. 1979: Development in the Design of Ductile Reinforced Concrete Frames. Bulletin of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 1: 35−48.
- Paulay, T.; Bull, I. N. 1979: Shear Effect on Plastic Hinges of Earthquake Resisting Reinforced Concrete Frames, Commité Euro-International du'Béton. Bulletin D'Information No. 132: 165−172.
- Paulay, T. 1979: Capacity Design of Earthquake Resisting Ductile Multistorey Reinforced Concrete Frames. Proceedings, Third Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 2: 917−948.
- Park, R.; Paulay, T. 1980: Concrete Structures. Pp. 142−194 in: Chapter 5 of Design of Earthquake Resistant Structures, Editor E. Rosenblueth, Pentech Press, London.
- Paulay, T. 1980: Deterministic Design Procedure for Ductile Frames in Seismic Areas, American Concrete Institute. Publication SP-63, Detroit: 357−381.
- Paulay, T.; Park, R.; Birss, G. R. 1980: Elastic Beam-Column Joints for Ductile Frames. Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Istanbul, Vol. 6: 331−338.
- Park, R.; Berrill, J. B.; Carr, A. J.; Elms, E. G.; Moss, P. J. Paulay, T.; Priestley, M. J. N. 1980: Progress Report of Earthquake Engineering at the University of Canterbury. Proceedings, 7th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Istanbul, V. 9: 33−48.
- Paulay, T.; Williams, R. L. 1980: The Analysis and Design of and the Evaluation of Design Actions for Reinforced Concrete Ductile Shear Walls. Bulletin of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 2: 108−143.
- Binney, J. R.; Paulay, T. 1980: Foundations for Shear Wall Structures. Bulletin of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 2: 171−181.
- Paulay, T.1980: Earthquake Resisting Shear Walls - New Zealand Design Trends. Proceedings, Journal of the American Concrete Institute, V. 77, No. 3:44−152.
- Paulay, T.; Taylor, R. G. 1981: Slab Coupling of Earthquake Resisting Shear Walls. Proceedings American Concrete Institute, V. 78, No. 2: 130−140.
- Paulay, T.; Carr, A. J.; Tompkins, D. N. 1980: Response of Ductile Reinforced Concrete Frames Located in Zone C. Bulletin of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 3: 209−225.
- Paulay, T. 1981: Developments in the Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Frames in New Zealand. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 2: 91−113.
- Paulay, T.; Scarpas, T. 1981: The Behaviour of Exterior Beam-Column Joints. Bulletin of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 14, No.3: 131−144.
- Paulay, T.; Priestley, M. J. N.; Synge, A. J. 1982: Ductility in Earthquake Resisting Squat Shear Walls. Journal of the American Concrete Institute, V. 79, No. 4: 257−269.
- Paulay, T. 1982: Lapped Splices in Earthquake-Resisting Columns. Journal of the American Concrete Institute, V. 79, No. 6: 458−469.
- Paulay, T. 1983: Deterministic Design Procedures for Reinforced Concrete Buildings, Engineering Structures. The Journal of Earthquake, Wind and Ocean Engineering, Butterworth, V. 5, No. 1: 79−86.
- Paulay, T. 1982: The Seismic Design of Ductile Concrete Frames in New Zealand. Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Athens, Vol. 3: 553−560.
- Goodsir, W. J.; Paulay, T.; Carr, A. J. 1983: A Study of the Inelastic Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete Coupled Frame - Shear Wall Structures. Bulletin of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 3: 185−200.
- Paulay, T. 1983: Deterministic Design Procedures for Earthquake Resisting Ductile Reinforced Concrete Buildings. Journal of Building Structures, Beijing, Vol.4, No.4: 12−23 (In Chinese).
- Paulay, T. 1984: A Quest for Ductility, Symposium of Concrete, 1983, Perth, The Institution of Engineers, Australia. National Conference Publication, No. 83/12: 1−11. Also published in the Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol. CE26, No. 3:168−178.
