Richard John Norris

Richard Norris FRSNZ at Haast River (Photo: Kim Senger)
Emeritus Professor Richard J Norris died on 29 June 2016 in Wellington. Richard was born on 26 July 1945, and spent his early life in the village of Newbold, on the outskirts of Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England. After attending Chesterfield Grammar School, he won a scholarship to Balliol College, Oxford where he read Geology, achieving a BA with First Class Honours in 1966, and in the process winning the Huxley Prize at Balliol College and the Burdett-Coutts Prize for Geology. An MA and DPhil followed in 1970, also in the Oxford department, funded by a NERC Research Scholarship. His postgraduate studies unravelled the structural and metamorphic history of the rock sequence in the Tauern Window, Austrian Alps, as part of a research team supervised by Professor R. Oxburgh. Having been offered a lectureship at Otago, he was persuaded that New Zealand really was “God’s own” by Malcolm Laird, a New Zealander completing a DPhil in the same department. He and his wife Hilary (married 1969) arrived in Dunedin in time for the start of the 1970 academic year.
Richard was a structural geologist, interested in the evolution of tectonic belts and was soon at home in New Zealand, involved in a variety of research projects in our orogenic terranes. By 1977 he had been promoted to Senior Lecturer.
In 1979, a major catastrophe, in the form of the East Abbotsford Landslide in the outskirts of Dunedin, dominated local and national media attention. Richard, together with Professor Douglas Coombs, was involved in on-site investigations and in the subsequent protracted Commission of Enquiry.
At about this time research collaboration between Richard and Robert (Bob) Carter was established to investigate the young sedimentary basins underlying the Waiau River valley and Lake Te Anau in Western Southland, extending through Mararoa, north to Lake Wakatipu. These basins had been investigated for their hydrocarbon potential both on-land and off-shore of Te Waewae Bay, but since the rocks are dominated by homogeneous, deep-water, macrofossil-free mudstones, the age and structure was poorly understood. With the help of age determinations from microfossils and detailed geological mapping Richard and Bob published a definitive IGNS Science Report in 2005 on the geology of these southern basins.
In collaboration with colleague Alan Cooper, an annual field trip was organised in the late 1970s to take third year students to see the major geological structure of New Zealand, the Alpine Fault. Their rationale was that every graduate in geology from the University of Otago should have seen the on-land boundary between the Pacific and Australian tectonic plates as part of their basic education. However, they quickly realised that very little was known about the exact location, geometry, style of deformation and frequency of earthquakes on the Alpine Fault. A research programme was duly instituted that was to last for the next 45 years, beyond both of their respective retirements! Research involved detailed fieldwork in the West Coast bush, enduring either swarms of sandflies during the day, or mosquitos at night. Torrential rain meant that many days were lost. Many research students cut their teeth on Alpine Fault-supervised projects, including Rupert Sutherland and Virginia Toy, who are now two of the joint leaders of the on-going DFDP (Deep Fault Drilling Project) on the Alpine Fault. The research results were published in national and international journals, and as map sheets available on the Dept of Geology, University of Otago, website.
Despite the domination by Alpine Fault research, Richard continued to be involved collaboratively in ore genesis (particularly gold mineralisation) in the Otago Schist (with Dave Craw), Antarctica (supervising Andrew Allibone), together with recent tectonics of both East and Central Otago (with Chuck Landis and Pete Koons, and James Jackson (Cambridge)). This latter research has led to service and advice on seismotectonic evaluation and earthquake hazards in the South Island to Otago, Southland and South Canterbury Regional Councils, Civil Defence, Dunedin Lifelines and the Earthquake and War Damage Commission.
Promotion to Associate Professor in 1989 was followed by an initial 3-year stint as Head of Department (1997-1999), at the end of which time Richard was promoted to the rank of Professor. A second spell as Head followed from 2004 to 2007, with retirement in 2013. Sabbatical leaves were spent at Oxford (1976), Cambridge (1984), Leeds and Western Washington (1992), and Liverpool and Cambridge (2003, 2005) Universities.
