Pablo Gabriel Etchegoin
MSc Cuyo, Bariloche, Argentina PhD Stuttgart FRSNZ

Pablo Etchegoin FRSNZ
The authors of this memoir have been scientific collaborators and close personal friends of Pablo Etchegoin since 2004 (Eric Le Ru) and 1991 (Manuel Cardona, his PhD thesis adviser) and until his untimely demise. According to the Web of Science (WoS), Eric has coauthored 61 publications with Pablo in refereed international journals whereas Manuel has coauthored 24, the latter resulting mainly from his doctoral dissertation.
Pablo Etchegoin was born on 12 September 1964 in the city of La Plata, the capital of the province (State) of Buenos Aires (not to be confused with the city of Buenos Aires, the Federal Capital of the Argentine Republic, 100 km away from La Plata). At the time of his death Pablo held both Argentinean and the New Zealand citizenships. He died on 29 April 2013 and is survived by a daughter, Sofía, aged 18, Julian, a son aged 16, both his parents, and a sister, Elsa Beatriz. His mother, Elsa, a very strong woman, who visited him several times in New Zealand, worked all of her active life as a primary school teacher. Although Argentina has had a well-developed public school system since the early 18th century (Sarmiento’s presidency) and many academics insisted in sending their children to government schools, teachers’ salaries were rather meager (and have remained so to date). Pablo’s father, Pedro, started studying medicine with excellent grades but had to give up because he contracted malaria. He then worked for a while at Peugeot but was fired during one of the severe financial crises that afflicted the country, especially in the 1950s and 1960s. He then was unemployed, worked as a photographer and then as a civil servant as inspector of pensions until his retirement. Pablo often mentioned, rather proudly, his humble origins and his Italian, English, Austrian and Basque ancestry. Such a mixed background, which might be considered normal in New Zealand, probably contributed to his rapid integration into the Kiwi society. He loved his adopted country and felt at home in a way he did not find possible in central Europe. Upon Pablo entering the more critical phase of his illness, Elsa’s visits were replaced by Skype conversations which continued until the very end of his life.
After finishing secondary school Pablo attended the University of La Plata, receiving a BSc degree in Electrical Engineering with first class honours in 1986. His daughter Sofia has told one of us (M.C.) the following anecdote, which reflects Pablo’s early interest in Physics. There is in Buenos Aires once a year a rather large and important book fair. Pablo visited it regularly, looking for bargains in the physical sciences. Around 1986 he found a copy of the Spanish version of the book “Quantum Physics” by Eisberg and Resnik, a rather thick and expensive volume well beyond Pablo’s financial reach. He thus returned to La Plata empty-handed and upon meeting his grandfather he heavy-heartedly told him of the book he so wanted. Grandpa was able to find enough money and gave it to Pablo telling him to go back and buy the book. Up to this day the thick white book has embellished the living room in Pablo’s home where you can see his notes written on each exercise page. His family, through the scholarly background of his mother, had the notion that whatever money was available had to be invested in education.
After graduating from La Plata, Pablo was attracted by a rather unusual institution, unique in Latin America: The Institute of Physics José A Balseiro in the town of San Carlos Bariloche, located in a beautiful spot at the foot of the Patagonian Andes, at a latitude of 41°S, rather similar to that of Wellington, and about 1600km away by road from Buenos Aires. Because of the importance of this institute in Pablo’s life and Argentinean science in general, it is worth digressing on its history. The Instituto Balseiro was founded in the aftermath of a fraudulent attempt in 1948 to convince President Perón, a populist military dictator, of the necessity for Argentina to develop its own nuclear programme. The fraud was staged by an Austrian émigré (R. Richter) whose credentials were only an unpublished Dr.Sci. dissertation in chemistry from the German University of Prague. Perón’s decision, as a military, to support the obviously fraudulent scheme was probably based on his belief that anything undertaken by Germans was bound “to fly” (he had indeed set up an airplane factory run by exiled German aviators. The planes indeed flew). Lack of convincing results and mismanagement of engineering contracts by Richter, compounded by difficulties Perón had with his fellow military officers, led to the termination of the spook. Some far-seeing officers and scholars realised that the embarrassing fiasco was due to the lack of expertise in nuclear physics in Argentina and convinced the country’s leadership to convert (recycle) the Institute into a centre for the teaching of physics to bright students to be selected by rigorous entrance exams. The directorship of the project was entrusted to a young physicist who was in England with a postdoctoral fellowship: José A. Balseiro, who, in spite of his early death (sounds familiar?) was given enough time to launch the elite institution that still bears his name. He selected the faculty from the few best Argentine physicists and the first students through a rigorous entrance exam. The students were supposed to be supported by generous grants from the Argentine National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA). A fairly large number of PhDs have graduated from the Institute (sometimes called Centro Atómico), and many have emigrated to the USA and elsewhere. The reader interested in the history of the institute should consult the biographical memoirs of Leopoldo M. Falicov, one of its brilliant graduates who also died young, published by the National Academy of Sciences of the USA and coauthored by one of us (M. C.), M. L. Cohen and S. G. Louie (Biographical Memoir Nr. 83, can be downloaded with Google) or the book (in Spanish) El Secreto Atómico de la Isla Huemul, authored by M.A. Mariscotti.