- Goodsir, W. J.; Paulay, T.; Carr, A. J. 1984: A Design Procedure for Interacting Wall-Frame Structures Under Seismic Actions. Proceedings of the 8th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, Vol. V: 621−628.
- Paulay, T. 1985: Detailing for Survival - Concrete Structures for Seismic Regions. Papers of the 12th Biennial Conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia, Melbourne. 10 p.
- Paulay, T.; Goodsir, W. J. 1985: The Ductility of Structural Walls. Bulletin of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 3: 250−269.
- Paulay, T. 1986: A Critique of the Special Provisions for Seismic Design of the Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete", (ACI 318-83). Journal of the American Concrete Institute, Proceedings, Vol. 83, No. 2: 274−283.
- Paulay, T.; Goodsir, W. J. 1986: The Capacity Design of Reinforced Concrete Hybrid Structures for Multistorey Buildings. Bulletin of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 1: 1−17.
- Paulay, T.; Goodsir, W. J.1986: Effects of Foundation Compliance on the Seismic Resistance of Hybrid Structures. Proceedings of the 10th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, Adelaide, Vol. 1: 57−62.
- Paulay, T.; Goodsir, W. J. 1986: Some Features of Ductile Structural Walls. Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Vol. 5: 1−8.
- Paulay, T.; Goodsire, W. J. 1986: A Deterministic Approach to the Design of Hybrid Building Structures for Earthquake Resistance. A Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Vol. 5: 33−40.
- Paulay, T. 1986: The Design of Ductile Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls for Earthquake Resistance Earthquake Spectra, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Vol.2, No.4, pp.783−824.
- Paulay, T. 1991: Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Systems. Pp. 253−313 in: Cast-in-place Concrete in Tall Buildings Design and Construction, Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, McGraw-Hill Inc.
- Paulay, T. 1987: A Seismic Design Strategy for Hybrid Structures. Pp.3−25 in: Proceedings of the 5th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ottawa, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam.
- Paulay, T. 1986: Bewehrungsfuhrung in Stahlbetonrahmen fur starke Erdbebenbeanspruchung, Beton-und Stahlbetonbau, No.11: 297−300.
- Paulay, T. 1988: Seismic Design in Reinforced Concrete - the State of the Art in New Zealand. Bulletin of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 3: 208−232.
- Ang Beng Ghee; Priestley, M. J. N.; Paulay, T. 1989: Shear Strength of Circular Reinforced Concrete Columns. ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 86, No. 1: 45−59.
- Paulay, T. 1989: Equilibrium Criteria for Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints. ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 96, No. 6: 635−643.
- Paulay, T. 1988: Seismic Design in Reinforced Concrete − The State of the Art in New Zealand. Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo – Kyoto, Vol. VIII: 687−692.
- Paulay, T.; Mestyanek, J. M. 1988: Structural Walls of Limited Ductility. Proceedings of the Pacific Concrete Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, Vol. 1: 207−218.
- Paulay, T. 1988: Concrete Structures and Earthquakes. Journal of the Japan Concrete Institute, Vol. 26, No. 8: 2−4.
- Paulay, T. 1988: Seismic Behaviour of Beam-Column Joints in Reinforced Concrete Frames. Proceedings 9th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Tokyo − Kyoto. Vol. VIII: 557−568.
- Paulay, T.; Bachmann, H.; Moser, K. 1990: Erdbebenbemessung von Stahlbetonhochbauten Birkhauser, Basel-Boston. 562 p.
- Elms, D.; Paulay, T.; Ogawa, S. 1989: Code-Implied Structural Safety for Earthquake Loading. Proceedings of the ICOSSAR Conference, San Francisco: 2003.
- Cheung, P. C.; Paulay, T.; Park, R. 1991: Pp. 259−289 in: Mechanisms of Slab Contributions in Beam-Column Subassemblages, SP123-10, American Concrete Institute, Detroit.
- Park, R.; Paulay, T. 1990: Strength and Ductility of Concrete Substructures of Bridges. Bridge Design and Research Seminar, Transit New Zealand. RRU Bulletin 84, Christchurch. 170 p.