Richard’s published research included 93 refereed publications (list below), and over 20 non-refereed reports and reviews. There were numerous conference presentations, including several invited addresses. In recognition of these research contributions he was selected as the annual Hochstetter Lecturer for the Geological Society of New Zealand in 1991, and was awarded the Hutton Medal (1996) and later elected Fellow (1998) by the Royal Society of New Zealand.
Richard acted as Associate and Chief Scientific Editor of the Journal of Structural Geology from 1993 to 2002 and was an Associate Editor of Geological Magazine from 2000. He has reviewed scientific papers for many national and international journals and was nominated as “Exceptional Scientific Reviewer” by the Geological Society of America in 2006. He has examined theses from universities both within New Zealand and overseas, and has served on panels, committees, and working groups for many government and community organisations. He has given guest lectures to many local clubs and societies and contributed to the more formal University of the Third Age continuing education programmes at Otago.
Richard was a highly respected member of the Geology Department for over 40 years. As well as Head of Department, he was Acting Head during staff absences, and always ran and participated in staff discussion in an entirely democratic and rational manner, making a major contribution to the collegial environment of departmental meetings. He was also a member of various Science Division and University Boards, Committees and Panels.
Richard was a keen cricketer in his younger days, playing club cricket in Dunedin, where he was a very useful medium paced bowler. He helped maintain the family garden, doing most of the hard labour for Hilary to plant, propagate and harvest. After retirement Richard and Hilary moved north, buying a house at Waikanae Beach and a flat in Wellington, in part to be closer to son Michael and family, and in part to enjoy the seaside environment. Visits from, and to, daughter Katherine (Sydney), were also easier than when based in Dunedin. Richard kept up to date with Otago news with an on-line subscription to the Otago Daily Times, which he read from cover to cover. Unfortunately, a succession of illnesses robbed Richard of the prolonged and productive retirement that he and Hilary deserved.
Denys P, Pearson C, Norris R, Denham MA 2016. A geodetic study of Otago: results of the central Otago deformation network 2004–2014. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 59: 147-156. DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2015.1134592.
Howarth JD, Fitzsimons S, Norris RJ, Langridge R, Vandergoes MJA 2016. 2000 yr rupture history for the Alpine Fault derived from Lake Ellery, South Island, New Zealand. Geological Society of America Bulletin 128: 627-643.
Cooper AF, Norris RJ 2015. The Great Divide. In: A continent on the move: New Zealand Geoscience Revealed” 2nd Edition. (Graham, I. J. Ed.) Geological Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication 141: 120-121.
Norris RJ, Toy VG 2014. Continental transforms: A view from the Alpine Fault. Journal of Structural Geology 64: 3-31. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2014.03.003.
Howarth JD, Fitzsimons SJ, Norris RJ, Jacobsen GE 2014. Lake sediments record high intensity shaking that provides insight into the location and rupture length of large earthquakes on the Alpine Fault, New Zealand. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 403: 340-351. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.07.008.
Toy VG, Boulton CJ, Sutherland R, Townend J, Norris RJ, Little TA, Prior DJ, Mariani E, Faulkner D, Menzies CD, Scott H, Carpenter BM 2014. Fault rock lithologies and architecture of the central Alpine Fault, New Zealand, revealed by DFDP-1 drilling. Lithosphere 7(2): 155–173.
Howarth JD, Fitzsimons SJ, Jacobsen GE, Vandergoes MJ, Norris RJ 2013. Identifying a reliable target fraction for radiocarbon dating sedimentary records from lakes. Quaternary geochronology, 17: 68-80. doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2013.02.001.
Toy VG, Norris RJ, Prior DJ, Walrond M, Cooper AF 2013. How do lineations reflect the strain history of transpressive shear zones? The example of the active Alpine Fault zone, New Zealand. Journal of structural Geology 50: 187-198. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2012.06.006.
