Roderick (Rod) Leon Bieleski
(1931 ‒ 2016)
He has capacity for clear thought, imagination, and real ingenuity in experimentation.
Sir Rutherford Robertson 18 November 1957
In his time Rod made a significant individual contribution to plant physiology. He clearly established New Zealand as a location of international study in this branch of plant science.
E.G. Bollard 20 April 2009
Rod Bieleski was a botanist and horticulturist who used the tools of chemistry, biochemistry and plant physiology to develop an understanding of the behaviour of plants in general and of horticultural crops in particular. He was a gifted experimental scientist whose work focussed on the nutrition of plants, the allocation and redistribution of both mineral and carbohydrate nutrients and the responses to stress and senescence. He was always aware of the practical implications of his work: that farmers and orchardists made a living by taking into account physiological constraints on plant growth and development. Throughout his professional career and then in retirement he maintained a fascination for plants. When he was elected a Life Member of the Friends, Auckland Botanic Gardens in 2004 the citation concluded, “The underlying theme … has been a passion for plants – growing them, knowing about them, teaching about them.”
Early life and education
Rod was born in Auckland on 3 August 1931, lived nearly all his life in Auckland and died there, on 15 November 2016 after a short illness. He was one of four siblings living with his family in Orakei, then a very new and relatively empty suburb on the outskirts of Auckland. His father, Tracy Leon Bieleski, was a linotype operator at the Auckland Star, Auckland’s evening newspaper for many years, and later opened his own printing business in Newmarket. Rod was to retain an interest in all aspects of printing, type, fonts and formatting, throughout his life and put his knowledge and enthusiasm into service with many voluntary organisations.
He attended Orakei Primary School and then Auckland Grammar entering Auckland University College, University of New Zealand, in 1950 with a University National Scholarship and the Gillies Scholarship. He graduated BSc in chemistry and botany in 1952 having won both the Junior and Senior Lancaster Prizes for the best student in botany. He continued in botany, supported by an Auckland City Council Scholarship, with an MSc awarded with 1st Class Honours in 1955. In 1956 he completed Biochemistry III at the University of Sydney while undertaking a PhD.
He studied botany because of his love of the New Zealand flora, first instilled in him as a youngster on extensive periods spent at Huia in the Waitakere Ranges, Auckland. His uncle’s farm was on the west side of the Karamatura Stream and backed onto the Auckland Centennial Park. Another uncle and aunt had a farm at nearby Little Huia. For about ten years from when he was 8, Rod spent much of his school holidays exploring the farms and the adjoining bush, under the guidance of his uncle, a keen conservationist. Rod soon developed an almost professional knowledge of the Auckland flora and retained throughout life an enthusiasm for the Waitakeres. In his 50s and in retirement, he and a former colleague, a good friend, John Marbrook (Emeritus Professor J. Marbrook FRSNZ) walked in the ranges every three or four weeks covering almost all the tracks over a period of about 15 years. The walks must at times have been slow as Rod identified for John every new plant they came across.
When Rod entered university he had inevitably joined Field Club, which actively explored the geology and ecology of the Auckland region. He particularly enjoyed trips to the offshore islands such as Hen Island, Mayor Island and Little Barrier (Hauturu). He reminisced how after his first trip to Little Barrier in 1952 he had fallen under the spell of the island and it is fitting that at his funeral it was requested that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Little Barrier (Hauturu) Supporters Trust. The $3500 donated will go towards publication of a new book on Little Barrier.
Rod’s enthusiasm for Little Barrier was to have unexpected consequences for his subsequent career. As a student he had attended Curious Cove, a congress organised by the New Zealand University Students Association. There he developed the habit of dining with what was, in his eyes, an elderly, weather-beaten chap dressed in farming clothes. As a self-described “cocky young MSc student” Rod regaled this farmer with accounts of his chemical and botanical studies and detailed at considerable length his observations on Little Barrier, only to find belatedly on the last day that this “farmer” was none other than Dr W.M. (Bill) Hamilton FRSNZ, Director-General of DSIR (Department of Scientific and Industrial Research). Even more embarrassing, he subsequently realised that Dr Hamilton was the author of the definitive book on Little Barrier. Dr Hamilton kept an eye on the cocky young MSc student. Rod recalled later meeting Dr Hamilton at an ANZAAS meeting in Dunedin in 1957, while on holiday from PhD studies in Australia. This was just two weeks after he had become engaged. Dr Hamilton materialised with the comment “Just engaged I hear, Rod – to a New Zealand girl I believe” before disappearing with a typical Dr Hamilton knowing little smile and raised eyebrow. The implication was clear. Dr Hamilton believed that there was a good chance Rod would return from Australia and was therefore a likely candidate for recruitment to DSIR.
In mid 1955, Rod had left for Australia to Sydney University on a CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) Research Studentship to study for a PhD under Bob Robertson (Professor Sir Rutherford Robertson FAA, FRS, Hon FRSNZ). This studentship meant that he was guaranteed a job with CSIRO on graduation if he wanted it. When he was completing his degree, he was also offered a job at Colonial Sugar in Queensland. It seemed likely that he would remain in Australia. Dr Hamilton intervened and at the instigation of Dr Ken Mitchell wrote to Professor Robertson in December 1957, “For some time I have been interested in Bieleski as a possible recruit to our staff ... we have asked Mr Atkinson [Dr J. D. Atkinson, FRSNZ, Director of Fruit Research Division, DSIR] to approach Bieleski with a view to recruitment. The Division is very anxious to have him on staff, and with his academic record we would welcome him.” At that time many of New Zealand’s best young science students left for overseas studies, never to return. There was a shortage of scientists in New Zealand and DSIR was able, essentially automatically, to appoint to staff any science graduate with 1st Class Honours. (This may seem unbelievable to today’s new graduates.) At Dr Hamilton’s encouragement two DSIR divisions, Plant Physiology Division in Palmerston North and Fruit Research Division in Auckland, wrote offering Rod a position. His new wife came from Auckland, the work on fruit crops appealed more and Rod therefore accepted the Auckland job, joining the DSIR at Mt Albert on 23 June 1958. He was to remain there until his retirement in 1996.
Scientific achievements
Rod was a highly skilled and innovative experimental scientist and his training in botany, chemistry and biochemistry enabled him to carry out good experiments carefully designed to provide unambiguous answers. Rod was enthusiastic, he had a perceptive mind, a real interest in things scientific. Science played a very important part in his life – indeed, he was passionate about his science and that passion was infectious in those with whom he worked. He was willing to adopt new techniques or improve existing techniques. He was one of the first to use the radioactive isotope of phosphorus, 32P, in studies with higher plants and this combined with novel chromatographic and electrophoretic procedures allowed for the first time the investigation of many problems of plant nutrition. He was meticulous in writing up his lab books, and few experiments were ever wasted: he was conscientious in publishing his results ‒ in a typically colourful phrase he described scientists who did not publish their work as indulging in mental masturbation.
Growth of kauri seedlings. His masterate thesis in botany at Auckland University College was in many ways an early indicator of his subsequent scientific career: the use of experimental tools to develop an understanding of the behaviour of intact living plants. In this case he used the physiological responses of seedlings to explain some aspects of the ecological distribution of kauri. This work was done over 60 years ago but remains relevant today in explaining how kauri grow and reproduce in the field.
