Gregor William Yeates

Gregor Yeates FRSNZ
Dr Gregor Yeates, world renowned soil biologist/nematologist, ecologist, and systematist, died in his home town of Palmerston North, New Zealand, on 6 August 2012 after a brief illness.
Throughout his career, Gregor dedicated his research to understanding the ecology and sytematics of soil organisms, especially nematodes, primarily in New Zealand but also internationally. He authored over 300 scientific publications, spanning a 45-year period. Gregor also had significant roles in numerous scientific organisations, both nationally – Wellington and Manawatu Branch levels of the Royal Society of New Zealand – and internationally.
Born in New Zealand in 1944, Gregor started his career with a BSc (First Class Honours) in 1966, followed by a PhD in 1968, both completed through the then Department of Zoology at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. His focus at that time was on characterising and understanding the communities of nematodes in sand dunes. In 1986 he was conferred with a DSc from the University of Canterbury.
Following his PhD, Gregor conducted postdoctoral research at the Rothamsted Experimental Station in England over 1968–1969, and at the Aarhus Museum of Natural History in Denmark from 1969 to 1970, focusing on nematode community ecology, energetics, and production in a Danish beech forest. He returned to New Zealand in 1970 where he remained based, first with the DSIR Soil Bureau in Lower Hutt, then DSIR Division of Land Resources in 1988, and DSIR Land Resources in 1990. He was awarded a Nuffield Foundation Commonwealth Travelling Fellowship to study at Rothamsted in 1977–1978. Following the restructuring of New Zealand Government science institutions in 1992, he worked for Landcare Research, first in Lower Hutt, then, from 1994 until his retirement in 2009, in Palmerston North, the city of his childhood. Following retirement he continued his scientific work as an Honorary Research Associate in the Soil and Earth Science Group, Institute of Natural Resources at Massey University.
During his 39 years with DSIR and Landcare Research, he applied his skills tirelessly to a very broad range of topics and projects, the majority involving the ecology and systematics of soil nematodes, but many also involving other groups of fauna ranging from earthworms to flatworms, porina, grassgrubs, other invertebrates that inhabit the soil, and even to Adelie penguins. He published 292 papers in scientific journals, with a further 9 in press or in preparation at the time of his death. He wrote a number of book chapters, and over 300 other scientific communications (reports, conference papers, abstracts, etc.) and about 40 popular articles for newsletters, newspapers etc. His paper: G. W. Yeates; T. Bongers; R. G. M. De Groede; D. W. Freckman; and S. S. Georgieva (1993): Feeding habits in soil nematode families and genera—An outline for soil ecologists, Journal of Nematology 25(3): 315–331, has been cited over 900 times (Google Scholar).
Gregor contributed significantly to the research on nematode community structures and the influence of environmental and management effects upon them. He studied nematodes and other soil organisms in environments as diverse as Antarctica to Northern Europe, from habitats that included sand dunes, pastures, forests, agricultural fields, and invertebrate intestines. He has had a profound influence on the systematics of nematodes. He named 106 nematode species (81 alone, 25 jointly); with the holotypes of 77 species being deposited in the National Nematode Collection of New Zealand (out of a total of 197 holotypes), as well as helping with several others.
Gregor particularly enjoyed editorial and reviewing work, serving on the editorial boards of several journals (until shortly before his death, and some for well over 20 years) including Pedobiologia, Biology & Fertility of Soils, Nematologica, Applied Soil Ecology, Fundamental and Applied Nematology, the Russian Journal of Nematology, the New Zealand Journal of Zoology, and Journal of Nematology.
Gregor’s contribution to science, both in New Zealand and abroad, was recognised by a number of honours. He was made a Fellow of the New Zealand Society of Soil Science (NZSSS) in 1995; a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand (RSNZ) in 1998; an Honorary Member of the RSNZ Manawatu Branch in 2004; and a Fellow of the Society of Nematologists (USA) in 2007. One of his collaborators, Dr Brian Boag of the Hutton Institute in Dundee, described Gregor as “the greatest nematologist there has been”. He was also chosen as the NZSSS Norman Taylor Memorial Lecturer for 2006.
Gregor served the New Zealand science community through numerous roles. He represented the Branches during 1990–1992 on the RSNZ Member Bodies’ Management Committee and on the Interim Board during 1992–1997; later he served on the Research Grants, Awards and Academic Fellowship Board Committees. He was instrumental in setting up the RSNZ Endowment Trust Fund, serving as a Trustee from 2010 to 2012. He also served in various roles on the RSNZ Wellington Branch committee: Council member (1981–93); Treasurer (1981−84); Vice-President (1985−86); President (1987–88); and Biology Section Committee (1990−94). Later he served on the RSNZ Manawatu Branch Committee (1996–2012): Vice-President (1998−99); President (2000−2001); Secretary (2002−2012); and Treasurer (2009). He was also President of the NZ Society of Parasitology during 1990–1991. Gregor represented New Zealand on the European Society of Nematologists from 2005 and had several roles in the Society of Nematologists, USA, between 1976 and 2008.
Gregor mentored numerous post-graduate students and was an external examiner for masterate and PhD theses. In recent years, he remained active in a number of pursuits that served to communicate science to a broader and younger population. He assisted with an Auckland Bio-Blitz, and, with Professor Vince Neall, authored and co-edited Plains Science 1 on scientific achievements in the Manawatu. Gregor judged at Manawatu Science Fairs and mentored students in both Science Fair and CREST projects. Not long before his death he was assisting Bunnythorpe Primary School with their Science Fair projects, which led to the memorable quote from one of the students: ‘Dr Yeates, you are so COOL’. Gregor was elected to the Committee of The Science Centre Inc in 2004, becoming a strong advocate for local science for school children and the general public. He was Treasurer from 2009 until he died. He was also appointed to The Science Centre Trust in 2005 and became Chair from 2006 until his death, supporting development of science exhibits in Te Manawa, the local museum, science centre and art gallery.
Gregor also played a leading role in his community. He served as an Upper Hutt City Councillor and Hutt Valley Drainage Board member from 1973 to 1977. Continuing his father’s passion for rhododendrons, he served on the Council of the New Zealand Rhododendron Association (1997–2000), as archivist (2000–2012), and was an inaugural Trustee and Friend of the Heritage Park Rhododendron Charitable Trust at Kimbolton.
Gregor will be remembered not only as an extraordinary soil biologist and scientist, but also as a mentor and friend to many. He had an infectious enthusiasm for everything science and soil biology, which inevitably had a lasting impact on those who interacted with him. He is survived by his wife Judy, his sons Peter and Stuart, and their families.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to Judy, Peter, and Stuart Yeates, and David Wardle for providing information on Gregor’s career.
Dr Craig Ross
Landcare Research—Manaaki Whenua
Palmerston North, New Zealand
- Yeates, G. W. 1967: Studies on nematodes from dune sands. 1. Tylenchida. New Zealand Journal of Science 10: 280-286.
- Yeates, G. W. 1967: Studies on nematodes from dune sands. 2. Araeolaimida. New Zealand Journal of Science 10: 287-298.
- Yeates, G. W. 1967: Studies on nematodes from dune sands. 3. Oncholaimidae, Ironidae, Alaimidae and Mononchidae. New Zealand Journal of Science 10: 299-321.
- Yeates, G. W. 1967: Studies on nematodes from dune sands. 4. Diphtherophoroidea. New Zealand Journal of Science 10: 322-329.
- Yeates, G. W. 1967: Studies on nematodes from dune sands. 5. Acrobelinae. New Zealand Journal of Science 10: 527-547.
- Yeates, G. W. 1967: Observations on phylogeny and evolution in the Dorylaimina (Nematoda). New Zealand Journal of Science 10: 683-700.
- Yeates, G. W. 1967: Studies on nematodes from dune sands. 6. Dorylaimoidea. New Zealand Journal of Science 10: 752-784.
- Yeates, G. W. 1967: Studies on nematodes from dune sands. 7. Monhysterida and Chromadorida. New Zealand Journal of Science 10: 785-801.
- Yeates, G. W. 1967: Studies on nematodes from dune sands. 8. Hemicycliophora halophila n. sp. and Ereptonema inflatum n. sp. New Zealand Journal of Science 10: 802-807.