The Instituto Balseiro has attracted some of the brightest physics students in Latin America. It opened its doors to students in 1958 and Pablo joined it in 1986 after passing the entrance exams with the highest marks. From one of the professors at the Centro Atómico, Pablo had asked for and was given permission to take an earlier exam, “on a trial basis”, only to see whether he was sufficiently prepared. Demanding of himself the highest standards, he was not pleased with the results and did not hand in the exam questions. However he did so next time around and passed with the highest marks. He joined the Centro and obtained a BSc in Physics in 1989.
Upon the recommendation of Professor F. de la Cruz, now a Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, he then went to Germany and joined the research group of one of us (M. C.) to work on a doctoral degree in physics, which he received from the University of Stuttgart in 1994. This thesis was written in perfect German, despite the fact that Pablo could not speak the language when he started three years earlier. Manuel has often mentioned in his letters of recommendation and other documents that the work contained in Pablo’s thesis could have given rise to three different dissertations, all of them excellent. One of them would have dealt with the theory and experiments concerning linear birefringence in GaAs/AlAs quantum wells; the second one with the problem of stress-induced optical activity (i.e. rotatory power of GaAs and other zinc-blende-type semiconductors under stress); and the third one with the in-plane birefringence of GaAs quantum wells. His actual thesis was granted by the physics department of Stuttgart University, the predicate of Summa cum Laude. One of us (M. C.) recalls an episode that occurred during his stay in Stuttgart. Needing some major dental work, he went to the closest dentist who told him that his insurance would no longer cover the required work but, considering his status as a student, he would send him a rather low bill and that Pablo need not worry. Sitting in the dentist chair, and with his mouth wide open, Pablo could not ask for a clarification. Well, he got an abusive bill for several thousand Euros, which he did not have. He paid half of it, all his savings, and asked for a reprieve for the rest. When I heard of it, I contacted a friend who was the head of the Stuttgart dentists’ association. He told me that that dentist was known as a crook and Pablo should not have paid anything. When I passed those words on to Pablo he said: well, my dad told me that when I incur debts I should settle them as soon as possible. Sofia’s reaction when I told her this anecdote was: yes, that was typical of my dad.
After his PhD, Pablo obtained a Marie-Curie Fellowship of the European Union to work in the UK at Cambridge University under Richard Friend, recently appointed as the Cavendish Professor. At the end of this fellowship, in 1996, he accepted an assistant professorship to return to his Alma Mater in Bariloche, with enough support to set up, with his former colleague Alex Fainstein, a state-of-the-art optical and Raman spectroscopy laboratory. However, having returned to Argentina a married man with a child, soon to become two, he painfully realised that he could not make ends meet in view of the precarious financial situation of the country and the fact that his parents could not offer any financial support. Thus, in 1999 he accepted a lectureship at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine in London. This time in London, which saw him separating from his wife, was difficult for Pablo on a personal level, but he made important professional connections there, notably with Professor Lesley Cohen, who was instrumental in getting him to start research in the area of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). However, life in London as a single father with two children to care for was not easy even after his promotion to senior lecturer in 2001. He had established in England, Argentina, and Stuttgart strong ties with several Kiwi colleagues (among others Joe Trodahl and Jeff Tallon) who, realising his personal problems as well as his scientific excellence, were able to secure for him a position down-under. He therefore moved to Wellington, New Zealand, in 2003, as a Senior Lecturer at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW) and as a Principal Investigator in the recently created MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, thanks notably to its founding director Professor Paul Callaghan (who sadly also died of cancer a year before Pablo). In 2007 Pablo was promoted to Professor of Nanotechnology at VUW, a position he held until his untimely death.
At VUW Pablo built, with the help of one of us (E. L. R.), a state-of-the-art Raman laboratory with two Raman spectrometers (one of them obtained at a later stage in 2008) and a spectral ellipsometer. Pablo was a keen and gifted scientist and experimentalist with a particular focus on Raman spectroscopy across his research career and on surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) over the last decade or so. The Raman laboratory he created in Wellington has become internationally recognised for its work on SERS, for example through seminal contributions to the understanding of SERS enhancement factors, SERS hot-spots, and single molecule detection (notably the development of the bi-analyte SERS method in 2006). This research work was further complemented by the publication in 2009 of a comprehensive monograph on SERS. During his New Zealand tenure Pablo was awarded the T. K. Sidey Medal by the Royal Society of New Zealand and was elected a Fellow of the Society in 2012.
A full list of Pablo’s publications is given in the bibliography. It is also customary these days to add some bibliometric data to the biography of a prominent scientist. According to the Web of Science, Pablo published more than 155 papers in international, refereed journals. They have been cited to date around 4000 times. His h-index (number of papers which have been cited h times or more) is 32, very high for a physicist of his age [This index was introduced by J. E. Hirsch, an Argentinean physicist who works at the UC in San Diego (La Jolla). See Proceedings of the NAS of the USA 15:16569, 2005].