- Paulay, T. 1992: Pp. 397−406 in: Seismic Design Strategies for Shear Resistance in Reinforced Concrete Structures. Concrete Shear in Earthquake, Ed: T. C. C. Hsu and S. T. Mau, Elsevier Applied Science.
- Paulay, T. 1992: Pp. 22−33 in: Experimental Studies in New Zealand of Seismic Shear Effects. Concrete Shear in Earthquake, Ed: T. C. C. Hsu and S. T. Mau, Elsevier Applied Science.
- Cheung, P. C.; Paulay, T.; Park, R. 1991: New Zealand Tests on Full-Scale Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Subassemblages Designed for Earthquake Resistance. Pp. 1−37 in: SP.123-1, American Concrete Institute, Detroit.
- Moser, K.; Paulay, T. 1990: Kapazitätsbemessung erdbebenbeanspruchter Stahlbetonrahmen. Schweizer Ingenieur und Architect No.44:1268−1275.
- Bachman, H.; Paulay, T. 1990: Kapazitätsbemessung von Stahlbeton-Tragwanden unter Erdbeben-Wirkung. Beton-und Sahlbetonbau, Vol. 85, No.11: 284−289.
- Paulay, T. 1991: Seismic Design Strategies for Ductile Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls. Proceedings of the International Conference on Buildings with Load Bearing Walls in Seismic Zones, Paris: 397−421.
- Paulay, T.; Priestley, M. J. N. 1992: Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 767 p.
- Cheung, P. C.; Paulay, T.; Park, R. 1991: Some Possible Revisions to the Seismic Provisions of the New Zealand Concrete Design Code for Moment Resisting Frames. Proceedings of the Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand V.2: 79−91.
- Yanez, F. V.; Park, R.; Paulay, T. 1991: Seismic Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls with Regular and Irregular Openings. Proceedings of the Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand, V.2: 67−78.
- Paulay, T. 1992: Ductility in Seismic Design. Structural Engineering International, Journal of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, V. 2, No. 1: 19−22.
- Paulay, T.; Priestley, M. J. N. 1993: The Stability of Ductile Structural Walls. ACI Structural Journal, Vol. 90, No. 4: 385−392.
- Wong, Y. L.; Paulay, T.; Priestley, M. J. N. 1993: Response of Squat Circular Reinforced Concrete Columns Under Multi-directional Seismic Attack. ACI Structural, Vol. 90, No. 2: 180−191.
- Yanez, F. V.; Park, R.; Paulay, T. 1992: Seismic Behaviour of Walls with Irregular Openings. Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Madrid, V.6: 3303−3308.
- Paulay, T.; Carr, A. J. C. 1994: Earthquake Provisions of the New Zealand Code of Practice for General Structural Design and Design Loadings for Buildings DZ4203:1992. Pp. 361−376 in: Chapter 26 of Handbook on Multi-national Seismic Design Codes: Programs and Examples. Mario Paz Editor, Chapman & Hall.
- Cheung, P. C.; Paulay, T.; Park, R. 1993: Behaviour of Beam-column Joints in Seismically Loaded Reinforced Concrete Frames. The Structural Engineer, Vol. 71, No. 8: 129−138.
- Paulay, T. 1993: Simplicity and Confidence in Seismic Design, The Fourth Mallet-Milne Lecture, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester. 76 p.
- Paulay, T. 1993: Challenges of a World Seismic Safety Initiative. Proceedings of International Workshop on Structural Control, Honolulu, Hawaii: 397−404.
- Paulay, T. 1995: Special Issues in Seismic Design. Structural Engineering International, Vol. 5, No.3: 160−165.
- Paulay, T. 1995: The Philosophy and Application of Capacity Design. Scientia Iranica, Vol.2, No.2: 117−143.
- Paulay, T. 1995: Developments for a Concrete Structures Standard in New Zealand −Seismic Response. Proceedings Second Cairo Earthquake Engineering Symposium on Seismic Design Codes: 3−32.