Barth NC, Toy VG, Langridge RM, Norris RJ 2012. Scale dependence of oblique plate-boundary partitioning: New insights from LiDAR, central Alpine fault, New Zealand. Lithosphere 4: 435-448 doi: 10.1130/L201.1.
Toy VG, Prior DJ, Norris RJ, Cooper AF, Walrond M 2012. Relationships between kinematic indicators and strain during syn-deformational exhumation of an oblique slip, transpressive, plate boundary shear zone: The Alpine Fault, New Zealand. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 333-334: 282-292. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2012.04.037.
Howarth JD, Fitzsimons SJ, Norris RJ, Jacobsen GE 2012. Lake sediments record cycles of sediment flux driven by large earthquakes on the Alpine fault, New Zealand. Geology, 40: 1091-1094. doi: 10.1130/G33486.1.
Sutherland R, Toy VG. Townend J, Cox SC, Eccles JD, Faulkner DR, Prior DJ, Norris RJ, Mariani E, Boulton C, Carpenter BM, Menzies CD, Little TA, Hasting M, De Pascale GP, Langridge RM, Scott HR, Reid Lindroos Z, Fleming B, Kopf AJ 2012. Drilling reveals fluid control on architecture and rupture of the Alpine fault, New Zealand. Geology 40: 1143-1146. doi: 10.1130/G33614.1.
Cooper AF, Norris, RJ,2011. Inverted metamorphic sequences in Alpine Fault mylonites produced by oblique shear within a plate boundary fault zone, New Zealand. Geology 39: 1023-1026, doi:10.1130/G32273.
Toy VG, Craw D, Cooper AF, Norris RJ 2010. Thermal regime in the central Alpine Fault zone, New Zealand: Constraints from microstructures, biotite chemistry and fluid inclusion data. Tectonophysics 485(1-4): 178-192.
Toy VG, Prior DJ, Norris RJ 2008. Quartz fabrics in the Alpine Fault mylonites: Influence of pre-existing preferred orientations on fabric development during progressive uplift. Journal of Structural Geology 30(5): 602-621.
Cooper AF, Norris, RJ,2008. The Great Divide. In: A continent on the move: New Zealand Geoscience into the 21st Century” (Graham, I. J. Ed.) Geological Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication 124: 118-119.
Craw D, Burridge C, Norris RJ, Waters J 2008. Genetic ages for Quaternary topographic evolution: a new dating tool. Geology 36: 19-22.
Craw D, MacKenzie D, Pitcairn IK, Teagle DAH, Norris R J 2007. Geochemical signatures of mesothermal Au-mineralized late-metamorphic deformation zones, Otago Schist, New Zealand. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis 7: 225-232.
Norris RJ, Cooper AF 2007. The Alpine Fault, New Zealand: Surface geology and field relationships. In Okaya, D., Stern, T. & Davey, F. (eds) A Continental Plate Boundary: Tectonics at South Island, New Zealand. AGU Geophysical Monograph 175, American Geophysical Union, Washington D. C., 157-175.
Sutherland R, Eberhart-Phillips D, Harris R, Stern T, Beavan J, Ellis S, Henrys S, Cox S, Norris R, Berryman K, Townend J, Bannister S, Pettina J, Leitner B, Fallace L, Little T, Cooper A, Yetton M, Stirling M 2007. Do great earthquakes occur on the Alpine Fault in central South Island, New Zealand? In Okaya, D., Stern, T. & Davey, F. (eds) A Continental Plate Boundary: Tectonics at South Island, New Zealand. AGU Geophysical Monograph 175, American Geophysical Union, Washington D. C., pp 237-254.
Waters JM, Rowe DL, Apte S, King TM, Wallis GP, Anderson L, Norris RJ, Craw D, Burridge CM 2007. Geological dates and molecular rates: Rapid divergence of rivers and their biotas. Systematic Biology 56: 271-282.
Jones P, Craw D, Norris RJ 2007. Golden Bar deposit as an extension of the Hyde-Macraes Shear Zone, east Otago, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 50: 271-281.