Pablo had a friendly, easy-going temperament with an unusual sense of humour. He liked playing chess and soccer, loved New Zealand, and above all loved physics. He was a dedicated physics teacher. Over his 10 years at VUW, he redeveloped many of the undergraduate laboratory experiments, an effort that is now recognised by the “Pablo Etchegoin Prize”, which was set up shortly after his death thanks to contributions from his colleagues; it will annually honour an outstanding experimental physics undergraduate student. But it was in his research laboratory that Pablo spent most of his work time. He loved in particular to develop and work on new experiments, hands on, with students and postdocs, a passion which he carried on doing literally until a week before his death, self-administering morphine shots when needed between two experiments. In one of his letters written in 2007 he mentioned being proud of being known at VUW as “the professor who works with students in the laboratory”, a style which he suggested to have acquired in Bariloche and Stuttgart. Many PhD students and postdocs benefited over the years from his constant availability, help, and expertise in the laboratory: Mariano Campoy-Quiles; Rob Maher; Eric Le Ru; Mathias Meyer; Evan Blackie; Chris Galloway; Stefan Meyer; Andrew Preston; Baptiste Auguie; Ben Wylie-van-Eerd; Emiliano Cortes; Camille Artur; Walter Somerville; Peter Hauer; Brendan Darby; and many more who worked with Pablo on shorter projects.
But even more than physics, Pablo loved his children, Sofia and Julian. He carried his heavy illness, a form of pancreatic cancer first diagnosed in 2010 with the doctors giving him months rather than years, with hope, stoicism, and courage, and with great concern for the future of his children.
New Zealand, Victoria University, his family, friends, colleagues, and students will miss Pablo very dearly.
Manuel Cardona
Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany
Eric Le Ru
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2009: Principles of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and related plasmonic effects. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Book chapters
Etchegoin, P.; Le Ru, E. 2011: Basic electromagnetic theory of SERS. In: Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy: Analytical, Biophysical and Life Science Applications (ed. S. Schlucker), Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany.
Le Ru, E.; Grand, J.; Félidj, N.; Aubard, J.; Lévi, G.; Hohenau, A.; Krenn, J.; Blackie, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2010: Spectral profile modifications in Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence. In: Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence (ed. C. D. Geddes), John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, USA.
Journal articles
Etchegoin, P. 2013: Plasmonics and spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15: 5261.
Reigue, A.; Auguié, B.; Etchegoin, P.; Le Ru, E. 2013: CW measurements of resonance Raman profiles, line-widths, and cross-sections of fluorescent dyes: Application to Nile Blue A in water and ethanol. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 44: 573–581
Cortés, E.; Etchegoin, P.; Le Ru, E.; Fainstein, A.; Vela, M.; Salvarezza, R. 2013: Strong correlation between molecular configurations and charge-transfer processes probed at the single-molecule level by surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Journal of the American Chemical Society 135: 2809–2815.
Auguié, B.; Reigue, A.; Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2012: Tiny peaks vs mega backgrounds: A general spectroscopic method with applications in resonant Raman scattering and atmospheric absorptions. Analytical Chemistry 84: 7938–7945.
Le Ru, E.; Schroeter, L.; Etchegoin, P. 2012: Direct measurement of resonance Raman spectra and cross sections by a polarization difference technique. Analytical Chemistry 84: 5074–5079.
Beal, J.; Etchegoin, P.; Tilley, R. 2012: Synthesis and characterisation of magnetic iron sulfide nanocrystals. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 189: 57–62.
Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2012: Single-molecule surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 63: 65–87.
Artur, C.; Miller, R.; Meyer, M.; Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2012: Single-molecule SERS detection of C60. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14: 3219–3225.
Meyer, S.; Auguié, B.; Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2012: Combined SPR and SERS microscopy in the Kretschmann configuration. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 116: 1000–1007.
Artur, C.; Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2011: Temperature dependence of the homogeneous broadening of resonant Raman peaks measured by single-molecule surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2: 3002–3005.
Le Ru, E.; Grand, J.; Sow, I.; Somerville, W.; Etchegoin, P.; Treguer-Delapierre, M.; Charron, G.; Félidj, N.; Lévi, G.; Aubard, J. 2011: A scheme for detecting every single target molecule with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Nano Letters 11: 5013–5019.
Beal, J.; Prabakar, S.; Gaston, N.; Teh, G.; Etchegoin, P.; Williams, G.; Tilley, R. 2011: Synthesis and comparison of the magnetic properties of iron sulfide spinel and iron oxide spinel nanocrystals. Chemistry of Materials 23: 2514–2517.
Le Ru, E.; Meyer, S.; Artur, C.; Etchegoin, P.; Grand, J.; Lang, P.; Maurel, F. 2011: Experimental demonstration of surface selection rules for SERS on flat metallic surfaces. Chemical Communications 47: 3903–3905.
Meyer, S.; Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2011: Combining Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) spectroscopy with surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Analytical Chemistry 83: 2337–2344.
Etchegoin, P.; Le Ru, E.; Fainstein, A. 2011: Bi-analyte single molecule SERS technique with simultaneous spatial resolution. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13: 4500–4506.
Cortés, E.; Etchegoin, P.; Le Ru, E.; Fainstein, A.; Vela, M.; Salvarezza, R. 2010: Monitoring the electrochemistry of single molecules by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society 132: 18034–18037.
Lim, T.; Ingham, B.; Kamarudin, K.; Etchegoin, P.; Tilley, R. 2010: Solution synthesis of monodisperse indium nanoparticles and highly faceted indium polyhedra. Crystal Growth and Design 10: 3854–3858.
Cortés, E.; Etchegoin, P.; Le Ru, E.; Fainstein, A.; Vela, M.; Salvarezza, R. 2010: Electrochemical modulation for signal discrimination in surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Analytical Chemistry 82: 6919–6925.