- Paulay, T. 1995: The Seismocup Building System. Journal of the New Zealand Structural Engineering Society, Vol. 8, No. 2: 9−15.
- Paulay, T. 1996: Seismic Design of Concrete Structures - The Present Needs of Societies. Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Acapulco, No. 2001.
- Paulay, T. 1996: Seismic Design for Torsional Response of Ductile Buildings.Bulletin of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 3: 178−198.
- Paulay, T. 1997: Are Existing Seismic Torsion Provisions Achieving the Design Aims. Earthquake Spectra, Vol.13, No.2: 269−278.
- Paulay, T. 1997: Displacement-Based Design Approach to Earthquake Induced Torsion in Ductile Buildings. Engineering Structures, Vol. 19, No. 9: 699−707.
- Paulay, T. 1997: Pp. 289−297 in: A Behaviour-Based Approach to Earthquake Induced Torsion in Ductile Buildings Seismic Design Methodologies for the next Generation of Codes, Eds. Fajfar, P. and Krawinkler, H., Balkema.
- Paulay, T. 1997: Seismic Torsion in Ductile Buildings, Materialmodelle und Methoden zur wirklichkeitsnahen Berechnung von Beton-, Stahlbeton- und Spannbetonbauteilen, Publisher: F. Blaschke, G. Günther and J. Kolleger, Gesamthochschule Kassel, pp.378−386.
- Paulay, T. 1998: Professional Commitments and Earthquake Engineering. Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 14, No. 4: 651−657.
- Paulay, T. 1997: Seismic Torsional Effects on Ductile Structural Wall Systems. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Imperial College, London, Vol. 1, No. 4:721−745.
- Paulay, T. 1997: A Review of Code Provisions for Torsional Seismic Effects in Buildings. Bulletin of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 3: 252−263.
- Paulay, T. 1997: Simplicity and Confidence in Seismic Design. Proceedings of the 1997 Conference of the Australian Earthquake Engineering Society, Brisbane: 1−12.
- Paulay, T. 1998: Mechanisms of Ductile Building systems as Affected by Torsion. Pp.111−118 in: Proceedings of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering Conference, Technical Conference, Wairakei.
- Paulay, T. 1998: Torsional Mechanisms in Ductile Building Systems. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol.27:1101−1121.
- Paulay, T. 1997: Designing for Earthquakes. Engineering World, Sydney, Vol. 7, No. 6: 15−17.
- Paulay, T. 1997: Evaluarea R_spunsului la Torsiune a Structurilor Ductile Supuse Actiunilor Seismica_, Gazeta Asociatia Inginerilor Constructori din România, Vol. 8, No. 33-34, pp. 1−7.
- Paulay, T., 1998: A Mechanism-Based Simple Approach to Torsional Seismic Response of Ductile Buildings", Gazeta Asociatia Inginentor Constructi din Romania.
- Paulay, T.; Restrepo, J. I. 1998: Displacement and Ductility Compatibility in Buildings With Mixed Structural Systems. Journal of the New Zealand Structural Engineering Society, Vol. 11, No. 1: 7−12.
- Paulay, T. 1998: A Mechanism-based Design Strategy for the Torsional Seismic Response of Ductile Buildings. European Earthquake Engineering, No. 2: 33−48.
- Paulay, T. 1998: Twist in NZS 4203:1992. Journal of the New Zealand Structural Engineering Society, Vol. 11, No. 2: 12−28.
- Paulay, T. 1999: A Simple Seismic Design Strategy Based on Displacement and Ductility Compatibility, Pp. 207-221 in: Proceedings of the Asia-Pacfic Workshop on Seismic Design and Retrofit of Structures, August 1998, Chinese Taipei. (Also in their Journal 1999) Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology. International Journal of Chinese Taiwan Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1: 51−67.