- Yeates, G. W. 1968: Studies on nematodes from dune sands. 9. Quantitative comparison of the nematode faunas of six localities. New Zealand Journal of Science 10: 927-948. (Year 1967).
- Yeates, G. W. 1968: An analysis of annual variation of the nematode fauna in dune sand, at Himatangi Beach, New Zealand. Pedobiologia 8: 173-207.
- Yeates, G. W. 1968: A simple method of making sieves, using nylon gauze and PVC tubing. Nematologica 14: 456-458.
- Yeates, G. W. 1968: Studies on the Adelie Penguin at Cape Royds 1964-65 and 1965-66. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 2: 472-496.
- Yeates, G. W. 1969: Predation by Mononchoides potohikus (Nematoda: Diplogasteridae) in laboratory culture. Nematologica 15: 1-9.
- Yeates, G. W. 1969: Three new Rhabditida (Nematoda) from New Zealand dune sands. Nematologica 15: 115-128.
- Coomans, A.; Yeates, G. W. 1969: On the identity of Discolaimium sabuli Yeates, 1967. Nematologica 15: 294.
- Yeates, G. W. 1969: The status of Trichodorus clarki Yeates, 1967, Ereptonema inflatum Yeates, 1967, and Mononchoides potohikus Yeates, 1969. Nematologica 15: 430.
- Yeates, G. W. 1969: A note on the function of the prerectum in Diplenteron potohikus (Yeates, 1969) (Nematoda: Diplogasteridae). Nematologica 15: 430-431.
- Yeates, G. W. 1970: Studies on laboratory cultures of dune sand nematodes. Journal of Natural History, London 4: 119-136.
- Yeates, G. W. 1970: Two terrestrial nematodes from the McMurdo Sound Region, Antarctica, with a note on Anaplectus arenicola Killick, 1964. Journal of Helminthology 44: 27-34.
- Yeates, G. W. 1970: The diversity of soil nematode faunas. Pedobiologia 10: 104-107.
- Yeates, G. W. 1970: Four Dorylaimina (Nematoda) from Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire. Nematologica 16: 273–283.
- Yeates, G. W. 1970: Failure of Heterodera carotae, H. cruciferae and H. goettingiana to interbreed in vitro. Nematologica 16: 153-154.
- Yeates, G. W. 1971: Diurnal activity in the Adelie Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) at Cape Royds, Antarctica. Journal of Natural History, London 5: 103-112.
- Yeates, G. W. 1971: Plant and soil nematodes of Wicken Fen. Nature in Cambridgeshire No. 14: 23-25.
- Yeates, G. W. 1971: Feeding types and feeding groups in plant and soil nematodes. Pedobiologia 11: 173-179.
- Yeates, G. W. 1972: Trischistoma stramenti n. sp. (Nematoda: Enoplida) from leaf litter. New Zealand Journal of Science 14:897-900. (Year 1971) [published 15 March 1972]
- Yeates, G. W. 1972: Observations on orientation of penguins to wind and on colonisation in the Adelie Penguin rookery at Cape Royds, Antarctica. New Zealand Journal of Science 14: 901-906. (Year 1971).
- Yeates, G. W. 1972: The oesophago‑intestinal junction in the Dorylaimoidea (Nematoda). Journal of Natural History, London 6: 343-355.
- Yeates, G. W. 1972: Nematoda of a Danish beech forest. I. Methods and general analysis. Oikos 23: 178-189.
- Yeates, G. W. 1972: Population studies on Ditylenchus dipsaci (Nematoda: Tylenchida) in a Danish beech forest. Nematologica 18: 125-130.
- Hallas, T. E.; Yeates, G. W. 1972: Tardigrada of the soil and litter of a Danish beech forest. Pedobiologia 12: 287-304.
- Wouts, W. M.; Yeates, G. W. 1972: Redistribution of type material. Nematologica 18: 152-153.
- Yeates, G. W. 1972: Constancy of specific soil nematode dimensions with depth and time. Nematologica 18: 418.
- Yeates, G. W. 1973: Taxonomy of some soil nematodes from the New Hebrides. New Zealand Journal of Science 15: 673-697. (Year 1972) [published 16 February 1973]
- Yeates, G. W. 1973: Nematoda of a Danish beech forest. II. Production estimates. Oikos 24: 179-185.
- Yeates, G. W. 1973: Morphometrics and growth in eight New Zealand soil nematode populations. New Zealand Journal of Science 16: 711-725.
- Yeates, G. W. 1973: Abundance and distribution of soil nematodes in samples from the New Hebrides. New Zealand Journal of Science 16: 727-736.
- Healy, W. B.; Widdowson, J. P.; Yeates, G. W. 1973: Effect of root nematodes on the growth of seedling and established white clover on a yellow‑brown loam. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 16: 70-76.
- Widdowson, J. P.; Yeates, G. W.; Healy, W. B. 1973: The effect of root nematodes on the utilisation of phosphorus by white clover on a yellow‑brown loam. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 16: 77-80.
- Yeates, G. W.; Healy, W. B.; Widdowson, J. P. 1973: Screening of legume varieties for resistance to the root nematodes Heterodera trifolii and Meloidogyne hapla. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 16: 81-86.
- Yeates, G. W. 1973: Annual cycle of root nematodes on white clover in pasture. I. Heterodera trifolii in a yellow‑grey earth. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 16: 569-574.
- Yeates, G. W. 1973: Annual cycle of root nematodes on white clover in pasture. II. Meloidogyne hapla and Heterodera trifolii in a yellow‑brown loam. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 16: 575-578.
- Yeates, G. W. 1974: Studies on a climosequence of soils in tussock‑grasslands. 2. Nematodes. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 1: 171-177.
- Yeates, G. W. 1974: Effects of Heterodera trifolii on the growth of clover on a yellow‑grey earth under greenhouse conditions. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 17: 379-385.
- Yeates, G. W. 1975: Microclimate, climate and breeding success in Antarctic penguins. Pp. 397-409 in: Stonehouse, B. ed., "The Biology of Penguins". Macmillan, London. 555 p. (Invited contribution).
- Yeates, G. W. 1975: Nematode genera from some New Zealand pastures. New Zealand Soil Bureau Scientific Report No. 21. 22 p.
- Yeates, G. W. 1975: Redescriptions of Amphidelus tasmaniensis (Allgén, 1929) and A. papuanus Andrássy, 1973. (Nematoda: Alaimidae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 2: 1-7.
- Yeates, G. W.; Crouchley, G. C.; Witchalls, J. T. 1975: Effect of soil fumigation on white clover growth in a yellow‑grey earth infested with clover cyst nematode. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 18: 149-153.
- Yeates, G. W.; Stout, J. D. 1975: Preliminary biological studies of the effects of spray irrigation of pasture with dairy shed effluent. 23 p. Proceedings of the Seventh Biotechnology Conference ‑ Wastewater Treatment, Massey University, May 1975.
- Martin, N. A.; Yeates, G. W. 1975: Effect of four insecticides on the pasture ecosystem. III. Nematodes, rotifers and tardigrades. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 18: 307-312.
- Yeates, G. W.; Healy, W. B.; Widdowson, J. P.; Thomson, N. A.; McDiarmid, B. N. 1975: The influence of nematicides on the growth of plots of white clover on a yellow‑brown loam. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 18: 411-416.
- Yeates, G. W.; Stout, J. D.; Ross, D. J.; Dutch, Mary E.; Thomas, R. F. 1976: Long‑term effects of paraquat/diquat and additional weed control treatments on some physical, biological, and respiratory properties of a soil previously under grass. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 19: 51-61.
- Yeates, G. W. 1976: Earthworm population of a pasture spray‑irrigated with dairy shed effluent. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 19: 387-391.
- Yeates, G. W.; Risk, W. H. 1976: Annual cycle of root nematodes on white clover in pasture. III. Heterodera trifolii in a yellow‑brown earth. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 19: 393-396.
- Yeates, G. W.; Healy, W. B.; Widdowson, J. P.; Thomson, N. A.; McDiarmid, B. N. 1976: The effect of a soil fumigant on the establishment and growth of a grazed pasture on a yellow‑brown loam. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 19: 397-403.