Somerville, W.; Le Ru, E.; Northcote, P.; Etchegoin, P. 2010: High performance Raman spectroscopy with simple optical components. American Journal of Physics 78: 671–677.
Bohn, J.; Etchegoin, P.; Le Ru, E.; Xiang, R.; Chiashi, S.; Maruyama, S. 2010: Estimating the Raman cross sections of single carbon nanotubes. ACS Nano 4: 3466–3470.
Meyer, S.; Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2010: Quantifying resonant Raman cross sections with SERS. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114: 5515–5519.
Bohn, J.; Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. A. 2010: Statistical criterion for evaluating the single-molecule character of SERS signals. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114: 7330–7335.
Etchegoin, P.; Le Ru, E. 2010: Resolving single molecules in surface-enhanced Raman scattering within the lnhomogeneous broadening of Raman peaks. Analytical Chemistry 82: 2888–2892.
Beal, J.; Etchegoin, P.; Tilley, R. 2010: Transition metal polysulfide complexes as single-source precursors for metal sulfide nanocrystals. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114: 3817–3821.
Meyer, M.; Etchegoin, P.; Le Ru, E. 2010: Electronic structure, Raman tensors, and resonance phenomena in a simple molecular model. American Journal of Physics 78: 300–306.
Galloway, C.; Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2009: An iterative algorithm for background removal in spectroscopy by wavelet transforms. Applied Spectroscopy 63: 1370–1376.
Blackie, E.; Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2009: Single-molecule surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of nonresonant molecules. Journal of the American Chemical Society 131: 14466–14472.
Etchegoin, P. 2009: Editorial: Quo vadis surface-enhanced Raman scattering? Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11: 7348–7349.
Buchanan, S.; Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2009: Plasmon-dispersion corrections and constraints for surface selection rules of single molecule SERS spectra. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11: 7406–7411.
Galloway, C.; Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2009: Single-molecule vibrational pumping in SERS. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11: 7372–7380.
Galloway, C.; Etchegoin, P.; Le Ru, E. 2009: Ultrafast nonradiative decay rates on metallic surfaces by comparing surface-enhanced Raman and fluorescence signals of single molecules. Physical Review Letters 103: 063003-1–4.
Lim, T.; Ravi, S.; Bumby, C.; Etchegoin, P.; Tilley, R. 2009: Synthesis, characterization and photoconductivity of highly crystalline InP nanowires prepared from solid hydrogen phosphide. Journal of Materials Chemistry 19: 4852–4856.
Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2009: Phenomenological local field enhancement factor distributions around electromagnetic hot spots. Journal of Chemical Physics 130: 181101-1–4.
Etchegoin, P.; Le Ru, E.; Meyer, M. 2009: Evidence of natural isotopic distribution from single molecule SERS. Journal of the American Chemical Society 131: 2713–2716.
Etchegoin, P.; Lacharmoise, P.; Le Ru, E. 2009: Influence of photostability on single-molecule surface enhanced Raman scattering enhancement factors. Analytical Chemistry 81: 682–688.
Tuladhar, S.; Sims, M.; Kirkpatrick, J.; Maher, R.; Chatten, A.; Bradley, D.; Nelson, J.; Etchegoin, P.; Nielsen, C.; Massiot, P.; George, W.; Steinke, J. 2009: Influence of alkyl chain length on charge transport in symmetrically substituted poly(2,5-dialkoxyp-phenylenevinylene) polymers. Physical Review B 79: 035201-1–10.
Lacharmoise, P.; Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2009: Guiding molecules with electrostatic forces in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. ACS Nano 3: 66–72.
Campoy-Quiles, M. et al. 2008: On the determination of anisotropy in polymer thin films: A comparative study of optical techniques. Physica Status Solidi (C) 5: 1270–1273.
Etchegoin, P.; Le Ru, E. 2008: A perspective on single molecule SERS: Current status and future challenges. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10: 6079–6089.
Le Ru, E.; Meyer, M.; Blackie, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2008: Advanced aspects of electromagnetic SERS enhancement factors at a hot spot. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 39: 1127–1134.
Etchegoin, P.; Le Ru, E.; Meyer, M. 2008: SERS assertions addressed. Physics Today 61: 13–14.
Blackie, E.; Le Ru, E.; Meyer, M.; Timmer, M.; Burkett, B.; Northcote, P.; Etchegoin, P. 2008: Bi-analyte SERS with isotopically edited dyes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10: 4147–4153.
Le Ru, E.; Grand, J.; Félidj, N.; Aubard, J.; Lévi, G.; Hohenau, A.; Krenn, J.; Blackie, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2008: Experimental verification of the SERS electromagnetic model beyond the |E|4 approximation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112: 8117–8121.
Etchegoin, P.; Cardona, M.; Lauck, R.; Clark, R.; Serrano, J.; Romero, A. 2008: Temperature-dependent Raman scattering of natural and isotopically substituted PbS. Physica Status Solidi (B) 245: 1125–1132.
Maher, R.; Galloway, C.; Le Ru, E.; Cohen, L.; Etchegoin, P. 2008: Vibrational pumping in surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Chemical Society Reviews 37: 965–979.
Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P.; Grand, J.; Félidj, N.; Aubard, J.; Lévi, G.; Hohenau, A.; Krenn, J. 2008: Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy on nanolithography-prepared substrates. Current Applied Physics 8: 467–470.