Sugar uptake. In his PhD studies at Sydney University he began by studying the reaction of slices of sugarcane tissue to changes in substances in the surrounding solution. There was very active accumulation of sucrose against a strong concentration gradient by the cut tissues. This was the first demonstration of active sugar transport in higher plants, analogous to the uptake of sugars by bacteria and of mineral salts by plants. Uptake of sugars is of fundamental importance in horticultural physiology as it relates to the movement of carbohydrates within plants and their accumulation in fruit; this could possibly be considered as Rod’s single most important contribution to plant science. He returned to the movement of sugars within plants in his later studies on phloem physiology.
Methods for plant research. When Rod first joined Fruit Research Division, he was asked to study the movement and subsequent metabolism of phosphate in plants. Two challenges quickly became apparent, despite the advantages from the use of a convenient radiotracer. He realised that the existing plant extraction procedures allowed significant breakdown of organo-phosphorus compounds owing to the action of phosphatase. The existing methods were also time-consuming, required large amounts of tissue, and gave poor recoveries. He wanted much simpler procedures requiring much less tissue with the guarantee that post-extraction changes were not occurring. Eventually he developed 2-phase methanol/chloroform/water and methanol/chloroform/formic acid methods for the extraction of sugars, amino acids, organic acids and phosphate esters, methods that are now widely adopted.
The second challenge was the separation and quantitation of small amounts of phosphorus compounds in the presence of much higher concentrations of other compounds. This problem was resolved by the two-phase extraction procedures with the phosphate esters remaining in the aqueous phase after phase separation, and by the development of 2-dimensional high-voltage electrophoresis and chromatography on paper and, subsequently, on thin layer.
A procedure of even more general applicability was the vertical flat plate acrylamide gel electrophoresis system developed in association with Michael Reid (Professor M. S. Reid), then a PhD student with Rod. This was a considerable advance over the previous disc acrylamide gel electrophoresis systems, particularly for comparison of bands and subsequent analyses by autoradiography or enzyme detection systems, and it became the basis for systems now used in molecular biology laboratories throughout the world.
The development of such techniques enabled much more sophisticated analysis of the nutritional physiology of plants.
Phosphorus metabolism of plants. In the late 1950s, Fruit Research Division was building its strength in basic plant physiology to support its broad programme of horticultural research, centred on apples as New Zealand’s then most important horticultural export. The Appleby Experiment, a long-term nutritional trial of pipfruit trees growing at the Appleby Research Orchard, Nelson, had shown that the phosphorus nutrition status of apple trees affected the subsequent storage of the fruit: high phosphorus content equated to small cell size and increased storage life. The implications of this finding were examined. Stuart Letham (Emeritus Professor D. S. Letham FAA, Hon FRSNZ), then at Mt Albert, looked at the factors affecting cell division, work that resulted in the discovery of zeatin, the first isolated cytokinin. Rod, working in the adjacent laboratory, was to devote much of his career investigating the phosphorus metabolism of plants.
Probably the most important outcome of this work was the confirmation that inorganic phosphate in the higher plant cell exists in different compartments or pools which have very different roles and metabolic characteristics: most of the phosphate is held as such in the vacuole and is not metabolically active, whereas a much smaller pool of phosphate in the cytoplasm is metabolically active. The cytoplasm contains more than 20 different phosphate esters, some of which are turning over very rapidly. Phosphorus deficiency resulted in a large decrease in the vacuolar pool of inorganic phosphate, whereas it had little effect on the relative abundance and concentrations of the phosphate esters in the cytoplasm. This was one of the first unequivocal demonstrations of the now accepted belief that in higher plant cells many metabolites are contained in distinct metabolic pools. Simple measurements of total cellular contents can be very misleading.
Polyols in plants. Polyols are sugar alcohols. Rod’s interest in polyols arose from his work on carbohydrate uptake in apples. He was able to show that sorbitol was a major phloem translocant in the woody Rosaceae, from plant organs such as leaves that produce sugars (sources) to those organs that consume or store sugars (sinks). He also established that in apricots the relationship between the sources and the sinks was regulated through controls operating on the pathways of sorbitol synthesis and utilisation. Subsequent research confirmed strong taxonomic patterns in the presence of various polyols in plants. As an example, he found four different polyols in the Proteaceae with all species in a genus and closely related genera sharing the same pattern. In some Protea species, the polyol is the predominant soluble carbohydrate in leaves, and second only to cellulose as an end-product of photosynthetic activity.
Phloem transport. The study of sugar uptake by plant cells, the interest in polyols and the analysis of the phosphorus metabolism of plants came together in experiments on the transport of nutrients and metabolites within plants. Rod wanted to relate uptake and transport mechanisms to the behaviour of the whole plant. He demonstrated that phosphorus is translocated in the phloem as inorganic phosphate, not as various phosphate esters. He also found that individual sieve tubes in excised phloem tissue were capable of very active sugar uptake implying that sieve tubes had functional integrity, that they had a functional outer membrane, and that they were not just behaving as an open tube as was the case with xylem vessels. Active sugar transport mechanisms were the main controllers of carbohydrate movement in plants.
Work on polyols and on phloem transport had commercial implications. He established that phloem transport of sorbitol played a significant part in the development of the disorder “watercore” in apples.
Stress and senescence in plants. In the last years of his professional career, Rod became more interested in plant stress – in the reaction to nutrient deficiency stress and in the protection against water stress. He also studied the processes by which flower opening is controlled and the factors determining flower longevity.
DSIR administration
For many years, Rod carried out the minimal administrative duties expected of a senior scientist but was largely protected from more general administration. The crunch came when the late Ted Bollard (Dr E. G. Bollard FRSNZ) retired and in 1980 Plant Diseases Division was split into two new divisions, Plant Diseases with the late Peter Brook (Dr P. J. Brook FRSNZ) as Director and the Division of Horticulture and Processing, largely a reincarnation of the former Fruit Research Division. Rod was the most senior scientist in the new division but was ambivalent about taking the position as Director – he really wanted to remain a research scientist and he recognised that his strengths were not in administration. Nevertheless, he took over as full-time Director in July 1980, a position he was to retain until 1988. The new division survived and progressed well but generally it was a very unhappy time for DSIR. Rod resented the accusations – accusations he considered “deplorable” – that science in DSIR had in the past been badly managed and that the science done had taken little account of the country’s needs. He regretted the changes that were being brought about in New Zealand science and he regretted that the old ethos of public good science – service for the good of the nation and for orchardists in particular – was being lost, replaced by a doctrinaire emphasis on finance and user-pays. Rod was proud of belonging to DSIR, it had been good to him and he was saddened by its slow decline and death. It was with some relief that he returned to the bench.
Rod’s approach to his responsibilities as Director is described well in his obituary of Dr Hamilton, an administrator he much admired as a great leader of science (Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 119-123: 58-68). As Director, Rod considered it as very important that he mentor and foster staff. He placed great emphasis on professional integrity and the quality of scientific research. He saw his job as not so much the management or the directing of scientists as the provision of facilities and the encouragement to allow good research to be carried out, research that was relevant to the main horticultural industries of the country. He spent much effort on the personal development of individual staff members. His daughters report that he was particularly proud of his achievement as Director of increasing the proportion of women scientists in the Division from about 5% to over 40%.
He was an enthusiastic supporter of strengthening relations with Chinese scientists and he visited China several times. He was proud of a medal awarded to him by the Chinese Academy of Sciences for his efforts in encouraging contacts between China and New Zealand. This is a handsome bronze medal bearing the likeness of Kuo Mo-Jo (Guo Moruo), first President of the Academy.