- Yeates, G. W. 1976: Effect of fertiliser treatment and stocking rate on pasture nematode populations on a yellow‑grey earth. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 19: 405-408.
- Yeates, G. W. 1977: Soil nematodes of New Zealand pastures. Soil Science 123: 415-422. [Invited review; issue commemorating 50th anniversary of Soil Bureau, DSIR]
- Yeates, G. W. 1977: Nematoda of a Danish beech forest - a correction. Oikos 28: 309.
- Loof, P. A. A.; Yeates, G. W. 1977: Panagrolaimus australis Yeates, 1969 a secondary hononym of, and conspecific with P. australis (Cobb, 1893) Sudhaus, 1976. Nematologica 23: 266.
- Yeates, G. W.; Ross, D. J.; Bridger, Barbara A.; Visser, Trudy A. 1977: Influence of the nematodes Heterodera trifolii and Meloidogyne hapla on nitrogen fixation by white clover under glasshouse conditions. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 20: 401-413.
- Yeates, G. W. 1977: Incidence, effects and control of nematodes in Cotula greens. New Zealand Turf Culture Institute Inc., Sports Turf Review, No. 111: 123-126.
- Yeates, G. W. 1978: Reinfestation of small plots by clover cyst nematode ‑ a note. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 21: 147.
- Yeates, G. W. 1978: Influence of Heterodera trifolii cyst inoculum on white clover growth and final cyst count in pots of a yellow‑brown pumice soil. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 21: 149-151.
- Yeates, G. W. 1978: Populations of nematode genera in soils under pasture. I. Seasonal dynamics in dryland and irrigated pasture on a southern yellow‑grey earth. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 21: 321-330. [corrigenda: the actual block for Figure 2, page 323 of part I should be swapped with that in Figure 1, page 332 of part II]
- Yeates, G. W. 1978: Populations of nematode genera in soils under pasture. II. Seasonal dynamics in dryland and effluent irrigated pastures on a central yellow‑grey earth. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 21: 331-340. [corrigenda: the actual block for Figure 2, page 323 of part I should be swapped with that in Figure 1, page 332 of part II]
- Yeates, G. W. 1978: Hemicycliophora chathami n. sp. (Nematoda: Tylenchida) from Chatham Island, New Zealand, with the description of two subspecies. Nematologica 24: 425-435.
- Yeates, G. W. 1979: Oesophageal length in Dorylaimellus (Nematoda: Dorylaimida) poorly correlated with body length. Nematologica 25: 275-279.
- Yeates, G. W. 1979: Soil nematodes in terrestrial ecosystems. Journal of Nematology 11: 213-229. (Invited review)
- Yeates, G. W. 1979: Nine new Dorylaimida (Nematoda) from the New Zealand region. Nematologica 25: 419-438.
- Yeates, G. W.; Visser, Trudy A. 1979: Persistence of Heterodera trifolii (Nematoda) cysts in the absence of host plants. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 22: 649-651.
- Yeates, G. W. 1979: Terrestrial nematodes from Bunger Hills and Gaussberg, Antarctica. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 6: 641-643.
- Yeates, G. W. 1980: Nematodes : are they a problem? New Zealand Turf Culture Institute Inc., Sports Turf Review No. 130: 126-128.
- Yeates, G. W. 1980: Populations of nematode genera in soils under pasture. III. Vertical distribution at eleven sites. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 23: 117-128.
- Yeates, G. W. 1981: Populations of nematode genera in soils under pasture. IV. Seasonal dynamics at five North Island sites. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 24: 107-121.
- Yeates, G. W. 1981: Nematodes in soil ecosystems ‑ report on a symposium. Pedobiologia 21: 223. (Reproduced in Nematology Newsletter 26 (4): 9-10.)
- Yeates, G. W. 1981: Soil nematode populations depressed in the presence of earthworms. Pedobiologia 22: 191-195. [erratum: page 191, line 22: earthworm abundance should read 1000 m-2]
- Yeates, G. W. 1981: Nematode populations in relation to soil environmental factors: a review. Pedobiologia 22: 312-338.
- Yeates, G. W.; Cox, J. E.; Ross, D. J.; Stout, J. D. 1981: Biology and biochemistry of the soil profile below a kauri (Agathis australis Salisb.) tree. New Zealand Soil Bureau Scientific Report 51. 34 p.
- Yeates, G. W. 1982: Size and diversity in nematodes. Zoologischer Anzeiger 208: 92-96.
- Yeates, G. W.; Coleman, D. C. 1982: Role of nematodes in decomposition. Pp. 55-80 in: Diana W. Freckman (Ed.) "Nematodes in Soil Ecosystems". University of Texas Press, Austin. 206 p.
- Yeates, G. W. 1982: Pasture nematode dynamics over 36 months with special reference to Pungentus. Proceedings of the Third Australasian Conference on Grassland Invertebrate Ecology (K. E. Lee, Ed.): 87-94.
- Yeates, G. W. 1982: Pungentus maorium (Nematoda: Dorylaimida) population changes under pasture during thirty‑six months. Pedobiologia 24: 81-89.
- Yeates, G. W. 1982: Variation in pasture nematode populations over thirty‑six months in a summer dry silt loam. Pedobiologia 24: 329-346.
- Yeates, G. W.; Barker, G. M.; Pottinger, P. R. 1983: Effect of insecticides on nematode populations below ten grass cultivars. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 11: 147–151.
- Yeates, G. W.; Stannard, Ruth E.; Barker, G. M. 1983: Vertical distribution of nematode populations in Horotiu soils. New Zealand Soil Bureau Scientific Report 60. 14 p.
- Yeates, G. W. 1984: John David Stout (1925-1982). Soil Biology and Biochemistry 16: 93-94.
- Yeates, G. W. 1984: Variation in soil nematode diversity under pasture with soil and year. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 16: 95-102.
- Yeates, G. W.; Ferris, Virginia R. 1984: Dorylaimellus egmonti n. sp. (Nematoda : Dorylaimida) from Taranaki, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 11: 137-140.
- Yeates, G. W. 1984: Variation in pasture nematode populations over thirty-six months in a summer moist silt loam. Pedobiologia 27: 207-219.
- Yeates, G. W. 1984: Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus (Nematoda: Tylenchida) population changes under pasture during thirty‑six months. Pedobiologia 27: 221-228.
- Yeates, G. W.; Leslie, D. M.; Stannard, Ruth E.; McLaren, N. A. 1984: Effects of 2 nematicides on biological activity in a Typic Haplaquoll at Castlepoint. 1. Site, soils, treatments and environmental conditions. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 27: 545-556.
- Greenwood, P. B.; Yeates, G. W.; Sheath, G. W. 1984: Effect of nematicide on stem nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) populations and productivity, and survival of 3 lucerne cultivars in North Otago. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 27: 557-562.
- Yeates, G. W. 1985: Effects of 2 nematicides on biological activity in a Typic Haplaquoll at Castlepoint. 2. Nematodes. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 28: 141-150.
- Yeates, G. W.; Watson, R. N.; Steele, K. W. 1985: Complementary distribution of Meloidogyne, Heterodera and Pratylenchus (Nematoda: Tylenchida) in roots of white clover. Proceedings of the Fourth Australasian Conference on Grassland Invertebrate Ecology (R. B. Chapman, ed.): 71-79.
- Watson, R. N.; Yeates, G. W.; Littler, R. A.; Steele, K. W. 1985: Responses in nitrogen fixation and herbage production following pesticide applications on temperature pastures. Proceedings of the Fourth Australasian Conference on Grassland Invertebrate Ecology (R. B. Chapman, ed.): 101-113.
- Arthington, Angela H.; Yeates, G. W.; Conrick, D. L. 1986: Nematodes, including a new record of Tobrilus diversipapillatus in Australia, as potential indicators of sewage effluent pollution. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 37: 159-166.
- Yeates, G. W. 1986: Conference Report. Fourth Australasian Conference on Grassland Invertebrate Ecology. Pedobiologia 29: 71-72.