Campoy-Quiles, M.; Ferenczi, T.; Agostinelli, T.; Etchegoin, P.; Kim, Y.; Anthopoulos, T.; Stavrinou, P.; Bradley, D.; Nelson, J. 2008: Morphology evolution via self-organization and lateral and vertical diffusion in polymer:fullerene solar cell blends. Nature Materials 7: 158–164.
Campoy-Quiles, M.; Nelson, J.; Bradley, D.; Etchegoin, P. 2007: Dimensionality of electronic excitations in organic semiconductors: A dielectric function approach. Physical Review B 76: 235206-1–14.
Sims, M.; Tuladhar, S.; Nelson, J.; Maher, R.; Campoy-Quiles, M.; Choulis, S.; Mairy, M.; Bradley, D.; Etchegoin, P.; Tregidgo, C.; Suhling, K.; Richards, D.; Massiot, P.; Nielsen, C.; Steinke, J. 2007: Correlation between microstructure and charge transport in poly(2,5-dimethoxyp -phenylenevinylene) thin films. Physical Review B 76: 195206-1–12.
Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P.; Grand, J.; Félidj, N.; Aubard, J.; Lévi, G. 2007: Mechanisms of spectral profile modification in surface-enhanced fluorescence. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111: 16076–16079.
Etchegoin, P.; Meyer, M.; Blackie, E.; Le Ru, E. 2007: Statistics of single-molecule surface enhanced Raman scattering signals: Fluctuation analysis with multiple analyte techniques. Analytical Chemistry 79: 8411–8415.
Etchegoin, P.; Le Ru, E.; Maher, R.; Cohen, L. 2007: Enhancement factor averaging and the photostability of probes in SERS vibrational pumping. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 9: 4923–4929.
Etchegoin, P.; Meyer, M.; Le Ru, E. 2007: Statistics of single molecule SERS signals: Is there a Poisson distribution of intensities? Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 9: 3006–3010.
Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P.; Meyer, M. 2006: Enhancement factor distribution around a single surface-enhanced Raman scattering hot spot and its relation to single molecule detection. Journal of Chemical Physics 125: 204701-1–13.
Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2006: Comment on "chemical contribution to surface-enhanced Raman scattering". Physical Review Letters 97: 199701.
Etchegoin, P.; Le Ru, E.; Meyer, M. 2006: An analytic model for the optical properties of gold. Journal of Chemical Physics 125: 164705-1–3.
Campoy-Quiles, M.; Sims, M.; Etchegoin, P.; Bradley, D. 2006: Thickness-dependent thermal transition temperatures in thin conjugated polymer films. Macromolecules 39: 7673–7680.
Maher, R.; Cohen, L.; Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2006: On the experimental estimation of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) cross sections by vibrational pumping. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110: 19469–19478.
Maher, R.; Cohen, L.; Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2006: A study of local heating of molecules under Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) conditions using the anti-Stokes/Stokes ratio. Faraday Discussions 132: 77–83.
Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2006: Vibrational pumping and heating under SERS conditions: Fact or myth? Faraday Discussions 132: 63–75.
Le Ru, E.; Galloway, C.; Etchegoin, P. 2006: On the connection between optical absorption/extinction and SERS enhancements. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 8: 3083–3087.
Maher, R.; Etchegoin, P.; Le Ru, E.; Cohen, L. 2006: A conclusive demonstration of vibrational pumping under surface enhanced Raman scattering conditions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110: 11757–11760.
Etchegoin, P.; Galloway, C.; Le Ru, E. 2006: Polarization-dependent effects in surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 8: 2624–2628.
Le Ru, E.; Dalley, M.; Etchegoin, P. 2006: Plasmon resonances of silver colloids studied by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Current Applied Physics 6: 411–414.
Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P.2006: Rigorous justification of the |E|4 enhancement factor in Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. Chemical Physics Letters 423: 63–66.
Maher, R.; Cohen, L.; Gallop, J.; Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2006: Temperature-dependent antistokes/stokes ratios under surface-enhanced Raman scattering conditions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110: 6797–6803.
Meyer, M.; Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2006: Self-limiting aggregation leads to long-lived metastable clusters in colloidal solutions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110: 6040–6047.
Le Ru, E.; Meyer, M.; Etchegoin, P. 2006: Proof of single-molecule sensitivity in Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) by means of a two-analyte technique. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110: 1944–1948.
Etchegoin, P.; Le Ru, E. 2006: Multipolar emission in the vicinity of metallic nanostructures. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 18: 1175–1188.
Campoy-Quiles, M.; Etchegoin, P.; Bradley, D. 2005: Exploring the potential of ellipsometry for the characterisation of electronic, optical, morphologic and thermodynamic properties of polyfluorene thin films. Synthetic Metals 155: 279–282.
Sims, M.; Zheng, K.; Quiles, M.; Xia, R.; Stavrinou, P.; Bradley, D.; Etchegoin, P. 2005: On the use of optical probes to monitor the thermal transitions in spin-coated poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) films. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 17: 6307–6318.
Tognalli, N.; Fainstein, A.; Calvo, E.; Bonazzola, C.; Pietrasanta, L.; Campoy-Quiles, M.; Etchegoin, P. 2005: SERS in PAH-Os and gold nanoparticle self-assembled multilayers. Journal of Chemical Physics 123: 044707-1–9.