`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Rod loved words and he was always happy to browse the Oxford Dictionary. The more obscure or outdated the word, the better. He would be distracted until he learnt the precise meaning of a previously unknown word and would want to be sure of its appropriate use. He was fond of Lewis Carroll’s Jabberwocky and could recite it at length without request and at little provocation. One staff member being recruited from England faxed Rod to tell him that his immigration had been approved after long delays, getting a response saying only “O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!” The new recruit still came.
Rod wrote well and placed great emphasis on the communication of scientific results and the wider implications of research to both fellow scientists and non-specialists. He spent many hours in editing and in helping younger scientists learn how to write well and to the point. His commitment to the importance of clarity in writing is shown by his time with the New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science as Chairman of the Advisory Board, 1989‒1995, as Acting Editor 1991‒1992 and as Consulting Editor 1992‒1995. He was a joint editor of the publications Mechanisms of regulation of plant growth (1974), Plant Nutrition 1978 (1978), Inorganic plant nutrition. Encyclopedia of plant physiology N.S. 15 (1983), the volume of Acta Horticulturae (464) which was the proceedings of an international conference on postharvest physiology (1998), the textbook Plants in action (1998) and The most magnificent family of trees that ever lived. Araucariaceae (2009). He was also co-author of Feijoa (2002). One of his most rewarding, if sad, editing tasks was the completion and checking of the massive manuscript for Meaning and origins of botanical names of New Zealand plants by Marie Taylor. He had met Marie on a trip to Western Australia looking at the desert wild flowers and had offered help when it came to publication. Her subsequent illness and early death from cancer left the manuscript still in draft form. It took two years to have the manuscript ready for publication and then organise the printing.
Rod was often at his best in writing for lay audiences. He wrote extensively in the New Zealand Camellia Bulletin, The New Zealand Garden (Journal of the Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture), the Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle and The Auckland Garden (Newsletter of the Auckland Botanic Gardens and Friends). He frequently wrote on the consequences of his own research relating his findings to the needs of home gardeners. His vivid metaphors regularly illuminated difficult concepts. Other articles had their origin in his readings of one of his favourite books, The herball, or, Generall historie of plantes by John Gerard (first published in 1597). These articles originating in Gerard are to be republished by Commercial Horticulture. Jack Hobbs, Manager of the Auckland Botanic Gardens, praised Rod’s articles in The Auckland Garden, “Articles by Rod have become a greatly anticipated feature of each issue, with many commenting to me that these are always the first items they read. It is a rare talent for someone to communicate often complex science in such an accessible manner that can be enjoyed and understood by everyone.” The list of Rod’s publications includes nearly 150 such articles: they indicate the importance that he placed on making the results of scientific research available to the general public.
Professional activities
Rod served on many professional committees and took on responsibilities where he felt his scientific training and experience could assist. Thus he was a member of the Interim Board of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 1993⎼1996; the Advisory Board, School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, 2000⎼2004; the Forest Research Institute Production Forestry Advisory Group, 1982⎼1988; the Horticulture Advisory Board, Unitec, 1994⎼2000; and President of the New Zealand Society for Horticultural Science 1993⎼1995.
Community work
Rod was a member of at least 20 horticultural and community groups and in many of these played a particularly active role:
Auckland War Memorial Museum. He was a member of the Institute Council responsible for directing management of the Museum from 1990 to 1996 and then of the new Museum Board from 1996 to 1999.
Citizens Advisory Group, Auckland Regional Council Parks Department. He was an active member of the Citizens Advisory Group from 1989 to 1996. He had a long interest in regional parks and in 1972 had lobbied for the purchase of his uncle’s farm for inclusion in the Huia Regional Park.
New Zealand Camellia Society. In 1985 he was a foundation trustee of the New Zealand Camellia Trust, continuing in this position for 20 years. From 1996 until shortly before his death, he was Registrar of the Camellia Society, responsible for registering new camellia cultivars bred in New Zealand.
Trees for Survival. Trees for Survival, sponsored by Rotary, is an environmental education programme which involves young people growing and planting native trees to restore natural habitats. Rod was on the Board from 1997 to 2005.
Auckland Botanic Gardens. Rod was on the Advisory Committee planning the development of the Gardens from 1977–1999. He became a Foundation Member of the Friends of the Auckland Botanic Gardens in 1983, joined the Executive Committee of the Friends in 1997, was President 1999–2001 and retired from the Committee in 2005. He was also a Trustee 1996–2003. His most notable contribution to the Gardens was as editor of The Auckland Garden, the newsletter of the Auckland Botanic Gardens and Friends, from about 1999 to 2016. He was most disappointed that illness prevented him from seeing the 100th issue through to publication.
Personal hobbies
Rod had many interests other than those strictly scientific. While in Sydney he played the clarinet and he retained an interest in music, mainly classical and folk music. He was an enthusiastic collector of New Zealand art and, especially during the 1970s, assembled an interesting collection. He was an avid photographer, particularly during trips to California or during tramps in the Waitakeres. In recent years he spent many hours colour correcting and digitizing his old slides. He then used the skills acquired to scan the Auckland Botanic Gardens huge collection of slides, an invaluable record of the early history and development of the Gardens.
Rod enjoyed gardening but often joked that at the family garden at Redoubt Road, South Auckland, he was largely restricted to construction work. In reality, he greatly enjoyeddesigning and constructing the necessary walls, ramps, paths and garden beds. He also liked being able to concentrate on a particular group of plants, such as orchids or begonias. He had a large glasshouse built when he became involved with orchids, mainly cymbidiums and Phalaenopsis cultivars, then shadehouses when he switched to begonias. Typically he became involved in the activities of the South Auckland Orchid Society and was for some years their patron. When tuberous begonias subsequently became an enthusiasm he ended up as long-term editor of the Auckland Begonia Circle Newsletter.
Awards and honours
Rod received many awards and honours in recognition of his work and his community activities: Research Medal, New Zealand Association of Scientists, 1966; Senior Fulbright Scholar, 1969; Honorary Lecturer, Department of Botany, University of Auckland, 1971; Fellow, Royal Society of New Zealand, 1973; Hector Medal, Royal Society of New Zealand, 1984; DSIR Prestige Study Award, 1988; HortResearch Honorary Fellow, 1996; Life Member, New Zealand Society of Plant Physiology (now New Zealand Society of Plant Biologists), 1996; Fellow of the New Zealand Society for Horticultural Science, 1996 (and later Honorary Fellow, New Zealand Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Science); Associate of Honour, Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture, 1997; Honorary Life Member of the New Zealand Camellia Society, 2003; Life Member, Friends of the Auckland Botanic Gardens, 2004; Life Member, Trees for Survival, 2008; and in 2010 he was appointed Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) for services to horticultural science.
Rod first met Val Harvey when both were involved in University Revue. They were engaged in early 1957 and married later that year. Rod was greatly strengthened by the love and support he received from Val and their daughters, Karen and Lisa (Clements). This was particularly necessary during the sometimes difficult days when he was a DSIR Director. He enjoyed the company of Kendall Clements, his son-in-law, and developed a particularly strong bond with grandson Jack.
I first met Rod in 1962 when I spent three months working with him as a summer student at Mt Albert. I believe I was extraordinarily lucky in having two exceptional, if very different, scientists, Rod and Ted Bollard, as mentors and close friends. Rod was an excellent role model; he was to remain a colleague and a companion for the next 55 years.