- Yeates, G. W. 1986: Enchytraeidae - some population estimates for grasslands and a New Zealand bibliography. New Zealand Soil Bureau Scientific Report 77. 14 p.
- Yeates, G.W. 1986: Stylet and body lengths as niche dimensions in plant‑parasitic nematodes. Zoologischer Anzeiger 216: 327-337.
- Yeates, G.W.; Barker, G.M. 1986: Influence of repeated oxamyl application on nematode populations beneath four ryegrass cultivars on a yellow‑brown loam. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 29: 501-515.
- Yeates, G. W.; Prestidge, R. A. 1986: Nematode populations and their effects on herbage production in a volcanic plateau pasture. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 29: 517-523.
- Yeates, G. W. 1986: Book Review. Soils: An Australian Viewpoint. Pedobiologia 29: 236.
- Steele, K. W.; Watson, R. N.; Bonish, P. M.; Littler, R. A.; Yeates, G. W. 1985: Effect of invertebrates on nitrogen fixation in temperate pastures. Proceedings of the 15th International Grassland Congress 1985, Kyoto: 450-451. (Received 1987)
- Yeates, G. W. 1987: Nematode feeding and activity ‑ the importance of developmental stages. Biology and Fertility of Soils 3: 143-146. (Invited contribution)
- Yeates, G. W. 1987: How plants affect nematodes. Advances in Ecological Research 17: 61-113.
- Yeates, G. W. 1987: Significance of developmental stages in the co‑existence of three species of Mononchoidea (Nematoda) in a pasture soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 5: 225-229.
- Yeates, G. W. 1988: Distribution of Mononchoidea (Nematoda: Enoplea) in pasture soils with description of Iotonchus stockdilli n. sp. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 14: 351-358. (Year 1987)
- Yeates, G. W. 1988: Distribution of Plectidae (Nematoda: Araeolaimida) in pasture soils. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 15: 191–202.
- Yeates, G. W. 1988: Contribution of size classes to biovolume, with special reference to nematodes. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 20: 771-773.
- Bongers, T.; Yeates, G. W. 1988: Report on workshop. Nematodes in Natural Systems; the Use of Nematodes in Environmental Studies. Pedobiologia 32: 88.
- Yeates, G. W. 1989: Distribution and impact of root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus) in New Zealand pastures. Proceedings of the Fifth Australasian Conference on Grassland Invertebrate Ecology (P. Stahle, ed.): 332-340.
- Yeates, G. W. 1989: Why study plant and soil nematodes? New Zealand Science Review 45:71-75. (Year 1988) (Invited Contribution)
- Yeates, G. W. 1989: Earthworm and enchytraeid populations in a 13 year old agroforestry system. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 18: 304-310. (Year 1988)
- Yeates, G. W. 1990: The ecology of science. New Zealand Science Review 46: 77-82. (Year 1989.) [Presidential Address]
- Yeates, G. W.; Hughes, K. A. 1990: Effect of three tillage regimes on plant and soil nematodes in an oats/maize rotation. Pedobiologia 34: 379-387.
- Yeates, G. W.; Bamforth, S. S.; Ross, D. J.; Tate, K. R.; Sparling, G. P. 1991: Recolonization of methyl bromide sterilized soil under four different field conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils 11: 181-189.
- Yeates, G. W.; Brown, D. J. F. 1991: Structure of plant and soil nematode faunae. Pp. 202-209 in: "Parasite Host Environment, May 28-June 1 1991, Sofia, Bulgaria. I. Invited lectures. II. Poster abstracts: Second International School." Publishing house of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 1991. 276 pp. (Invited contribution).
- Yeates, G. W. 1991: Nematode populations at three forest sites in New Caledonia. Journal of Tropical Ecology 7: 411-413.
- Yeates, G. W. 1991: Impact of historical changes in land use on the soil fauna. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 15: 99–106.
- Yeates, G. W. 1991: Nematodes in New Zealand forest nurseries. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 20: 249-256. (Year 1990)
- Bongers, T.; Alkemade, R.; Yeates, G. W. 1991: Interpretation of disturbance-induced maturity decrease in marine nematode assemblages by means of the maturity index. Marine Ecology – Progress Series 76: 135-142.
- Yeates, G. W. 1992: Nematodes from New Caledonia. 1. Introduction and Mononchoidea. Fundamental and Applied Nematology 15: 101-126.
- Notman, P. R.; Yeates, G. W. 1992: Tomtit killed by a worm. Notornis 39: 16.
- Yeates, G. W. 1992: Book review. Biological control of plant parasitic nematodes: progress, problems and prospects. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 20: 102-103.
- Speir, T. W.; Ross, D. J.; Feltham, C. W.; Orchard, Valerie A.; Yeates, G. W. 1992: Assessment of the feasibility of using CCA (copper, chromium and arsenic)-treated and boric acid-treated sawdust as soil amendments. II. Soil biochemical and soil biological properties. Plant and Soil 142: 249-258.
- Yeates, G. W. 1992: Distribution of Tylenchorhynchus and Geocenamus (Nematoda: Tylenchida) in pasture soils. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 19: 7-12.
- Yeates, G. W.; Wouts, W. M. 1992: Helicotylenchus spp. (Nematoda: Tylenchida) from managed soils in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 19: 13-23.
- Yeates, G. W.; van Etteger, M.; Hooper, D. J. 1992: Longidorus orongorongensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Dorylaimida) from subsoil of conifer/broadleaved forest. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 19: 25-31.
- Wardle, D. A.; Yeates, G. W. 1993: The dual importance of competition and predation as regulatory forces in terrestrial ecosystems - evidence from decomposer food-webs. Oecologia 93: 303-306.
- Boag, B.; Neilsen, R.; Palmer, L.; Yeates, G. W. 1993: The New Zealand flatworm (Artioposthia triangulata) a potential alien predator of earthworms in Northern Europe. in: "Plant Health and the European Single Market" British Crop Protection Council Monograph No. 54:397-402. (Invited paper) (Also in: Proceedings of the Brighton Pest Control Conference 54: 397-402)
- Wardle, D. A.; Yeates, G. W.; Watson, R. N.; Nicholson, Karen S. 1993: Response of soil microbial biomass and plant litter decomposition to weed management strategies in maize and asparagus cropping systems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 25: 857-868.
- Yeates, G. W.; Wardle, D. A.; Watson, R. N. 1993: Relationships between nematodes, soil microbial biomass and weed management strategies in maize and asparagus cropping systems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 25: 869-876.
- Wardle, D. A.; Nicholson, Karen S.; Yeates, G. W. 1993: Effect of weed management strategies on some soil-associated arthropods in maize and asparagus ecosystems. Pedobiologia 37: 257-269.
- Wardle, D. A.; Yeates, G. W.; Watson, R. N.; Nicholson, Karen S.; Ahmed, M. 1993: The below-ground food-web as an indicator of disturbances resulting from weed management practices in two contrasting agro-ecosystems. Proceedings of the 46th New Zealand Plant Protection Society Conference, 1993: 338-343.
- Yeates, G. W.; Bongers, T.; de Goede, R. G. M.; Freckman, Diana W.; Georgieva, S. S. 1993: Feeding habits in soil nematode families and genera - an outline for soil ecologists. Journal of Nematology 25: 315-331.
Listed as the most cited paper (199 citations) with a Landcare Research staff member as lead author, in the 2002 Annual Report of Landcare Research. Landcare Research internal and annual reports indicate 279 citations to 30 June 2004. As at December 2010 ISI listed 633 citations.
- Yeates, G. W. 1993: Influence of a sabbatical fallow on oligochaetes and nematodes in a hill country pasture. Proceedings of the Sixth Australasian Conference on Grassland Invertebrate Ecology (R. A. Prestidge, ed.): 142-147.
- Yeates, G. W.; Orchard, Valerie A. 1993: Response of pasture soil faunal populations and decomposition processes to elevated carbon dioxide and temperature - a climate chamber experiment. Proceedings of the Sixth Australasian Conference on Grassland Invertebrate Ecology (R. A. Prestidge, ed.): 148-154.