Maher, R.; Hou, J.; Cohen, L.; Le Ru, E.; Hadfield, J.; Harvey, J.; Etchegoin, P.; Liu, F.; Green, M.; Brown, R.; Milton, M. 2005: Resonance contributions to anti-Stokes/Stokes ratios under surface enhanced Raman scattering conditions. Journal of Chemical Physics 123: 084702-1–8.
Etchegoin, P. 2005: Vaccination pattern affects immunological response. Physica A 354: 393–403.
Campoy-Quiles, M.; Etchegoin, P.; Bradley, D. 2005: On the optical anisotropy of conjugated polymer thin films. Physical Review B 72: 045209-1–16.
Campoy-Quiles, M.; Heliotis, G.; Xia, R.; Ariu, M.; Pintani, M.; Etchegoin, P.; Bradley, D. 2005: Ellipsometric characterization of the optical constants of polyfluorene gain media. Advanced Functional Materials 15: 925–933.
Etchegoin, P. 2005: Quantum mechanical hysteresis and the electron transfer problem. Physica A 345: 565–574.
Maher, R.; Dalley, M.; Le Ru, E.; Cohen, L.; Etchegoin, P.; Hartigan, H.; Brown, R.; Milton, M. 2004: Physics of single molecule fluctuations in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy active liquids. Journal of Chemical Physics 121: 8901–8910.
Etchegoin, P.; Maher, R.; Cohen, L. 2004: Amplification of local fields in disordered metallic structures. New Journal of Physics 6: 1–11.
Le Ru, E.; Etchegoin, P. 2004: Sub-wavelength localization of hot-spots in SERS. Chemical Physics Letters 396: 393–397.
Maher, R.; Cohen, L.; Etchegoin, P.; Hartigan, H.; Brown, R.; Milton, M. 2004: Stokes/anti-Stokes anomalies under surface enhanced Raman scattering conditions. Journal of Chemical Physics 120: 11746–11753.
Liem, H.; Cabanillas-Gonzalez, J.; Etchegoin, P.; Bradley, D. 2004: Glass transition temperatures of polymer thin films monitored by Raman scattering. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 16: 721–728.
Etchegoin, P. 2004: Self-tunnelling oscillations in non-linear quantum mechanics and the electron transfer problem. Chemical Physics 297: 245–255.
Etchegoin, P.; Cohen, L.; Hartigan, H.; Brown, R.; Milton, M.; Gallop, J. 2004: Localized plasmon resonances in inhomogeneous metallic nanoclusters. Chemical Physics Letters 383: 577–583.
Etchegoin, P. 2003: Phonon band structures with arbitrary frequency-dependent interactions. Physica B 339: 61–67.
Etchegoin, P.; Cohen, L.; Hartigan, H.; Brown, R.; Milton, M.; Gallop, J. 2003: Electromagnetic contribution to surface enhanced Raman scattering revisited. Journal of Chemical Physics 119: 5281–5289.
Etchegoin, P.; Maher, R.; Cohen, L.; Hartigan, H.; Brown, R.; Milton, M.; Gallop, J. 2003:New limits in ultrasensitive trace detection by surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Chemical Physics Letters 375: 84–90.
Rath, S.; Hsieh, M.; Etchegoin, P.; Stradling, R. 2003: Alloy effects on the Raman spectra of Si1-xGex and calibration protocols for alloy compositions based on polarization measurements. Semiconductor Science and Technology 18: 566–575.
Etchegoin, P.; Maher, R. 2003: A simple model for the mechanical stretching of (bio)polymers. Physica A 323: 551–560.
Etchegoin, P.; Maher, R. 2003: Electromagnetic optimization of light-harvesting proteins. Physical Review E 67: 022902-1–4.
Etchegoin, P.; Nöllmann, M. 2003: A model for protein-DNA interaction dynamics. Journal of Theoretical Biology 220: 233–239.
Etchegoin, P.; Liem, H.; Maher, R.; Cohen, L.; Brown, R.; Milton, M.; Gallop, J. 2003: Observation of dynamic oxygen release in hemoglobin using surface enhanced Raman scattering. Chemical Physics Letters 367: 223–229.
Liem, H.-M.; Etchegoin, P.; Whitehead, K.; Bradley, D. 2003: Raman anisotropy measurements: An effective probe of molecular orientation in conjugated polymer thin films. Advanced Functional Materials 13: 66–72.
Etchegoin, P.; Liem, H.; Maher, R.; Cohen, L.; Brown, R.; Hartigan, H.; Milton, M.; Gallop, J. 2002: A novel amplification mechanism for surface enhanced Raman scattering. Chemical Physics Letters 366: 115–121.
Etchegoin, P. 2002: Molecular transistors as open fermionic quantum systems. Physica A 313: 488–502.
Liem, H.; Etchegoin, P.; Whitehead, K.; Bradley, D. Raman scattering as a probe of morphology in conjugated polymer thin films. Journal of Applied Physics 92: 1154–1161.
Maher, R.; Cohen, L.; Etchegoin, P. 2002: Single molecule photo-bleaching observed by surface enhanced resonant Raman scattering (SERRS). Chemical Physics Letters 352: 378–384.
Etchegoin, P. 2002: Analog computers in stochastic phenomena. Physica A 303: 308–320.
Etchegoin, P. 2001: Hopping probabilities in a chaotic attractor. Physica A 301: 97–104.
Liem, H.; Etchegoin, P.; Bradley, D. 2001: Anomalous Raman scattering from the surface of conjugated polymer melts. Physical Review B 64: 144209-1–5.