He could be competitive – as observed by those who dared play squash or volley ball with him. He could be prickly, he could be assertive, he could be unwilling to compromise. In one of his performance reviews late in his career he admitted to a shortness of temper. But above all he was such fun. This is made apparent in a letter from Robert Redgwell (Dr R. J. Redgwell), who spent many years as Rod’s technician before undertaking, with Rod’s encouragement, a PhD and becoming a senior scientist. “My vivid memories of our time together will never fade. He was such an alive personality, who lived his life with such enthusiasm and enjoyment. It was a privilege to know him and to work with him. When I look back on people I have lost I can always see them as they were at their best. With Rod my clearest memories are those of him in the Barn. Storming around the lab, careering down the stairs between the Barn and the Nissen Hut, full of ideas and plans with me hanging on to his coat tails. And we had such fun. Rod’s sense of humour was one of his strongest assets … This meant we shared many glorious times together which I will always cherish.”
Acknowledgements. I thank Val Bieleski, Karen Bieleski, Lisa Clements and John Marbrook for their assistance and Robert Redgwell for allowing me to quote from his email to Val. I acknowledge information in letters by the late Ross Beever and the late Ted Bollard. I thank Sue Davison for listing Rod’s articles in The Auckland Garden and the librarians, Plant & Food Research, for tracing other publications. This obituary is based in part on one appearing in AgScience, the newsletter of the New Zealand Institute for Agricultural and Horticultural Science, and the description of his research achievements is taken from Rod’s application to the University of Sydney for the degree of Doctorate of Science.
Ross Ferguson FRSNZ, FISHS
Peer-reviewed publications
Atkinson, I. A. E.; Bieleski, R. L.; Newhook, F. J. 1962. Metrosideros parkinsonii Buchan. on Little Barrier Island. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Botany 1: 279-284.
Bellamy, A. R.; Bieleski, R. L. 1966. Some salt-uptake and tissue-aging phenomena studied with cultured tobacco cells. Australian Journal of Biological Science 19: 23-36.
Bieleski, R. L. 1958: The physiology of sugar-cane. II. The respiration of harvested sugar-cane. Australian Journal of Biological Science 11: 315-328.
Bieleski, R. L. 1959: Factors affecting growth and distribution of kauri (Agathis australis Salisb.). I. Effect of light on the establishment of kauri and of Phyllocladus trichomanoides D. Don. Australian Journal of Botany 7: 252-267.
Bieleski, R. L. 1959: Factors affecting growth and distribution of kauri (Agathis australis Salisb.) II. Effect of light intensity on seedling growth. Australian Journal of Botany 7: 267-278.
Bieleski, R. L. 1959. Factors affecting the growth and distribution of kauri (Agathis australis Salisb.). III. Effect of temperature and soil conditions. Australian Journal of Botany 7: 279-294.
Bieleski, R. L. 1960. The physiology of sugar-cane. III. Characteristics of sugar uptake in slices of mature and immature storage tissue. Australian Journal of Biological Science 13: 203-220.
Bieleski, R. L. 1960. The physiology of sugar-cane. IV. Effects of inhibitors on sugar accumulation in storage tissue slices. Australian Journal of Biological Science 13: 221-231.
Bieleski, R. L. 1962. The physiology of sugar-cane. V. Kinetics of sugar accumulation. Australian Journal of Biological Science 15: 429-444.
Bieleski, R. L. 1963. Phosphatase reactions during tissue extractions. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 74: 135-137.
Bieleski, R. L. 1964. The problem of halting enzyme action when extracting plant tissues. Analytical Biochemistry 9: 431-442.
Bieleski, R. L. 1965. Separation of phosphate esters by thin-layer chromatography and electrophoresis. Analytical Biochemistry 12: 230-234.
Bieleski, R. L. 1966. Accumulation of phosphate, sulfate and sucrose by excised phloem tissues. Plant Physiology 41: 447-454.
Bieleski, R. L. 1966. Sites of accumulation in excised phloem and vascular tissues. Plant Physiology 41: 455-466.
Bieleski, R. L. 1968. Levels of phosphate esters in Spirodela. Plant Physiology 43: 1297-1308.
Bieleski, R. L. 1968. Effect of phosphorus deficiency on levels of phosphorus compounds in Spirodela. Plant Physiology 43: 1309-1316.
Bieleski, R. L. 1969. Accumulation and translocation of sorbitol in apple phloem. Australian Journal of Biological Science 22: 611-620.
Bieleski, R. L. 1969. Phosphorus compounds in translocating phloem. Plant Physiology 44: 497-502.
Bieleski, R. L. 1972. Turnover of phospholipids in normal and phosphorus-deficient Spirodela. Plant Physiology 49: 740-745.
Bieleski, R. L. 1973. Phosphate pools, phosphate transport, and phosphate availability. Annual Review of Plant Physiology24: 225-252.
Bieleski, R. L. 1977. Accumulation of sorbitol and glucose by leaf slices of Rosaceae. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 4: 11-24.
Bieleski, R. L. 1993. Fructan hydrolysis drives petal expansion in the ephemeral daylily flower. Plant Physiology 103: 213-219.
Bieleski, R. L. 1994. Pinitol is a major carbohydrate in leaves of some coastal plants indigenous to New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 32: 73-78.
Bieleski, R. L. 1995. Onset of phloem export from senescent petals of daylily. Plant Physiology 109: 557-565.
Bieleski, R. L. 2000. The bigger picture – phloem seen through horticultural eyes. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 27: 615-624.
Bieleski, R. L.; Briggs, B. G. 2005. Taxonomic patterns in distribution of polyols within the Proteaceae. Australian Journal of Botany 53: 205-217.
Bieleski, R. L.; Clark, C. J.; Klages, K. U. 1997. Identification of myo-inositol as a major carbohydrate in kiwifruit, Actinidia deliciosa. Phytochemistry 46: 51-55.
Bieleski, R.; Elgar, J.; Heyes, J.; Woolf, A. 2000. Flower opening in Asiatic lily is a rapid process controlled by dark-light cycling. Annals of Botany 86: 1169-1174.
Bieleski, R.; Heyes, J.; Elgar, J. 2000. Mechanical aspects of rapid flower opening in Asiatic lily. Annals of Botany 86: 1175-1183.
Bieleski, R. L.; Johnson, P.N. 1972. The external location of phosphatase activity in phosphorus-deficient Spirodela oligorrhiza. Australian Journal of Biological Science 25: 707-720.
Bieleski, R. L.; Laties, G. G. 1963. Turnover rates of phosphate esters in fresh and aged slices of potato tuber tissue. Plant Physiology 38: 586-594.
Bieleski, R. L.; Läuchli, A. 1992. Phosphate uptake, efflux and deficiency in the water fern, Azolla. Plant, Cell & Environment 15: 665-673.
Bieleski, R. L.; Redgwell, R. J. 1977. Synthesis of sorbitol in apricot leaves. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 4: 1-10.
Bieleski, R. L., Redgwell, R. J. 1980. Sorbitol metabolism in nectaries from flowers of Rosaceae. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 7: 15-25.
Bieleski, R. L.; Redgwell, R. J. 1985. Sorbitol versus sucrose as photosynthesis and translocation products in developing apricot leaves. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 12: 657-668.
Bieleski, R. L.; Reid, M. S. 1992. Physiological changes accompanying senescence in the ephemeral daylily flower. Plant Physiology 98: 1042-1049.
Bieleski, R. L.; Ripperda, J.; Newman, J. P.; Reid, M. S. 1992. Carbohydrate changes and leaf blackening in cut flower stems of Protea eximia. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 117: 124-127.
Bieleski, R. L.; Turner, N. A. 1966. Separation and estimation of amino acids in crude plant extracts by thin-layer electrophoresis and chromatography. Analytical Biochemistry 17: 278-293.