Cox L, McKenzie D, Craw D, Norris RJ, Frew R 2006. Structure and geochemistry of the Rise and Shine Shear Zone mesothermal gold system, Otago Schist, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 49: 429-442.
Bennett ER, Youngson JH, Jackson JA, Norris RJ, Raisbeck GM, Yiou F 2006. Combining geomorphic observations with in-situ cosmogenic isotope measurements to study anticline growth and fault propagation in Central Otago, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 49: 217-232.
Sutherland R, Berryman KR, Norris RJ 2006. Quaternary slip rates and geomorphology of the Alpine Fault: Implications for kinematics and seismic hazard in southwest New Zealand. Geological Society of America Bulletin 118: 464-474.
Youngson JH, Bennett ER, Jackson JA, Norris RJ, Raisbeck GM, Yiou F 2005. 'Sarsen Stones' at German Hill, Central Otago, New Zealand, and their potential for in situ cosmogenic isotope dating of landscape evolution. Journal of Geology 113: 341-354.
Bennett ER, Youngson JH, Jackson JA, Norris RJ, Raisbeck GM, Yiou F, Fielding E 2005. The growth of South Rough Ridge, central Otago, New Zealand: using in situ cosmogenic isotopes and geomorphology to study an active, blind reverse fault. Journal of Geophysical Research 110, doi: 10.1029/2004JB003184 (11 pp).
Craw D, MacKenzie DJ, Begbie M, Norris RJ 2005. Late metamorphic structural zones in the Otago Schist: Prospective hosts for gold mineralisation. Proceedings of the New Zealand Minerals Conference, (pp. 89-97). Auckland, New Zealand: Ministry of Economic Development & Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
MacKenzie DJ, Craw D, Cox L, Norris RJ 2005. Mineralisation and structural setting of the Rise and Shine Shear Zone, Otago Schist: Comparisons to the Macraes deposit. Proceedings of the New Zealand Minerals Conference, (pp. 374-379). Auckland, New Zealand: Ministry of Economic Development & Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Carter RM, Norris RJ 2005. The geology of the Blackmount District, Te Anau and Waiau Basins, Western Southland. Science report 2004/23, 123 pp and map, Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, Wellington, New Zealand.
Iio Y, Ogawa Y, Fujimoto K, Norris RJ (editors) 2004. Slip and flow processes in and below the seismogenic region. Special Issue of Earth, Planets, Space 56, Terra Scientific Publishing Company, Tokyo, 300pp.
Norris RJ 2004. Strain localization within ductile shear zones beneath active faults: The Alpine Fault contrasted with the adjacent Otago fault system, New Zealand. Earth Planets Space 56: 1095-1101.
Zink C, Norris RJ 2004. Submarine fans within small basins: implications of field examples from the Tertiary of New Zealand. In: Lomas, S. A. and Joseph, P., Confined Turbidite Systems, Geological Society of London Special Publication 222: 229-240.
Norris RJ, Cooper AF 2003. Very high strains recorded in mylonites along the Alpine Fault, New Zealand: implications for the deep structure of plate boundary faults. Journal of Structural Geology 25: 2141-2157.
Craw D, Norris RJ 2003. Landforms. In: Townsend, C. (ed) The Natural History of southern New Zealand. Otago University Press, Dunedin, pp 17-34.
Koons PO, Norris RJ, Craw D, Cooper AF 2003. Influence of exhumation on the structural evolution of transpressional plate boundaries: an example from the Southern Alps, New Zealand. Geology 31: 3-6.
Jackson J, Ritz J-F, Siame L, Raisbeck G, Yiou F, Norris R J, Youngson J, Bennett E 2002. Fault growth and landscape development rates in Otago, New Zealand, using in situ cosmogenic 10Be. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 195: 185-193.
Norris RJ, Cooper AF 2001. Late Quaternary slip rates and slip partitioning on the Alpine Fault, New Zealand. Journal of Structural Geology 23: 507-520.