- Paulay, T. 1999: Seismic Displacement Compatibility in Mixed Structural Systems. Proceedings of the Ugur Ersoy Symposium on Structural Engineering, Ankara: 275−292.
- Paulay, T. 1999: Some Principles Relevant to the Seismic Torsional Response of Ductile Buildings. Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Asymmetric and Irregular Structures, Istanbul: 1−25.
- Paulay, T. 1999: What is Wrong with the Seismic Code Design Procedure for Assymetric Structures? A discussion of a paper by A. Rutenberg and E.Leibowich. Proceedings of Irregular Structures, European Association of Earthquake Engineering Task Group 8, Vol. 2: 445−457.
- Paulay, T. 2000: A Simple Displacement Compatibility-based Design Strategy for Reinforced Concrete Buildings. Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2000, Paper No.0062.
- Paulay, T. 2000: Understanding Torsional Phenomena in Ductile Systems. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol.33, No.4:403−420.
- Paulay, T. 2000: What Stiffness. Journal of the Structural Engineering Society, New Zealand, Vol. 12, No. 2: 71−72.
- Paulay, T. 2000: Theory Reality and the Laws of Nature. Journal of the Structural Engineering Society New Zealand, Vol. 13, No. 1: 66−67.
- Paulay, T. 2000: Principles of Displacement Compatibility - An Example. Journal of the Structural Engineering Society New Zealand, Vol. 13, No. 2:4−21.
- Paulay, T. 2000: A Note on New Yield Stress. Journal of the Structural Engineering Society New Zealand, Vol. 13, No. 2: 43−44.
- Paulay, T. 2001: A Re-definition of the Stiffness of Reinforced Concrete Elements and its Implications in Seismic Design. Structural Engineering International, Vol. 11, No. 1: 36−41.
- Paulay, T. 2001: Recently Identified Ductile Seismic Torsional Response of Reinforced Concrete Buildings, S.M. Pp. 1−22 in: Proceedings of Uzumeri Symposium on Behavior and Design of Concrete Structures for Seismic Performance, American Concrete Institute, SP-197.
- Paulay, T. 2001: Some Design Principles Relevant to Torsional Phenomena in Ductile Buildings. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 3: 273−300.
- Paulay, T. 2001: Seismic Response of Structural Walls: Recent Developments. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 28: 922−937.
- Paulay, T. 2002: A Displacement Focused Seismic Design of Mixed Building Systems. Earthquake Spectra, the Professional Journal of the Earthquake engineering Research Institute, Vol. 18, No. 4:689−718.
- Priestley, N.; Paulay, T. 2002: What is the Stiffness of Reinforced Concrete Walls? Comments on the Paper by Richard Fenwick and Des Bull. Journal of the Structural Engineering Society New Zealand, Vol. 15, No. 1: 1−5.
- Paulay, T. 2001: The Freedom in Choosing the Seismic Strength of Components. Journal of the Structural Engineering Society New Zealand, Vol. 14, No. 2: 51−56.
- Paulay, T. 2002: An Estimation of Displacement Limits for Ductile Systems. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 31: 583−599.
- Paulay, T. 2002: The Displacement Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Coupled Walls, Engineering Structures, The Journal of Earthquake, Wind and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 24: 1165−1175.
- Castello, R.; Paulay, T.; Carr, A. J. C. 2002: Design Concepts for Ductile Simple-Mass Asymmetric Systems, Proceedings of the Third European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures, Firenze.
- Paulay, T. 2003: Displacement Capacity of Dual Reinforced Concrete Building Systems. Proceedings of the Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Christchurch, New Zealand.
- Paulay, T. 2003: Seismic Displacement Capacity of Ductile Reinforced Concrete Building Systems. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 36, No. 1: 47−65.
- Paulay, T. 2002: Seismic Displacement Capacity of Ductile Reinforced Concrete Systems. Bulletin of the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, No. 2: 1−23.
- Paulay, T. 2003: Recent Trends in the Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings, Concrete Structures, Hungarian Group of Federation Internationale du Beton, Vol. V: 9−15.