Bieleski, R. L.; Young, R. E. 1963. Extraction and separation of phosphate esters from plant tissues. Analytical Biochemistry 6: 54-68.
Casanello, D.; Bieleski, R. L.; Desmond, W.; Harary, I. 1973. In vitro studies of beating heart cells in culture. XVII. The stimulation of myosin synthesis by a heat stable serum fraction. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 156: 570-577.
Chapin, F. S., III; Bieleski, R. L. 1982. Mild phosphorus stress in barley and a related low-phosphorus-adapted barley grass: phosphorus fractions and phosphate absorption in relation to growth. Physiologia Plantarum 54: 309-317.
Clark, C. J.; MacFall, J. S.; Bieleski, R. L. 1998. Loss of watercore from ‘Fuji’ apple observed by magnetic resonance imaging. Scientia Horticulturae 73: 213-227.
Cook, A. R.; Bieleski, R. L. 1969. Fractionation of plant extracts by thin-layer electrophoretic and chromatographic procedures. Analytical Biochemistry 28: 428-435.
Dempsey, G. P.; Bullivant, S.; Bieleski, R. L. 1975. The distribution of P-protein in mature sieve elements of celery. Planta 126: 45-59.
Elgar, H. J.; Woolf, A. B.; Bieleski, R. L. 1999. Ethylene production by three lily species and their response to ethylene exposure. Postharvest Biology and Technology 16: 257-267.
Harker, F. R.; Watkins, C.;B.; Brookfield, P. L.; Miller, M. J.; Reid, S.; Jackson, P. J.; Bieleski, R. L.; Bartley, T. 1999. Maturity and regional influences on watercore development and its postharvest disappearance in ‘Fuji’ apples. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 124: 166-172.
Jamieson, A. F.; Bieleski, R. L.; Mitchell, R. E. 1981. Plasmids and phaseolotoxin production in Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola. Journal of General Microbiology 122: 161-165.
Klages, K.; Smith, G.; Bieleski, R. 1997. Myo-inositol is a major carbohydrate in species of Actinidia. Acta Horticulturae 444: 361-367.
Loescher, W. H.; Tyson, R. H.; Everard, J. D.; Redgwell, R. J.; Bieleski, R. L. 1992. Mannitol synthesis in higher plants: evidence for the role and characterization of a NADPH-dependent mannose 6-phosphate reductase. Plant Physiology 98: 1396-1402.
McManus, M. T.; Bieleski, R. L.; Caradus, J. R.; Barker, D. J. 2000. Pinitol accumulation in mature leaves of white clover in response to a water deficit. Environmental and Experimental Botany 43: 11-18.
McPharlin, I. R.; Bieleski, R. L. 1987: Phosphate uptake by Spirodela and Lemna during early phosphorus deficiency. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology14: 561-572.
McPharlin, I. R.; Bieleski, R. L. 1989. Chemical nature of P efflux from P-adequate Spirodela and Lemna plants. Physiologia Plantarum 76: 95-99.
McPharlin, I. R.; Bieleski, R. L. 1989. Pi efflux and influx by P-adequate and P-deficient Spirodela and Lemna. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology16: 391-399.
Mitchell, K. J.; Bieleski, R. L. 1964. Note on the temperatures of leaf and meristematic tissue of plants of short-rotation ryegrass in summer conditions. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 7: 761-765.
Mitchell, R. E.; Bieleski, R. L. 1977. Involvement of phaseolotoxin in halo blight of beans: transport and conversion to functional toxin. Plant Physiology 60: 723-729.
Redgwell, R. J.; Beever, R. E.; Bieleski, R. L.; Laracy, E. P.; Benn, M. H. 1990. Isolation and characterisation of (E)-4-hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)but-2-enyl ß-D-allopyranoside, the major soluble carbohydrate in leaves of the fern Cardiomanes reniforme. Carbohydrate Research198: 39-48.
Redgwell, R. J.; Bieleski, R. L. 1967. Washing of absorbents for thin-layer chromatography. Journal of Chromatography 30: 231-232.
Redgwell, R. J.; Bieleski, R. L. 1978. Sorbitol-1-phosphate and sorbitol-6-phosphate in apricot leaves. Phytochemistry 17: 407-409.
Redgwell, R. J.; Turner, N. A.; Bieleski, R. L. 1974. Stripping thin layers from chromatographic plates for radiotracer measurements. Journal of Chromatography A 88: 25-31.
Reid, M. S.; Bieleski, R. L. 1968. A simple apparatus for vertical flat-sheet polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Analytical Biochemistry 22: 374-381.
Reid, M. S.; Bieleski, R. L. 1970. Response of Spirodela oligorrhiza to phosphorus deficiency. Plant Physiology 46: 609-613.
Reid, M. S.; Bieleski, R. L. 1970. Changes in phosphatase activity in phosphorus-deficient Spirodela.Planta 94: 273-281.
Book chapters and Publications in Conference Proceedings
Bieleski, R. L. 1971. Enzyme changes in plants following changes in their mineral nutrition. 6th International Colloquium of Plant Analysis and Fertilizer Problems, Tel Aviv, Israel: 143-153.
Bieleski, R. L. 1974. Development of an externally-located alkaline phosphatase as a response to phosphorus deficiency. Pp. 165-170 in: Mechanisms of Regulation of Plant Growth. Bieleski, R. L.; Ferguson, A. R.; Cresswell, M. M. ed. Bulletin 12, Wellington, The Royal Society of New Zealand.
Bieleski, R. L. 1976. Transfer of sorbitol in pear leaf slices. Pp. 185-190 in: Transport and Transfer Processes in Plants. Wardlaw, I. F.; Passioura, J. B. ed. New York, Academic Press.
Bieleski, R. L. 1976. Passage of phosphate from soil to plant. Pp. 124-129 in: Reviews in Rural Science, III. Prospects for Improving Efficiency of Phosphorus Utilisation. Blair, G.J. ed. Armidale, University of New England.
Bieleski, R. L. 1982. Sugar alcohols. Pp. 158-192 in: Encyclopaedia of Plant Physiology NS Vol. 13A, Plant Carbohydrates, I; Intracellular Carbohydrates. Loewus, A.; Tanner, W. ed. Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag.
Bieleski, R. L. 1999. The power of biological pumps. Pp. 123-125 in: Plants in Action. Atwell B. J.; Kriedemann, P. E.; Turnbull, C. G. N. ed. Melbourne, Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd; Australian Society of Plant Scientists; New Zealand Society of Plant Biologists; New Zealand Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Science
Bieleski, R. L.; Ferguson, I. B. 1983. Physiology and metabolism of phosphate and its compounds. Pp. 422-449 in: Encylopaedia of Plant Physiology NS 15; Inorganic Plant Nutrition. Läuchli, A.; Bieleski, R. L. ed. Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag.
Bieleski, R. L.; Läuchli, A. 1983. Synthesis and outlook. Pp. 745-755 in: Encyclopaedia of Plant Physiology NS 15; Inorganic Plant Nutrition. Läuchli, A.; Bieleski, R. L. ed. Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag.
Clark, C. J.; Bieleski, R. L. 1997. Application of NMR imaging to detection of watercore in Fuji apple post-harvest. Pp. 221-229 in: Sensors for Nondestructive Testing – Measuring the Quality of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (Proceedings from the Sensors for Nondestructive Testing Conference, Orlando, FL, USA), Ithaca, New York, International Conference Proceedings 97, Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service, USA.
Clark, C. J.; MacFall, J. S.; Bieleski, R. L. 1998. Amelioration of watercore in ‘Fuji’ apple viewed by two three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. Acta Horticulturae 464: 91-96.