Kerr LC, Craw D, Norris RJ, Youngson JH, Wopereis P 2000. Structure, geomorphology, and gold concentration in the Nokomai valley, Southland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 43: 425-433.
Litchfield N, Norris RJ 2000. Holocene motion on the Akatore Fault, south Otago coast, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 43: 405-418.
Rees-Jones J, Rink WJ, Norris RJ, Litchfield N 2000. Optical luminescence dating of uplifted marine terraces along the Akatore Fault near Dunedin, South Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 43: 419-424.
Markley M, Norris R J 1999. Structure and Neotectonics of the Blackstone Hill Antiform, central Otago, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 42: 205-218.
Norris RJ, Cooper AF 1997. Erosional control on the structural evolution of a transpressional thrust complex on the Alpine Fault, New Zealand. Journal of Structural Geology 19: 1323-1342.
Jackson JA, Norris RJ, Youngson J 1996. The structural evolution of active fault and fold systems in central Otago, New Zealand: evidence revealed by drainage patterns. Journal of Structural Geology 18: 217-235.
Cooper AF, Norris RJ 1995. Displacements on the Alpine Fault at Haast River, Westland. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 38: 509-514.
Sutherland R, Norris RJ 1995. Late Quaternary displacement rate, paleoseismicity, and geomorphic evolution of the Alpine Fault: evidence from Hokuri Creek, South Westland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 38: 419-431.
Norris RJ, Cooper AF 1995. Origin of small-scale segmentation and transpressional thrusting on the Alpine Fault, New Zealand. Bulletin Geological Society of America 107: 231-240.
Cooper AF, Norris RJ 1994. Anatomy, structural evolution, and slip rate of a plate boundary thrust: the Alpine Fault at Gaunt Creek, Westland, New Zealand. Bulletin Geological Society of America 106: 627-633.
Simpson GDH, Cooper AF, Norris RJ 1994. Late Quaternary evolution of the Alpine Fault Zone at Paringa, South Westland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 37: 49-58.
Craw D, Norris RJ 1993. Grain boundary migration of water and carbon dioxide during uplift of garnet zone Alpine Schist, New Zealand. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 11: 371-378.
Norris RJ, Turnbull IM 1993. Cenozoic basins adjacent to an evolving transform plate boundary, southwest New Zealand. In: South Pacific Sedimentary Basins, P. Ballance (ed.) Elsevier, Amsterdam 251-270.
Turnbull IM, Craw D, Norris RJ 1993. Pre-Miocene and post-Miocene deformation in the Bannockburn basin, Central Otago, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 36: 107-116.
Berryman KR, Beanland S, Cooper AF, Cutten HN, Norris RJ, Wood PR 1992. The Alpine Fault, New Zealand: variation in Quaternary structural style and geomorphic expression, Annales Tectonicae, Special Issue supplement to v. 6: 126-163.
Allibone AH, Norris RJ 1992. Segregation of leucogranite microplutons during syn-anatectic deformation: an example from the Taylor Valley, Antarctica. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 10: 589-600.
Craw D, Norris RJ 1991. Metamorphogenic Au-W veins and regional tectonics: Mineralisation throughout the uplift history of the Haast Schist, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 34: 373-384.
Teagle D, Norris RJ, Craw D 1990. Gold mineralisation in a duplex thrust system, Hyde-Macraes Shear Zone, Otago, New Zealand. Economic Geology 85: 1711-1719.
Hanson CR, Norris RJ, Cooper AF 1990. Regional fracture patterns east of the Alpine Fault between the Fox and Franz Josef Glaciers, Westland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 33: 617-622.
Cooper AF, Norris RJ 1990. Estimates for the timing of the last coseismic displacement on the Alpine Fault, northern Fiordland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 33: 303-307.
Norris RJ, Koons PO, Cooper AF 1990. The structure of the present obliquely-convergent plate boundary in the South Island of New Zealand: implications for the interpretation of ancient collision zones. Journal of Structural Geology 12: 715-725.