- Cook, R.; Yeates, G. W. 1993: Nematode pests of grasslands and forage crops. Chapter 8, pp. 305-350 in: Evans, K; Trudgill, D. L.; Webster, J. M. eds, "Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Temperate Agriculture". CAB International, Wallingford. (Invited contribution)
- Yeates, G. W.; Bird, A. F. 1994: Some observations on the influence of agricultural practices on the nematode faunae of some South Australian soils. Fundamental and Applied Nematology 17: 133-145.
- Yeates, G. W. 1994: Modification and qualification of the nematode maturity index. Pedobiologia 38: 97-101.
- Yeates, G. W.; Boag, B.; Small, R. W. 1994: Species diversity and biogeography of Mononchoidea (Nematoda). Russian Journal of Nematology 2: 45-54.
- Bardgett, R. D.; Speir, T. W.; Ross, D. J.; Yeates, G. W.; Kettles, Helen A. 1994: Impact of pasture contamination by copper, chromium and arsenic timber preservative on soil microbial properties and nematodes. Biology and Fertility of Soils 18: 71-79.
- Wouts, W. M.; Yeates, G. W. 1994: Helicotylenchus species (Nematoda: Tylenchida) from native vegetation and undisturbed soils in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 21: 213-224.
- Yeates, G. W.; Orchard, Valerie A.; Speir, T. W.; Hunt, J. L.; Hermans, M. C. C. 1994: Impact of pasture contamination by copper, chromium, arsenic timber preservative on soil biological activity. Biology and Fertility of Soils 18: 200-208.
- Bird, A. F.; Yeates, G. W. 1994: Studies on Aprutides guidettii (Nematoda: Seinuridae) isolated from soil at Northfield, South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 118: 261-266.
- Yeates, G. W.; van der Meulen, H. 1995: Burial of soil surface artifacts in the presence of lumbricid earthworms. Biology and Fertility of Soils 19: 73-74.
- Yeates, G. W.; Boag, B. 1995: Relation between macrofaunal populations and soil physical properties in two agroforestry trials. Acta Zoologica Fennica 196: 275-277.
- Boag, B.; Yeates, G. W.; Johns, P. M.; Neilsen, R.; Palmer, L. F.; Legg, R. K. 1995: Distribution of the New Zealand flatworm (Artioposthia triangulata) in New Zealand and Scotland. Acta Zoologica Fennica 196: 212-214.
- Yeates, G. W.; Orchard, Valerie A.; Speir, T. W. 1995: Reduction in faunal populations and decomposition following pasture contamination by a Cu-Cr-As based timber preservative. Acta Zoologica Fennica 196: 297-300.
- Yeates, G. W.; Foissner, W. 1995: Testate amoebae as predators of nematodes. Biology and Fertility of Soils 20: 1-7.
- Yeates, G. W. 1995: Effect of sewage effluent on soil fauna in a Pinus radiata plantation. Australian Journal of Soil Research 33: 555-564.
- Wardle, D. A.; Yeates, G. W.; Watson, R. N.; Nicholson, Karen S. 1995: Development of the decomposer food-web, trophic relationships, and ecosystem properties during a three-year primary succession of sawdust. Oikos 73: 155-166.
- Wardle, D. A.; Yeates, G. W.; Watson, R. N.; Nicholson, Karen S. 1995: The detritus food-web and diversity of soil fauna as indicators of disturbance regimes in agro-ecosystems. Plant and Soil 170: 35-43. Also appears in: Collins, H. P.; Robertson, G. P.; Klug. M. J. eds 1995: The Significance and Regulation of Soil Biodiversity. (Developments in Plant and Soil Sciences 63: 35-43) Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
- Bongers, T.; de Goede, R. G. M.; Korthals, G. W.; Yeates, G. W. 1995: Proposed changes of c–p classification for nematodes. Russian Journal of Nematology 3: 61-62.
- Boag, B.; Evans, A.; Yeates, G. W.; Johns, P. M.; Neilsen, R. 1995: Assessment of the global potential distribution of the predatory land planarian Artioposthia triangulata (Dendy) (Tricladida: Terricola) from ecoclimatic data. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 22: 311-318.
- Boag, B.; Evans, K. A.; Neilsen, R.; Yeates, G. W.; Johns, P. M.; Mather, Janice G.; Christensen, O. M.; Jones, H. D. 1995: The potential spread of terrestrial planarians Artioposthia triangulata and Australoplana sanguinea var. alba to Europe. Annals of Applied Biology 127: 385-390.
- Newton, P. C. D.; Clark, H.; Bell, C. C.; Glasgow, Elaine M.; Tate, K. R.; Ross, D. J.; Yeates, G. W.; Saggar, S. 1995: Plant growth and soil processes in temperate grassland communities at elevated CO2. Journal of Biogeography 22: 235-240.
- Yeates, G. W.; van der Meulen, H. 1996: Recolonization of methyl bromide sterilized soils by plant and soil nematodes over 52 months. Biology and Fertility of Soils 21: 1-6.
- Parfitt, R. L.; Tate, K. R.; Yeates, G. W.; Beets, P. N. 1996: Phosphate cycling in a sandy podzol under Pinus radiata. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 24: 253-267. (year 1994)
- Yeates, G. W.; Wardle, D. A. 1996: Nematodes as predators and prey: relationships to biological control and soil processes. Pedobiologia 40: 43-50.
- Yeates, G. W. 1996: Nematode ecology. Russian Journal of Nematology 4: 71-75. [invited contribution]
- Yeates, G. W. 1996: Book review: The Biology of Tardigrades. Pedobiologia 40: 185.
- Yeates, G. W.; Spiridonov, S. E. 1996: New nematodes of the families Drilonematidae, Ungellidae and Mesidionematidae from New Zealand megascolecid earthworms. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 23: 381-399.
- Yeates, G. W. 1996: Diversity of nematode faunae under three vegetation types on a pallic soil in Otago, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 23: 401-407.
- Boag, B.; Evans, K. A.; Yeates, G. W.; Brown, D. J. F.; Neilsen, R. 1997: Global potential distribution of European longidorid virus-vector nematodes. Nematologica 43: 99-106.
- Yeates, G. W.; Bardgett, R. D.; Cook, R.; Hobbs, P. J.; Bowling, P. J.; Potter, J. F. 1997: Faunal and microbial diversity in three Welsh grassland soils under conventional and organic management regimes. Journal of Applied Ecology 34: 453-470.
- Gupta, V. V. S. R.; Yeates, G. W. 1997: Soil microfauna as indicators of soil health. Chapter 9, pages 201-233 in: Biological Indicators of Soil Health. Edited by: C. E. Pankhurst, B. M. Doube, V.V.S.R. Gupta. CAB International, Wallingford. 451 p.
- Loof, P. A. A.; Wouts, W. M.; Yeates, G. W. 1997: Criconematidae (Nematoda : Tylenchida) from the New Zealand region: genera Mesocriconema, Criconema, Discocriconemella and Hemicriconemoides. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 24: 123-151.
- Yeates, G. W.; Loof, P. A. A.; Wouts, W. M. 1997: Criconematidae (Nematoda : Tylenchida) from the New Zealand region: analysis of and key to Criconema (Nothocriconemella) spp. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 24: 153-162.
- Yeates, G. W.; Lee, W. G. 1997: Burning in a New Zealand snow-tussock grassland: effects on vegetation and soil fauna. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 21: 73-79.
- Yeates, G. W.; Tate, K. R.; Newton, P. C. D. 1997: Response of the fauna of a grassland soil to doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide level. Biology and Fertility of Soils 25: 307-315.
- Bardgett, R. D.; Cook, R.; Yeates, G. W.; Donnison, Louise; Hobbs, P.; McAlister, E. 1997: Grassland management to promote soil biodiversity. in: “Grassland management in the ‘environmentally sensitive areas’”, Occasional Symposium No. 32 British Grassland Society: 132-137.
- Yeates, G. W.; Boag, B.; Brown, D. J. F. 1997: Two new Longidoridae (Nematoda) from New Zealand forests. Systematic Parasitology 38: 33-43.
- Yeates, G. W.; Boag, B.; Johns, P. M. 1997: Observations on feeding and population structure of five New Zealand terrestrial planarians which prey on lumbricid earthworms. Annals of Applied Biology 131: 351-358.