Dempsey, G. P.; Bullivant, S.; Bieleski, R. L. 1976. The distribution of P-protein in mature sieve elements. Pp 247-251 in: Transport and Transfer Processes in Plants. Wardlaw, I. F.; Passioura, J. B. ed. New York, Academic Press.
Gardner, R. C.; McDiarmid, C. W. B.; Bieleski, R. L. 1995. Genetic engineering approaches to mineral nutrition. Pp. 269-278 in: Proceedings CBN, Second International Meeting of the Cassava Biotechnology Network, 22–26 August 1994. Bogor, Indonesia. Cali, Colombia, Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT).
Läuchli, A., Bieleski, R. L. 1983. Introduction. Pp. 1-2 in: Encylopaedia of Plant Physiology NS 15; Inorganic Plant Nutrition. Läuchli, A., Bieleski, R. L. ed. Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag.
Reid, M. S.; Bieleski, R. L. 1974. Sugar changes during fruit ripening -whither sorbitol? Pp. 823-830 in: Mechanisms of Regulation of Plant Growth. Bieleski, R. L.; Ferguson, A. R.; Cresswell, M. M. ed. Bulletin 12, Wellington, The Royal Society of New Zealand.
Bieleski, R. L. 1988. Targeting products for the Japanese market. Pp. 46-49 in: Potential for the Australian Horticultural Industry; Report of 42nd Meeting of the National Science and Industry Forum (Reports of the National Science and Industry Forum No 26). Pitman, M. G. ed. Canberra, Australian Academy of Science.
Bieleski, R. L. 1994. Market access for apples into the Japanese market - the NZ experience. Pp. 15-17 in: Gaining the Competitive Edge (Proceedings 2nd Horticultural Industry Technical Conference, Wentworth, New South Wales, Australia, 27-30 July, 1994). ed. McMichael P.A., Scholefield P.B., Marleston, South Australia, Winetitles for Australian Society of Horticultural Science
Thorp, T. G.; Bieleski, R. L. 2002. The Feijoa: its Origins, Cultivation and Uses. Auckland, David Bateman Press.
Books edited
Bieleski, R. L.; Ferguson, A. R.; Cresswell, M. M. 1974. ed. Mechanisms of Regulation of Plant Growth. Wellington, The Royal Society of New Zealand, Bulletin 12.
Bieleski, R. L.; Wilcox, M.D. 2009. ed. The Araucariaceae: Proceedings of the 2002 Araucariaceae Symposium, Araucaria-Agathis-Wollemia, Auckland, New Zealand, 14-17 March 2002. Dunedin, International Dendrology Society.
Ferguson, A. R.; Bieleski, R. L.; Ferguson, I. B. 1978. ed. Plant Nutrition, 1978. Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium on Plant Analysis and Fertilizer Problems, Auckland 1978. New Zealand DSIR Information Series, No. 134, Wellington: Government Printer.
Läuchli, A.; Bieleski, R. L. 1983. ed. Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology NS 15; Inorganic Plant Nutrition.. Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag.
Bieleski, R. L.; Laing, W. A.; Clark, C. J. 1998. ed. Postharvest ’96: Proceedings of the International Postharvest Science Conference, Taupo, New Zealand, 4-9 August, 1996. Acta Horticulturae464.
Taylor, M. 2002. Origins and meanings of botanical names of New Zealand plants. ed. Bieleski, R. L. Auckland, Auckland Botanical Society.
General scientific and popular articles
(Some of these were republished; only the first publication is noted)
Bieleski, R. L. 1953. Notes on the pohutukawa forest, Hingaia, Little Barrier Island. Tane 6: 99-102.
Bieleski, R.L. 1975. Kauri forest. Pp. 1461-1468 in: New Zealand’s Nature Heritage. Vol. 4.
Knox, R. ed. Wellington, Hamlyns Ltd., Wellington.
Bieleski, R.L. 1975. The kauri. Pp. 1489-1495 in: New Zealand’s Nature Heritage. Vol. 4. Knox, R. ed. Wellington, Hamlyns Ltd., Wellington.
Bieleski, R. L. 1979. Back to basics ‒ a look at the 3 R's of science. New Zealand Science Review. 36: 40-44.
Bieleski, R. L. 1984. Contributor to: A taste of New Zealand: food industry and research. Compiled for the visit of the Hon. Dato’ Seri Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia, 16 August, 1984. Auckland, DSIR, Division of Horticulture and Processing.
Bieleski, R. L. 1985. A DSIR perspective on R & D in packaging. Pp. 229-237 in: Proceedings of the Fourth International Seminar on Packaging, 30-31 October 1985. Auckland, University of Auckland, Centre for Continuing Education.
Bieleski, R. L. 1987. The advisory committee. New Zealand Journal of Technology 3: 33-35.
Bieleski, R. 1987. Research for the wine industry under new government policy. Viticultural Bulletin 51 (Proceedings ofVintage '87 Seminar; Gisborne, New Zealand, 12‒13 February 1987): 142-148.
Bieleski, R. 1988. [A movie career lost]. Pp. 32, 33. in: Druett, M. Fulbright in New Zealand. Wellington, New Zealand – United States Educational Foundation.
Bieleski, R. L. 1988. Camellias down under ‒ a worm's eye view. New Zealand Camellia Bulletin 15(8): 10-13.
Bieleski, R.L. 1988. Dr D.W. McKenzie, MBE, AHRIH(NZ), FNZSHS. DSIR Biological Industries Group Newsletter 17: 5.
Bieleski, R. L. 1988. Obituary: Dr Don international loss. Growing Today August/September 1988: 21.
Bieleski, R.L. 1988. Plant growth and development: a summary of issues. P. 210 in: Climate change: the New Zealand response. Lowe, D. C.; Manning, M. R. ed. Proceedings of a workshop held in Wellington 29‒30 March 1988. Wellington, Ministry for the Environment.
Bieleski, R. L. 1989. New Zealand Horticulture ... a Taste of Success. Alpha 68. Wellington, DSIR Publishing.
Bieleski, R. L. 1989. A kiwifruit's life begins at six.two. New Zealand Kiwifruit 56 (May 1989): 9.
Bieleski, R. 1989. Tai, tai-yo and mihoutao. New Zealand Camellia Bulletin 16(2): 23-26.
Bieleski, R. 1989. Report on the thesis of Nevan Ofsoki. New Zealand Camellia Bulletin 16(3): 10, 11.
Bieleski, R. 1990. Obituary: J. D. Atkinson, OBE, MAgSc, FNZIAS, FRSNZ. Bulletin of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences 23: 11, 12.
Bieleski, R. L. 1990. Foreword. Pp. v, vi in: Nashi – Asian Pear in New Zealand. White, A. G. et al., DSIR Information Series 168, Wellington, DSIR Publishing.
Bieleski, R. L. 1991. This same flower that smiles today ... Camellia Review52: 11-14.
Bieleski, R. 1991. Do viruses really matter? New Zealand Camellia Bulletin 17(2): 2-6.
Bieleski, R. L. 1991. Camellia nutrition. Pp. 23-30 in: Growing Better Camellias in the 1990’s. Bieleski, V. M. ed. [Blenheim], New Zealand Camellia Society (Inc.)
Bieleski, R. L. 1991. Camellia pests. Pp. 31-38, 53 in: Growing Better Camellias in the 1990’s. Bieleski, V. M. ed. [Blenheim], New Zealand Camellia Society (Inc.)