Rowe, A.; Etchegoin, P. 2001: Experimental observation of stochastic resonance in a linear electronic array. Physical Review E 64: 031106-1–4.
Etchegoin, P.; Seddon, J. 2001: Differing applications of Raman scattering to liquid crystals. Liquid Crystals 28: 811–817.
Nöllmann, M.; Etchegoin, P. 2001: Origin of the lognormal shape in the boson-peak of globular proteins. Physica A 294: 44–50.
Burhanudin, Z.; Etchegoin, P. 2001: Monitoring surface molecular order in discotic liquid crystals. Chemical Physics Letters 336: 7–12.
Fainstein, A.; Etchegoin, P.; Trodahl, H.; Tallon, J. 2000: Spin-order-dependent Raman scattering in RuSr2GdCu2O8. Physical Review B 61: 15468–15473.
Nöllmann, M.; Etchegoin, P. 2000: Photoinduced oxygen dynamics in lyophilized hemoglobin. Spectrochimica Acta - Part A 56: 2817–2829.
Winkler, E.; Etchegoin, P.; Fainstein, A.; Fainstein, C. 2000: Resonant Raman scattering and optical transmission studies of Cu(II) and Fe(III) impurities in crystalline L-alanine. Physical Review B 61: 15756–15761.
Etchegoin, P.; Nöllmann, M. 2000: Comment on "Photon transmission technique for studying multiple phase transitions in a liquid crytals". Physical Review E 61: 7256–7258.
Etchegoin, P. 2000: Blue phases of cholesteric liquid crystals as thermotropic photonic crystals. Physical Review E 62: 1435–1437.
Nöllmann, M.; Etchegoin, P. 2000: Coupling between molecular vibrations and liquid crystalline order parameters. Physical Review E 61: 7235–7238.
Nöllmann, M.; Etchegoin, P. 2000: Phonon self-energies and phase transitions in a prototype discotic liquid crystal. Physical Review E 61: 5345–5348.
Etchegoin, P. 2000: Electrooptical modulation in the Stark-Ladder Regime. JETP Letters 71: 204–208.
Winkler, E.; Fainstein, A.; Etchegoin, P.; Fainstein, C. 1999: Fe impurities in L-alanine: An EPR, luminescence, and Raman study. Physical Review B 59: 1255–1262.
Sirenko, A.; Etchegoin, P.; Fainstein, A.; Eberl, K.; Cardona, M. 1999: Birefringence in the transparency region of GaAs/AlAs multiple quantum wells. Physical Review B 60: 8253–8261.
Nöllmann, M.; Etchegoin, P. 1999: Universal low-frequency vibrations of proteins from a simple interaction potential. Physical Review E 60: 4593–4596.
Etchegoin, P.; Fainstein, A.; Pregliasco, R. 1999: Optical nonlinearities in the supercooled phase of nematic liquid crystal drops. Physica D 134: 144–151.
Sirenko, A.; Etchegoin, P.; Fainstein, A.; Eberl, K.; Cardona, M. 1999: Linear birefringence in GaAs/AIAs multiple quantum wells. Physica Status Solidi (B) 215: 241–246.
Etchegoin, P. 1999: Fluorescence photobleaching recovery spectroscopy in a dye doped nematic liquid crystal. Physical Review E 59: 1860–1867.
Nöllmann, M.; Shalóm, D.; Etchegoin, P.; Sereni, J. 1999: Photobleaching and reorientational dynamics of dyes in a nematic liquid crystal. Physical Review E 59: 1850–1859.
Hadjiev, V.; Fainstein, A.; Etchegoin, P.; Trodahl, H.; Bernhard, C.; Cardona, M.; Tallon, J. 1999: Raman scattering from magnetic excitations in the ferromagnetic superconductor RuSr2GdCu2O8-d. Physica Status Solidi (B) 211: R5–R6.
Etchegoin, P. 1998: Glasslike low-frequency dynamics of globular proteins. Physical Review E 58: 845–848.
Fainstein, A.; Etchegoin, P.; Guimpel, J. 1998: Raman study of photoinduced chain-fragment ordering in GdBa2Cu3Ox thin films. Physical Review B 58: 9433–9439.
Winkler, E.; Etchegoin, P.; Fainstein, A.; Fainstein, C. 1998: Luminescence and resonant Raman scattering of color centers in irradiated crystalline L-alanine. Physical Review B 57: 13477–13484.
Etchegoin, P. 1997: Molecular structure and electronic properties of the quasi-one-dimensional discotic liquid crystal conductors hexakis (n-alkoxy) triphenylene. Physical Review E 56: 538–548.
Etchegoin, P.; Phillips, R. 1996: Stimulated Raman scattering produced by self-focusing in liquid crystals. Physical Review E 54: 2637–2646.
Etchegoin, P.; Phillips, R. 1996: Photon focusing, internal diffraction, and surface states in periodic dielectric structures. Physical Review B 53: 12674–12683.
Etchegoin, P.; Fainstein, A.; Sirenko, A.; Koopmans, B.; Richards, B.; Santos, P.; Cardona, M.; Totenmeyer, K.; Eberl, K. 1996: Optics of multiple quantum wells uniaxially stressed along the growth axis. Physical Review B 53: 13662–13671.