- Yeates, G. W.; King, Kathleen L. 1997: Soil nematodes as indicators of the effect of management of grasslands in the New England Tablelands (NSW): comparison of native and improved grasslands. Pedobiologia 41: 526-536.
- Yeates, G. W.; Waller, P. J.; King, Kathleen L. 1997: Soil nematodes as indicators of the effect of management of grasslands in the New England Tablelands (NSW): effect of measures for control of parasites of sheep. Pedobiologia 41: 537-548.
- Yeates, G. W.; Saggar, S.; Daly, B. K. 1997: Soil microbial C, N, and P, and microfaunal populations under Pinus radiata and grazed pasture land-use systems. Pedobiologia 41: 549-565.
- Yeates, G. W.; Saggar, S.; Denton, Crystal S.; Mercer, C. F. 1998: Impact of clover cyst nematode (Heterodera trifolii) infection on soil microbial activity in the rhizosphere of white clover (Trifolium repens) - a pulse-labelling experiment. Nematologica 44: 81-90.
- Yeates, G. W. 1998: Soil nematode assemblages: regulators of ecosystem productivity. Phytoparasitica 26: 97-100. [Guest editorial]
- Yeates, G. W.; Spiridonov, S. E.; Blakemore, R. 1998: Plesioungella kathleenae gen. n. et sp. n. (Nematoda: Rhabditida) from the Australian endemic megascolecid earthworm Fletcherodrilus unicus (Fletcher, 1889). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 25: 205-212.
- Yeates, G. W.; Boag, B.; Evans, K. A.; Neilsen, R. 1998: Impact of climatic changes on the distribution of Paratrichodorus minor (Nematoda: Trichodoridae) as estimated using “CLIMEX”. Nematologica 44: 293-301.
- Boag, B.; Yeates, G. W. 1998: Soil nematode biodiversity in terrestrial ecosystems. Biodiversity and Conservation 7: 617-630.
- Yeates, G. W.; Saggar, S. 1998: Comparison of soil microbial properties and fauna under tussock-grassland andpine plantation. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 28: 523-535.
- Bardgett, R. D.; Wardle, D. A.; Yeates, G.W. 1998: Linking above-ground and below-ground interactions: how plant responses to foliar herbivory influence soil organisms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 30: 1867-1878.
- Yeates, G. W. 1998: Feeding in free-living soil nematodes : a functional approach. Chapter 10, 245-269 in: Physiology and Biochemistry of Free-living and Plant-parasitic nematodes, Perry, R. N.; Wright, D. J. eds. CAB International, Wallingford. 438 p.
- Yeates, G. W.; Shepherd, T. G.; Francis, G. S. 1998: Contrasting response to cropping of populations of earthworms and predacious nematodes in four soils. Soil and Tillage Research 48: 255-264.
- Alford, D. V.; Boag, B.; Johns, P. M.; Yeates, G. W. 1998: Report on the OECD Workshop on Terrestrial Flatworms. Pedobiologia 42: 385-388.
- Winsor, L.; Johns, P. M.; Yeates, G. W. 1998: Introduction, and ecological and systematic background, to the Terricola (Tricladida). Pedobiologia 42: 389-404.
- Johns, P. M.; Boag, B.; Yeates, G. W. 1998: Observations on the geographic distribution of flatworms (Turbellaria: Rhynchodemidae, Bipaliidae, Geoplanidae) in New Zealand. Pedobiologia 42: 469-476.
- Boag, B.; Yeates, G. W.; Johns, P. M. 1998: Limitations to the distribution and spread of flatworms. Pedobiologia 42: 495-503.
- Boag, B.; Jones, H. D.; Evans, K. A.; Nelson, R.; Yeates, G. W.; Johns, P. M. 1998: The application of GIS techniques to estimate the establishment and potential spread of alien flatworms in Scotland. Pedobiologia 42: 504-510.
- Yeates, G. W.; Boag, B.; Johns, P. M. 1998: Field and laboratory observations on terrestrial flatworms from modified habitats in New Zealand. Pedobiologia 42: 554-562.
- McIntosh, P. D.; Gibson, R. S.; Saggar, S.; Yeates, G. W.; McGimpsey, P. 1999: Effect of contrasting farm management on vegetation and biochemical, chemical and biological condition of moist steepland soils of the South Island high country, New Zealand. Australian Journal of Soil Research 37: 847-865.
- Yeates, G. W.; Bongers, T. 1999: Nematode diversity in agroecosystems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 74: 113-135. (Also published as Pp. 113-135 in: Paoletti, M. G. ed. 1999. Invertebrate Biodiversity as Bioindicators of Sustainable Landscapes - practical use of invertebrates to assess sustainable land use. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 446 p.)
- Yeates, G. W. 1999: Effects of plants on nematode community structure. Annual Review of Phytopathology 37: 127-149. (invited contribution)
- Megesan, G. N.; Williamson, J. C.; Yeates, G. W.; Lloyd-Jones, A. Rh. 1999: Wastewater C:N ratio effects on soil hydraulic conductivity and potential methods for recovery. Bioresource Technology 71: 21-27.
- Wardle, D. A.; Nicholson, Karen S.; Bonner, Karen I.; Yeates, G. W. 1999: Effects of agricultural intensification on soil-associated arthropod population dynamics, community structure, diversity and temporal variability over a seven-year period. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31: 1691-1706.
- Wardle, D. A.; Yeates, G. W.; Nicholson, Karen S.; Bonner, Karen I.; Watson, R.N. 1999: Response of soil microbial biomass dynamics, activity and plant litter decomposition to agricultural intensification over a seven-year period. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31: 1707-1720.
- Yeates, G. W.; Wardle, D. A.; Watson, R. N. 1999: Responses of soil nematode populations, community structure and temporal variability to agricultural intensification over a seven-year period. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 31: 1721-1733.
- Yeates, G. W.; Newton, P. C. D.; Ross, D. J. 1999: Response of soil nematode fauna to naturally elevated CO2 levels influenced by soil pattern. Nematology 1: 285-293.
- Yeates, G. W.; Saggar, S.; Hedley, Carolyn B.; Mercer, C. F. 1999: Increase in 14C-carbon translocation to the soil microbial biomass when five plant-parasitic nematode infect roots of white clover. Nematology 1: 295-300.
- Bardgett, R. D.; Cook, R.; Yeates, G. W.; Denton, Crystal S. 1999: The influence of nematodes on below-ground processes in grassland ecosystems. Plant and Soil 212: 23-33. (invited contribution)
- Wardle, D. A.; Bonner, Karen I.; Barker, G. M.; Yeates, G. W.; Nicholson, Karen S.; Bardgett, R. D.; Watson, R. N.; Ghani, A. 1999: Plant removals in perennial grassland: vegetation dynamics, decomposers, soil biodiversity and ecosystem properties. Ecological Monographs 69: 535-568.
- Yeates, G. W.; Ross, C. W.; Shepherd, T. G. 1999: Populations of terrestrial planarians affected by crop management: implications for long-term land management. Pedobiologia 43: 360-363.
- Wouts, W. M.; Yeates, G. W.; Loof, P. A. A. 1999: Criconematidae (Nematoda : Tylenchida) from the New Zealand region: genera Ogma Southern, 1914 and Blandicephalanema Mehta & Raski, 1971. Nematology 1: 561-590.
- Degens, B. P.; Schipper, L. A.; Claydon, J. J.; Russell, J. M.; Yeates, G. W. 2000: Irrigation of an allophanic soil with dairy factory effluent for 22 years: responses of nutrient storage and soil biota. Australian Journal of Soil Research 38: 25-35.
- Yeates, G. W.; Hawke, M. F.; Rijske, W. C. 2000: Changes in soil fauna and soil conditions under Pinus radiata agroforestry regimes during a 25-year tree rotation. Biology and Fertility of Soils 31: 391-406.
- Stark, S.; Wardle, D. A.; Ohtonen, R.; Helle, T.; Yeates, G. W. 2000: The effect of reindeer grazing on decomposition, mineralization and soil biota in a dry oligotrophic Scots pine forest. Oikos 90: 301-310.