Bieleski, R. L. 1991. Camellia diseases. Pp. 44-47, 50-52 in: Growing Better Camellias in the 1990’s. Bieleski, V. M. ed. [Blenheim], New Zealand Camellia Society (Inc.)
Bieleski, R. 1991. Phosphite and phytophthora. Camellia News No. 117: 14-15.
Bieleski, R. L. 1991. By their fruits ye shall know them. The Orchardist of New Zealand 65 (November 1991): Special Supplement: 27-28.
Bieleski, R.L. 1992. The world grows round my door. The Auckland Garden April 1992. 4 pp.
Bieleski, R. L. 1992. What are trace elements anyway? New Zealand Camellia Bulletin 17(5): 42-44.
Bieleski, R.L. 1992. Camelliomania? Camellia Review 54(2): 3-6.
Bieleski, R.L. 1992. Is leaf blackening in Protea caused by starvation? Journal of the International Protea Association 23: 7-10.
Bieleski, R. 1992. Proteas one step ahead. “Talking” Fruit and Trees [Newsletter: DSIR Fruit and Trees] 6: [4].
Bieleski, R. L. 1993. The Camellia Memorial Trust - eight years on. New Zealand Camellia Bulletin 18(1): 6-9.
Bieleski, R. 1993. Dagging camellias. New Zealand Camellia Bulletin 18(1): 35-37.
Bieleski, R. L. 1993. Science in the service of the camellia grower: prospects for the future. International Camellia Journal 25: 48-52. (Republished as Wissenschlaftliche Hilfe für die Kultur von Kamellen Zukunftserwartungen. Kamelien (Zeitschift der Deutschen Kameliengesellschaft e.V. 1(2) (1994): 31.)
Bieleski, R. L. 1994. It ain't necessarily so: sugars, stress and shibboleths. New Zealand Bioscience 2: 3-6.
Bieleski, R. L. 1994. Grains of truth. New Zealand Camellia Bulletin 18(6): 6-8.
Bieleski, R. 1994. Magical muck or carcinogenic chemicals – are organic fertilizers better? in: New Zealand’s horticultural, agricultural and farming supplies directory, 1994/1995 edition. Donnelly, K. ed. Auckland, NZ Horticultural, Agricultural & Farming Supplies.
Bieleski, R. 1995. The gully plant. New Zealand Camellia Bulletin 19(1): 8-11.
Bieleski, R. L. 1996. William Maxwell Hamilton. Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand 119-123: 58-68.
Bieleski, R. 1996. The mulcher’s apprentice. New Zealand Camellia Bulletin 19(5): 30-32.
Bieleski, R. 1996. A new direction for the Camellia Memorial Trust. New Zealand Camellia Bulletin 19(5): 43, 44.
Bieleski, R. L. 1998. The New Zealand Camellia Society reaches 400. New Zealand Camellia Bulletin 20(6): 2, 3.
Bieleski, R. 1998. Acta distracta. horttalk (New Zealand Society for Horticultural Science) 6(3): 3, 4.
Bieleski, R. L. (1999). A short history of camellia breeding in New Zealand – back to the future. Journal of the International Camellia Society31: 93-98.
Bieleski, R. 1999. How the Cereus got its name. The Auckland Garden March 1999: [7].
Bieleski, R. 1999. Bonsai with a difference. The Auckland Garden June 1999: [5].
Bieleski, R. 2000. A scurvy knave. The Auckland Garden March 2000: [3].
Bieleski, R. 2000. What are we worth? The Auckland Garden June 2000: [4].
Bieleski, R. 2000. A duckweed teaser. The Auckland Garden December 2000: [2].
Bieleski, R. 2001 A duckweed teaser. The Auckland Garden March 2001: [3].
Bieleski, R. 2001. Celebrating New Zealand bred garden flowers. The Auckland Garden June 2001: [3].
Bieleski, R. 2001. Chemicals are our friends. The Auckland Garden September 2001: [2].
Bieleski, R. 2001. Threatened plant species. 1. Metrosideros parkinsonii. The Auckland Garden December 2001: [2, 3].
Bieleski, R. 2002. The 1080 plant. The Auckland Garden June 2002: 2, 3.
Bieleski, R. L. 2002. The Rod Bieleski guide to camera-less photography. Commercial Horticulture November 2002: 32, 33.
Bieleski, R. 2002. What’s in a name? The Auckland Garden December 2002: 5, 6.
Bieleski, R. 2003. Déjà vu on Kinibalu. The Auckland Garden June 2003: [3] (expanded as Bieleski, R. 2011. Botanising in Borneo. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle December 2011: 18-21.)
Bieleski, R. 2002. New Zealand’s wonder plant.Trees for Survival® May 2002: 3.
[Bieleski, R.] 2002. It’s tough being a karo.Trees for Survival® September 2002: 2, 3.
Bieleski, R. 2003. Pohutukawa – “splashed by sea”.Trees for Survival® April 2003: 3.
Bieleski, R. 2003. The green nurse.Trees for Survival® September 2003: 2.
Bieleski, R. 2003. Genetic mystification. The Auckland Garden September 2003: [3, 4].
Bieleski, R. 2003. A tough customer. Trees for Survival® November 2003: 2.
Bieleski, R. L. 2003.The 1080 plant - putting fluoracetate (fluoroacetate) into context. New Zealand Tree Grower 24(4): 23, 24.
Bieleski, R. 2003. Threatened plant stories. 4. Psilotum nudum. The Auckland Garden December 2003: [4, 5]
Bieleski, R. 2004. The kawakawa. Trees for Survival® June 2004: 2.
Bieleski, R. 2004. Wollemi Pine ⎼ an update. The Auckland Garden September 2004: 3-5.
Bieleski, R. 2004. Please pass the sugar. The Auckland Garden December 2004: 4, 5.
Bieleski, R. 2005. What is pH? The Auckland Garden June 2005: 6.
Bieleski, R. 2005. The labours of a Camellia Hercules. New Zealand Camellia Bulletin 24(2): 11, 12.
Bieleski, R. 2005. The lost cataracts of the Karamatura. The Kauri Cone-xion (Newsletter of the Friends of Arataki) 11(4) (October 2005): 14-16.
Bieleski, R. 2006. There’s no fuel like an old fuel. The Auckland Garden March 2006: 5, 6.
Bieleski, R. 2006. The boab tree. The Auckland Garden December 2006: 6, 7.
Bieleski, R. 2007. It ain’t easy being green … Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle October 2007:10-13.
Bieleski, R. 2007. Plantation forestry of kauri? The Auckland Garden December 2007: 4, 5.
[Bieleski, R.L.] 2008. Joan Dingley 1916-2008 [Obituary]. The Auckland Garden March 2008: 5.
Bieleski, R. 2008. Pumping iron phosphorus. The Auckland Garden (Newsletter of the Auckland Botanic Gardens and Friends) May 2008: 3, 4.
Bieleski, R. 2008. Anybody for tea? Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle August 2008: 13-15.
Bieleski, R. 2008. It’s enough to kill an elephant. The Auckland Garden September 2008: 5, 6.
Bieleski, R. 2008. What I don’t know about Streptocarpus. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle October 2008:14-17.
Bieleski, R. Porridge philosophy (I knows my oats). The Auckland Garden December 2008: 5, 6.
Bieleski, R. 2008. Little Barrier: this is my life. Recollections Supplement to Hauturu (Newsletter of the Little Barrier (Hauturu) Supporters Trust) 19: [4, 5]
Bieleski, R. 2008. An election on the other side. Fulbright New Zealand Quarterly 14(4): 5.