Norris RJ, Bishop DG 1990. Deformed conglomerates and textural zones in the Otago Schists, South Island, New Zealand. Tectonophysics 174: 331-349.
McKeag SA, Craw D, Norris RJ 1989. Origin and deposition of a graphite schist-hosted metamorphogenic Au-W deposit, Macraes, East Otago, New Zealand. Mineralium Deposita 23: 124-131.
Turnbull IM, Lindqvist JK, Norris RJ, Carter RM, Cave MP, Sykes R, Hyden FM 1989. Lithostratigraphic nomenclature of the Cretaceous and Tertiary sedimentary rocks of Western Southland, New Zealand. New Zealand Geological Survey Record 31: 55 pp.
Holm D, Norris RJ, Craw D 1989. Brittle and Ductile deformation in a zone of rapid uplift: central Southern Alps, New Zealand. Tectonics 8: 153-168.
Rattenbury MS, Cooper AF, Norris RJ 1988. Recent Alpine Fault thrusting at Kaka Creek, Central Westland. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 31: 117-120.
Craw D, Norris RJ 1988. Metallic mineralisation in low-grade metasedimentary rocks in a collisional environment: Otago and Alpine schist, New Zealand. In: New England Orogen: Tectonics and Metallogenesis J.D. Kleeman (ed. ) Univ. of New England Press, Armidale, Australia 264-269.
Norris RJ, Craw D 1987. The Aspiring Terrane - an oceanic assemblage from New Zealand and its implications for terrane accretion in the Southwest Pacific. In: Terrane accretion and orogenic belts. E.C. Leitch and E. Scheibner (eds.) American. Geophysical. Union Washington DC Geodynamics Series 19: 169-177.
Norris RJ, Koons PO, Cooper AF 1987. Aspects of the South Island Collision Zone, Central Otago and the West Coast. Geological Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication 37C: 39-88.
Norris RJ, Rupke NA 1986. Development of slaty cleavage in a mudstone unit from the Cantabrian Mountains, northern Spain. Journal of Structural Geology 8: 871-878.
Norris RJ, Cooper AF 1986. Small-scale fractures, Glacial surfaces and Recent strain adjacent to the Alpine Fault, Southern New Zealand. Geology 14: 687-690.
Bishop DG, Norris RJ 1986. Rift and thrust tectonics associated with a translational block slide, Abbotsford, New Zealand. Geological Magazine 123: 13-25.
Norris RJ, Carter RM 1982. Fault-bounded blocks and their role in localising sedimentation and deformation adjacent to the Alpine Fault, southern New Zealand. Tectonophysics 87: 11-23.
Carter RM, Lindqvist JK, Norris RJ 1982. Oligocene unconformities and nodular phosphate-hardground horizons in western Southland and northern West Coast. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 12: 11-46.
Coombs DS, Norris RJ 1981. The East Abbotsford, Dunedin, New Zealand, Landslide of August 8th, 1979, an interim report. Bulletin de Liaison des Laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussées, Special Issue X, Geological Hazards, Earth Movements : 27-34.
Norris RJ, Carter RM 1980. Offshore sedimentary basins at the southern end of the Alpine Fault, New Zealand. In: Sedimentation in Oblique-slip Mobile Zones, P.F. Ballance and H. G. Reading (eds.) Special Publication of the International Association of Sedimentologists 4: 237-265.
Norris RJ 1979. A geometrical study of finite strain and bending in the South Island. In The Origin of the Southern Alps. R. I. Walcott & M. M. Cresswell eds Bulletin of the Royal Society of New Zealand 18: 21-28.
Holland TJB, Norris RJ 1979. Deformed pillow lavas from the Central Hohe Tauern, Austria, and their bearing on the origin of epidote-banded greenstones. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 43: 397-405.
Norris RJ, Carter RM, Turnbull IM 1978. Cainozoic sedimentation in basins adjacent to a major continental transform boundary in southern New Zealand. Journal of the Geological Society of London 135: 191-205.