Koopmans, B.; Etchegoin, P.; Santos, P.; Cardona, M. 1996: A quantitative study of the piezooptical activity in GaAs. Solid State Communications 97: 261–266.
Fainstein, A.; Etchegoin, P.; Chamberlain, M.; Cardona, M.; Tötemeyer, K.; Eberl, K. 1995: Selection rules and dispersion of GaAs/AlAs multiple-quantum-well optical phonons studied by Raman scattering in right-angle, forward, and backscattering in-plane geometries. Physical Review B 51: 14448–14458.
Lew Yan Voon, L.; Fainstein, A.; Etchegoin, P.; Santos, P.; Cardona, M. 1995: Comment on "Observation of time-nonreversible optical interaction with zinc-blende semiconductors". Physical Review B 52: 2201–2202.
Santos, P.; Etchegoin, P.; Cardona, M.; Brar, B.; Kroemer, H. 1994: Optical anisotropy in InAs/AlSb superlattices. Physical Review B 50: 8746–8754.
De Mierry, P.; Etchegoin, P.; Stutzmann, M. 1994: Plasma damage and acceptor passivation in D2-plasma-treated InP:Zn: A photoluminescence and ellipsometry study. Physical Review B 49: 5283–5290.
Fainstein, A.; Etchegoin, P.; Santos, P.; Cardona, M.; Tötemeyer, K.; Eberl, K. 1994: In-plane birefringence of GaAs/AlAs multiple quantum wells. Physical Review B 50: 11850–11860.
Etchegoin, P.; Fainstein, A.; Santos, P.; Lew Yan Voon, L.; Cardona, M. 1994: Linear terms in q in the macroscopic optical properties of zincblende type materials: theory and experiment. Solid State Communications 92: 505–510.
de Mierry, P.; Etcheberry, A.; Rizk, R.; Etchegoin, P.; Aucouturier, M. 1994: Defects induced in p-type silicon by photocathodic charging of hydrogen. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 141: 1539–1546.
Etchegoin, P.; Kircher, J.; Cardona, M. 1993: Elasto-optical constants of Si. Physical Review B 47: 10292–10303.
Cardona, M.; Etchegoin, P.; Fuchs, H.; Molinas-Mata, P. 1993: Effect of isotopic disorder and mass on the electronic and vibronic properties of three-, two- and one-dimensional solids. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 5: A61–A72.
Spitzer, J.; Fuchs, H.; Etchegoin, P.; Ilg, M.; Cardona, M.; Brar, B.; Kroemer, H. 1993: Quality of AlAs-like and InSb-like interfaces in InAs/AlSb superlattices: An optical study. Applied Physics Letters 62: 2274–2276.
Fuchs, H.; Etchegoin, P.; Cardona, M.; Itoh, K.; Haller, E. 1993: Vibrational band modes in germanium: Isotopic disorder-induced raman scattering. Physical Review Letters 70: 1715–1718.
Etchegoin, P.; Fuchs, H.; Weber, J.; Cardona, M.; Pintschovius, L.; Pyka, N.; Itoh, K.; Haller, E. 1993: Phonons in isotopically disordered Ge. Physical Review B 48: 12661–12671.
Spitzer, J.; Etchegoin, P.; Cardona, M.; Anthony, T.; Banholzer, W. 1993: Isotopic-disorder induced Raman scattering in diamond. Solid State Communications 88: 509–514.
Etchegoin, P.; Kircher, J.; Cardona, M. 1993: Piezo-optical response of semiconductors. Thin Solid Films 233: 141–144.
Etchegoin, P.; Cardona, M. 1993: Circular birefringence in zinc-blende-type semiconductors. Thin Solid Films 233: 137–140.
Kircher, J.; Böhringer, W.; Dietrich, W.; Hirt, H.; Etchegoin, P.; Cardona, M. 1992: Design of a compact uniaxial stress apparatus for optical measurements. Review of Scientific Instruments 63: 3733–3735.
Etchegoin, P.; Kircher, J.; Cardona, M.; Grein, C. 1992: Piezo-optical response of Ge in the visible/UV range. Physical Review B 45: 11721–11735.
Etchegoin, P.; Kircher, J.; Cardona, M.; Grein, C.; Bustarret, E. 1992: Piezo-optics of GaAs. Physical Review B 46: 15139–15149.
Massa, N. E.; Duhalde, S.; Fainstein, C.; Saragovi, C.; Etchegoin, P. 1992: Xray diffraction, Raman, infrared and Moessbauer spectra of heavily Fe doped Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8+d. Ferroelectrics 128: 249–254.
Kelly, M.; Etchegoin, P.; Fuchs, D.; Krätschmer,W.; Fostiropoulos, K. 1992: Optical transitions of C60 films in the visible and ultraviolet from spectroscopic ellipsometry. Physical Review B 46: 4963–4968.
Etchegoin, P.; Weber, J.; Cardona, M.; Hansen, W.; Itoh, K.; Haller, E. 1992: Isotope effect in Ge: a photoluminescence study. Solid State Communications 83: 843–848.
Etchegoin, P.; Cardona, M. 1992: Stress-induced optical activity in the zincblende-type semiconductors. Solid State Communications 82: 655–659.
Saragovi, C.; Fainstein, C.; Etchegoin, P.; Duhalde, S. 1990: Iron doping and Mössbauer spectroscopy in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu ceramic superconductors. Physica C 168: 493–498.
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