- Yeates, G. W. 2001: Free-living nematodes (pages 469-470); Nematode community structure (pages 691-693); Nematode ecology (pages 693-694). Articles in: Encyclopedia of Plant Pathology, Maloy, O. C.; Murray, T. D. eds. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York. 2 volumes. ISBN 0-471-29817-4.
- Mikola, J.; Yeates, G. W.; Wardle, D. A.; Barker, G. M.; Bonner, Karen I. 2001: Response of soil food-web structure to defoliation of different plant species communities in an experimental grassland community. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 33: 205-214.
- Saggar, S.; Yeates, G. W.; Shepherd, T. G. 2001: Cultivation effects on soil biological properties, microfauna and organic matter dynamics in Eutric Gleysol and Gleyic Luvisol soils in New Zealand. Soil and Tillage Research 58: 55-68.
- Mikola, J.; Yeates, G. W.; Barker, G. M.; Wardle, D. A.; Bonner, Karen I. 2001: Effects of defoliation intensity on soil food-web properties in an experimental grassland community. Oikos 92: 333-343.
- Wardle, D. A.; Yeates, G. W.; Bonner, Karen I.; Nicholson, Karen S.; Watson, R. N. 2001: Impacts of ground vegetation management strategies in a kiwifruit orchard on the composition and functioning of the soil biota. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 33: 893-905.
- Sarathchandra, S. U.; Ghani, A.; Yeates, G. W.; Burch, G.; Cox, N. R. 2001: Effect of nitrogen and phosphate fertilisers on microbial and nematode diversity in pastoral soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 33: 953-964.
- Yeates, G. W.; Williams, P. A. 2001: Influence of three invasive weeds and site factors on soil microfauna in New Zealand. Pedobiologia 45: 367-383.
- Boag, B.; Yeates, G. W. 2001: The potential impact of the New Zealand flatworm, a predator of earthworms, in Western Europe. Ecological Applications 11: 1276-1286.
- Wardle, D. A.; Barker, G. M.; Yeates, G. W.; Bonner, Karen I.; Ghani, A. 2001: Introduced browsing mammals in natural New Zealand forests: aboveground and belowground consequences. Ecological Monographs 71: 587-614.
- Faedo, Margaret; Larsen, M.; Dimander, S. O.; Yeates, G. W.; Höglund, J.; Waller, P. J. 2002: Growth of the fungus Duddingtonia flagrans in soil surrounding faeces deposited by cattle and sheep fed the fungus to control nematode parasites. Biological Control 23: 64-70.
- Yeates, G. W.; Dando, J.; Shepherd, T. G. 2002: Pressure plate studies to determine how soil moisture affects access of bacterial-feeding nematodes to food in soil. European Journal of Soil Science 53: 355-365.
- Skipp, R. A.; Yeates, G. W.; Chen, Li Y; Glare, T. R. 2002: Occurrence, morphological characteristics and ribotyping of New Zealand isolates of Duddingtonia flagrans, a candiate for biocontrol of animal parasitic nematodes. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 45: 187-196.
- Yeates, G. W.; Boag, B. 2002: Post-embryonic growth of longidorid nematodes. Nematology 4: 883-889.
- Yeates, G. W.; Dimander, S.-O.; Waller, P. J.; Höglund, J. 2002: Environmental impact on soil nematodes following the use of the ivermectin sustained-release bolus or the nematophagous fungus Duddingtonia flagrans to control nematode parasites of cattle in Sweden. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica – Section A, Animal Science 52: 233-242.
- Ettema, C. H.; Yeates, G. W. 2003: Nested spatial biodiversity patterns in a New Zealand forest and pasture soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 35: 339-342. DOI: 10.1016/S0038-0717(02)00276-6
- Yeates, G. W. 2003: Nematodes as soil indicators: functional and biodiversity aspects.Biology & Fertility of Soils 37: 199-210. DOI: 10.1007/s00374-003-0586-5
- Wardle, D. A.; Yeates, G. W.; Williamson, Wendy; Bonner, Karen I. 2003: The response of a three trophic level soil food web to the identity and diversity of plant species and functional groups. Oikos 102: 45-56.
- Yeates, G. W.; Percival, H. J.; Parshotam, A. 2003: Soil nematode responses to year-to-year variation of low levels of heavy metals. Australian Journal of Soil Research 41: 613-625.[special issue commemorating the 50th anniversary of NZ Society of Soil Science]
- Wardle, D. A.; Yeates, G. W.; Barker, G. M.; Bellingham, P. J.; Bonner, Karen I.; Williamson, Wendy M. 2003: Island biology and ecosystem functioning in epiphytic soil communities. Science 301 (5640): 1717-1720. [three pages of supporting material available on-line DOI: 10.1126/science.1087809]
- Yeates, G. W.; Newton, P. C. D.; Ross, D. J. 2003: Significant changes in soil microfauna in grazed pasture under elevated carbon dioxide. Biology and Fertility of Soils 38: 319–326. DOI: 10.1007/s00374-003-0695-5 [Subject of ‘Editorial Commentary’ in CO2 Science Magazine, Vol 7, No 16, 21 April 2004. ]
- Parfitt, R. L.; Yeates, G. W.; Ross, D. J.; Mackay, A. D.; Budding, P. J. 2003: Factors influencing the soil-plant nitrogen cycle of hill pastures under conventional and organic management. Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association 65: 195–198.
- Yeates, G. W.; Dimander, S.-O.; Waller, P. J.; Höglund, J. 2003: Soil nematode populations beneath faecal pats from grazing cattle treated with the ivermectin sustained-release bolus or fed the nematophagous fungus Duddingtonia flagrans to control nematode parasites. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica – Section A, Animal Science 53: 197–206.
- Yeates, G. W.; Boag, B. 2003: Growth and life histories in Nematoda, with particular reference to environmental factors. Nematology 5: 653-664.
- Yeates, G. W.; Schipper. L. A.; Smale, M. C. 2004: Site condition, fertility gradients and soil biological activity in a New Zealand frost flat heathland. Pedobiologia 48: 129–137.
- Yeates, G. W. 2004: Ecological and behavioural adaptations. Chapter 1, Pp. 1–24 in: R. Gaugler, R.; Bilgrami, A. L. eds, Nematode Behaviour. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
- Boag, B.; Yeates, G. W. 2004: Population dynamics. Chapter 12, Pp. 345–370 in: R. Gaugler and A.L. Bilgrami (editors) Nematode Behaviour. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
- Yeates, G. W.; Boag, B. 2004: Background for nematode ecology in the 21 st century. Chapter 8, Pp. 406–437 in: Chen, Z. X.; S. Y. Chen, S. Y.; Dickson, D. W. eds, Nematology, Advances and Perspectives. Volume 1: Nematode Morphology, Physiology and Ecology. Tsinghua University Press, China and CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
- Wardle, D. A.; Yeates, G. W.; Williamson, W. M.; Bonner, K. I.; Barker, G. M. 2004: Linking aboveground and belowground communities: the indirect influence of aphid species identity and diversity on a three trophic level food web. Oikos 107: 283-294.
- Moens, T.; Yeates, G. W.; De Ley, P. 2004: Use of carbon and energy sources by nematodes. Nematology Monographs and Perspectives 2: 529–545. [Invited symposium paper in: Cook, R. C.; Hunt, D. J. eds, Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Nematology, 8–13 June 2002, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.]
- Waller, P. J.; Schwan, O.; Ljungström, B-L.; Rydzik, A.; Yeates, G. W. 2004: Evaluation of biological control of sheep parasites using Duddingtonia flagrans under commercial farming conditions on the island of Gotland, Sweden. Veterinary Parasitology 126: 199-315.
- Parfitt, R. L.; Yeates, G. W.; Ross, D. J.; Mackay, A. D.; Budding, P. J. 2005: Relationships between soil biota, nitrogen and phosphorus availability, and pasture growth under organic and conventional management. Applied Soil Ecology 28: 1-13.
- Williamson, W. M.; Wardle, D. A.; Yeates, G. W. 2005: Changes in soil microbial and nematode communities during ecosystem decline across a long-term chronosequence. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37: 1289–1301.