Carter RM, Hicks M, Norris RJ, Turnbull IM 1978. The anatomy of an arc-trench geosyncline: Sedimentation patterns in the Carboniferous to Jurassic Rangitata Geosyncline, New Zealand. In: Sedimentation in submarine canyons, fans and trenches. D.J. Stanley and G. Kelling (eds.) Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross Inc., Pittsburgh, 340-361.
Carter RM, Norris RJ 1977. Redeposited conglomerates in a Miocene flysch sequence at Blackmount, Western Southland, New Zealand. Sedimentary Geology 18: 289-319.
Henley RW, Norris RJ, Paterson CJ 1976. Multistage ore genesis in the New Zealand Geosyncline: a history of post-metamorphic lode emplacement. Mineralium Deposita 11: 180-196.
Carter RM, Norris RJ 1976. Cainozoic history of southern New Zealand; an accord between geological observations and plate tectonic predictions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 31: 85-94.
Coombs DS, Landis CA, Norris RJ, Sinton JM, Borns DJ, Craw D 1976. The Dun Mountain Ophiolite Belt, New Zealand, its tectonic setting, constitution and origin, with special reference to the southern portion. American Journal of Science 276: 561-603.
Norris RJ, Henley RW 1976. Dewatering of a metamorphic pile. Geology 4: 333-336.
Turnbull IM, Barry JM, Carter RM, Norris RJ 1975. The Bobs Cove Beds and their relationship to the Moonlight Fault Zone. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 5: 355-394.
Coombs DS, Landis CA, Norris RJ, Sinton JM, Borns DJ, Nakamura Y 1973. The Dun Mountain Ophiolite Belt, New Zealand. In: Ophiolites in the Earth's Crust. U.S.S.R. Nauka Press, Academy of Science, Moscow.
Carter RM, Landis CA, Norris RJ, Bishop DG 1971. Suggestions towards a high-level nomenclature for New Zealand rocks. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 4: 5-18.
Norris RJ 1972. Methods of calculation of rock strain. Jahrbuch der Geologische Bundesanstalt (Wien) 114: 258-263.
Oxburgh ER, Norris RJ, Cliff RA 1971. VI: Structural, Metamorphic and Geochronological studies in the Reisseck and southern Ankogel Groups, the Eastern Alps V: Conclusions. Jahrbuch der Geologische Bundesanstalt (Wien) 114: 248-255.
Norris RJ, Oxburgh ER, Cliff RA, Wright RC 1971. Structural, Metamorphic and Geochronological studies in the Reisseck and southern Ankogel Groups, the Eastern Alps IV: Structure. Jahrbuch der Geologische Bundesanstalt (Wien) 114: 198-235.
Cliff RA, Norris RJ, Oxburgh ER 1971. Structural, Metamorphic and Geochronological studies in the Reisseck and southern Ankogel Groups, the Eastern Alps III: Metamorphism. Jahrbuch der Geologische Bundesanstalt (Wien) 114: 180-197.
Norris RJ, Cliff RA, Oxburgh ER 1971. Structural, Metamorphic and Geochronological studies in the Reisseck and southern Ankogel Groups, the Eastern Alps II: Field relations and petrography of the main rock groups. Jahrbuch der Geologische Bundesanstalt (Wien) 114: 133-179.
Oxburgh ER, Cliff RA, Norris RJ 1971. Structural, Metamorphic and Geochronological studies in the Reisseck and southern Ankogel Groups, the Eastern Alps I: Introduction. Jahrbuch der Geologische Bundesanstalt (Wien) 114: 121-133.
Norris RJ, Oxburgh ER 1968. Geology of the Zentralgneiss around the Kleine Muhldorfersee in the Reisseck area of the Eastern Tauern. Verhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt (Wien) 1/2: 179-189.
Alan F Cooper
Geology Department
University of Otago
Dunedin, New Zealand
E mail:
Lodged on website Friday 18 November 2016.