Bieleski, R. 2008. Presenting the scientific viewpoint … Pp. 18-21 in: The First Twenty-five Years: Friends of the Auckland Botanic Gardens 1983-2008. Powell, L.; Ferguson, R.; Ayres, B. ed. Auckland, The Friends of the Auckland Botanic Gardens.
Bieleski, R. 2008. The ride of the Valkyries: P. 50 in: The First Twenty-five Years: Friends of the Auckland Botanic Gardens 1983-2008. Powell, L.; Ferguson, R; Ayres, B. ed. Auckland, The Friends of the Auckland Botanic Gardens.
Bieleski, R. 2009. The necessary loggery. Journal of the Bromeliad Society of New Zealand Inc.49(1): 18-19.
Bieleski, R. 2009. Lemonade? What’s this about? Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle February 2009: 12-14.
Bieleski, R. 2009. Old potting mix – should it be reused? Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle June 2009: 18-20.
Bieleski, R. 2009. Gardening the gay way. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle June 2009: 20.
Bieleski, R. 2009. The poor relation. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle August 2009: 20, 21.
Bieleski, R. 2009. Meditating on mycorrhizas. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle October 2009: 9-11.
Bieleski, R. 2009. Memories of botanizing past. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle December 2009: 18-20.
Bieleski, R. L. 2009. Sugars and their kindes. Newsletter,Auckland Branch, Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture Winter 2009 (2009: No 2): 1-3.
Bieleski, R. L. 2009. New Zealand’s own weeds. The Auckland GardenDecember 2009: 3, 4.
Bieleski, R. L, 2009. Dedication: Allan Ross Ferguson. Horticultural Reviews 35: xiii-xvi.
Bieleski, R. 2009. Unnatural selection. The Auckland Garden September 2009: 3, 4.
Bieleski, R. 2009. Auraucariaceae ⎼ the book. The Auckland Garden December 2009: 5, 6.
Bieleski, R. 2010. The apple: an object of gravity. The Auckland Garden March 2010: 5.
Bieleski, R. 2010. The great Chelsea Gardens. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle June 2010: 19-21.
Bieleski, R. 2010. The mailbag [Cultivar registration]. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle August 2010: 9, 10.
Bieleski, R. L. 2010. Gardening by numbers. Newsletter, Auckland Branch, Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture Summer 2010 (2010:No 1): 1, 2
Bieleski, R.L. 2010. The great Chelsea Gardens. Newsletter,Auckland Branch, Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture Winter 2010 (2010:No 2): 1, 2.
Bieleski, R. L. 2010. Mystory. The Auckland GardenDecember 2010: 16-19.
Bieleski, R. 2011. Bird power. The Auckland Garden March 2011: 8.
Bieleski, R. L. 2011. pH revisited. Newsletter,Auckland Branch, Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture Winter 2011 (2011: No 2): 1, 2.
Bieleski, R. 2011. Food for plants. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle August 2011: 10-17.
Bieleski, R. 2011. Those pesky Latin names. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle August 2011: 19, 20.
Bieleski, R. 2011. The trials of rock gardening. New Zealand Camellia Bulletin 27(3): 24-28.
Bieleski, R.L. 2011 Sheila Weight [Obituary]. The Auckland Garden September 2011: 19.
Bieleski, R. 2011. The mysterious mycorrhiza. The Auckland Garden September 2011: 10-12, back cover.
Bieleski, R. 2011. Rosa chinensis ‘Mutabilis’. The Auckland Garden December 2011: 18-20.
Bieleski, R. 2012. That sinking feeling. New Zealand Camellia Bulletin 28(1): 17-21.
Bieleski, R.L. 2012. Bako’s carnivorous plants. New Zealand Garden Journal (Journal of the Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture) 15(2): 3-6.
Bieleski, R. 2012. How did INSV get here? Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle February 2012: 19, 20.
Bieleski, R. 2012. A beautiful woman. The Auckland Garden March 2012: 15-18.
Bieleski, R. 2012. Camellia musings. The Auckland Garden June 2012: 14-18.
Bieleski, R. 2012. Grevillea in gardens. The Auckland Garden September 2012: 8-10.
Bieleski, R. Readings from Gerard, Ipomoea batatas, the kumara. The Auckland Garden September 2012: 11-15.
Bieleski, R. 2012. Orchids for Miss Blandish. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle October 2012: 18, 19.
Bieleski, R. 2012. Editorial ⎼ Jackbooted botany. The Auckland Garden December 2012: 4-6
Bieleski, R. 2012 Readings from Gerard, Helianthus tuberosus, the Jerusalem artichoke. The Auckland Garden December 2012: 12-17.
Bieleski, R. 2013. Readings from Gerard, Datura stramonium, the thorn apple. The Auckland Garden March 2013: 13-17.
Bieleski, R. 2013. Streptocarpus. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle June 2013: 18, 19.
Bieleski, R. L. 2013. The belladonna lily: a beautiful woman. New Zealand Garden Journal (Journal of the Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture) 16(1): 16-18.
Bieleski, R. 2013. A taxonomic tangle. The Auckland Garden December 2013: 18, 19.
Bieleski, R. 2014. Readings from Gerard ⎼ Helianthus annuus. The Auckland Garden March 2014: 12-16.
Bieleski, R. 2014. Where the wild things are. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle February 2014: 18, 19.
Bieleski, R. L. 2014. The story behind Names of New Zealand Plants. Newsletter, Auckland Branch, Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture Summer 2014 (2014: No 1): 2, 3.
Bieleski, R. 2014. Pollination of Pterostylis ⎼ a cunning plan. The Auckland Garden June 2014: 10-12.
Bieleski, R. 2014. Maybe, maybe not. The Auckland Garden September 2014: 12-16.
Bieleski, R. 2015. The Neville Haydon Award. The Auckland Garden March 2015: 19.
Bieleski, R. 2015. The friendly feijoa. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle June 2015: 10-14.
Bieleski, R. 2015. Aladdin’s cave. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle October 2015: 14-16.
Bieleski, R. L. 2015 What’s in a name? Do names matter? Newsletter,Auckland Branch, Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture Spring 2015 (2015: No 2): 2, 3.
Bieleski, R. 2015. Readings from Gerard ⎼ Aloe vulgaris. The Auckland Garden September 2015: 18, 19.
Bieleski, R. 2015. Red is the colour of Christmas. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle December 2015: 14, 15.
Bieleski, R. 2016. Readings from Gerard. Lycopersicon esculentum, the tomato. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle April 2016: 10-13.
Bieleski, R. 2016. The watercore story. The Auckland Garden June 2016: 13-16.
Bieleski, R. 2016. Confessions of an Adelaide gourmet. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle August 2016: 11-14.
Bieleski, R. 2016. The mailbag and blogbox. Newsletter of the Auckland Begonia Circle August 2016: 19, 20.
Bieleski, R. 2016. Magnolia time. The Auckland Garden September 2016: 8-10.
Bieleski, R. L.; Catley, J. 1995. Heliconias. Commercial Horticulture August 1995: 64-66.
Bieleski, R. L.; Clark, C. J. 1995. Degrees of maturity. The Orchardist of New Zealand68 (December 1995): 32-35.
Bieleski, R. L.; Davison, R. 1988. Colleagues remember Dr Don McKenzie's contributions. The Orchardist of New Zealand 61 (October 1988): 26, 27.
Bieleski, R. L.; Elgar, H. J. 1995. The mysterious Chrysal. New Zealand. Camellia Bulletin 19(3): 5-7.
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