- Waller, P.J.; Schwan, O.; Ljungström, B-L.; Rydzik, A.; Yeates, G.W. 2005: Bekämpning av inälvsmashar hos får med rovsampen Duddingtonia flagrans. Svensk Veterinärtidning 57 (4): 11–19. [in Swedish]
- Van der Putten, W. H.; Yeates, G. W.; Duyts, H.; Schreck Reis, C.; Karssen, G. 2005: Invasive plants and their escape from root herbivory: a worldwide comparison of the root-feeding nematode communities of the dune grass Ammophila arenaria in natural and introduced ranges. Biological Invasions 7: 733–746.
- Yeates, G. 2005: Ecosystem services provided by biota in soils and sediments (Book review). New Zealand Journal of Ecology 29: 158.
- Bardgett, R. D.; Yeates, G. W.; Anderson, J. M. 2005: Patterns and determinants of soil biological diversity. Chapter 6, Pp. 100–118 in: Bardgett, R. D.; Usher, B. B.; Hopkins, D.W. eds, Biological Diversity and Function in Soil. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 411 p. [A volume in British Ecological Society’s Ecological Reviews series]
- Wardle, D. A.; Williamson, W. M.; Yeates, G. W.; Bonner, K. I. 2005: Trickle-down effects of aboveground trophic cascades on the soil food web. Oikos 111: 348–358.
- Yeates, G. W.; Speir, T. W.; Taylor, M. D.; Clucas, L.; van Schaik, A. 2006: Nematode responses to biosolid incorporation in five soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils 42: 550–555.
- Yeates, G. W.; Pattison, A. B. 2006: Moving up within the Food Web: Protozoa and Nematodes. Chapter 10, Pp. 149–162 in: “Biological approaches to sustainable soil systems”, Uphoff, N.; Ball, A. S.; Fernandes, E.; Herren, H.; Husson, O.; Laing, M.; Palm, C.; Pretty, J.; Sanchez, P.; Sanginga, N.; Thies, J. eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
- Yeates, G. W.; Boag, B. 2006: Female size shows similar trends in all clades of the Phylum Nematoda. Nematology 8: 111–127.
- Yeates, G. W.; Williams, P. A. 2006: Export of plant and animal species from an insular biota.Chapter 6 in: ‘Biological Invasions in New Zealand’, Allen, R. B.; Lee, W. G. (Ecological Studies 186: 85–100) Springer, Berlin.
- Wardle, D. A.; Yeates, G. W.; Barker, G. M.; Bonner, K. I. 2006: The influence of plant litter diversity on decomposer abundance and diversity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38: 1052–1062. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2005.09.003
- Yeates, G. W.; McCartney, J. 2006: Wetanema ripariae n. sp. (Nematoda: Thelastomatidae) from the Raukumara tusked weta Motuweta riparia Gibbs. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 33: 203–206. 0301-4223/06/3303-203 [published on-line 5 July 2006; hard copy meeting ICZN critieria published 11 September 2006]
- Yeates, G. W. 2006: Diversity of nematodes. Chapter 12, Pp. 215–235 in: ‘Biodiversity in Agricultural Production Systems’, edited by Benckiser, G.; Schnell, S. eds. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
- Yeates, G. W. 2006: Nematodes. Pp. 664–666 in: ‘Encyclopedia of the Antarctic’, Riffenburgh, B. ed. (1248 pages, 2 volumes). Routledge, New York. ISBN: 978041590242 ISBN-10: 0415970245
- Fukami, T.; Wardle, D. A.; Bellingham, P. J.; Mulder, C. P. H.; Towns, D. R.; Yeates, G. W.; Bonner, K. I.; Durrett, M. S.; Grant-Hoffman, M. N.; Williamson, W. M. 2006: Above- and below-ground impacts of introduced predators in seabird-dominated island ecosystems. Ecology Letters 9: 1299–1307. doi: 10.111/j.1461-0248.2006.00983.x
- Yeates, G. W.; Skipp, R. A.; Gray, R. A. H.; Chen, L.-Y.; Waghorn, T. S. 2007:Impact of sheep faeces containing a range of parasite control agents on soil fauna. Applied Soil Ecology 35: 380–389.
- Yeates, G. W.; Hrabok, J. T.; Oksanen, A.; Nieminen, M.; Waller, P. J. 2007: Soil nematode populations beneath faeces from reindeer treated with ivermectin. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica – Section B, Soil and Plant Science 57:126–133. DOI: 10.1080/09064710600722563
- Yeates, G. W. 2007: Abundance, diversity, and resilience of nematode assemblages in forest soils. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37: 216–225. doi:10.1139/X06-172 [invited conference review]
- Yeates, G.; Churchman, J. 2007: Obituary: Ken Lee (1927–2007). Biology and Fertility of Soils 43:501–502. DOI 10.1007/s00374-007-0201-2
- Yeates, G. W.; Skipp, R. A.; Chen, L.-Y.; Waghorn, T. S.; Potter, J. F. 2007: Temporal and spatial aspects of the influence on soil nematodes of depositing artificial pats of sheep faeces containing a range of parasite management agents. Applied Soil Ecology 37: 106-117. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2007.05.001
- Sparling, G.; Schipper, L. A.; Yeates, G. W.; Aislabie, J.; Vojvodic-Vukovic, M.; Ryburn, J.; Di, H. J.; Hewitt, A. E. 2008: Soil characteristics, below-ground diversity and rates of simazine mineralization of a New Zealand Gley Soil in a chronosequence under horticultural use. Biology and Fertility of Soils 44: 633–640. DOI 10.1007/s00374-007-0247-1
- Stirling, G. R.; Yeates, G. W. 2008: Foreword to ‘Plant and Soil Nematology in Australia and New Zealand’. Australasian Plant Pathology 37: iii. 10.1071/AP08009_FO 0815-3191/08/030iii
- Stirling, G. R.; Yeates, G.W.; Davies, K.; Hodda, M. 2008: The history of plant and soil nematology in Australia and New Zealand, with particular reference to the contributions of six pioneering nematologists.Australasian Plant Pathology 37: 203–219. 10.1071/AP08017 0815-3191/08/030203
- Mercer, C. F.; Bell, N. L.; Yeates, G.W. 2008: Plant-parasitic nematodes on pasture in New Zealand. Australasian Plant Pathology 37: 279–288. 10.1071/AP08025 0815-3191/08/030279
- Yeates, G.W.; Stirling, G. R. 2008: Regional patterns among soil nematode assemblages in Australasian pastures and effects of management practices. Australasian Plant Pathology 37: 298–307. 10.1071/AP08028 0815-3191/08/030298
- Doblas-Miranda, E.; Wardle, D. A.; Peltzer, D. A.; Yeates, G. W. 2008: Changes in the community structure and diversity of soil invertebrates across the Franz Josef Glacier chronosequence. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40: 1069–1081. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2007.11.026
- Dehlin, H.; Peltzer, D. A.; Wardle, D. A.; Allison, V. J.; Yeates, G. W.; Nilsson, M.-C.; Wardle, D. A. 2008: Tree seedling performance and below-ground properties in stands of invasive and native tree species. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 32: 67–79.
- Schon, Nicole L.; Mackay, A. D.; Minor, Masha A.; Yeates, G. W.; Hedley, M. J. 2008: Soil fauna in grazed New Zealand hill country pastures at two management intensities. Applied Soil Ecology 41: 218–228. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2008.04.007
- Yeates, G. W.; Mercer, C. F.; Newton, P. C. D. 2008: Populations of Longidorus elongatus (Nematoda: Longidoridae) in two New Zealand soils under grazed pasture. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 35: 287–296. 0301-4233/08/3504-0287
- Yeates, G. W. 2008: Book review: Freshwater Nematodes: ecology and taxonomy. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 41 (3): 211–213. DOI: 10.1080/10236240802444429
- Yeates, G. W.; Buckley, T. 2009: First records of mermithids (Nematoda: Mermithidae) parasitising stick insects (Insecta: Phasmatodea). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 36: 35–39. 0301-4233/09/3601-0035 [published on-line 29 January 2009; hard copy published 2009]
- Towns, D. R.; Wardle, D. A.; Mulder, C. P. H.; Yeates, G. W.; Fitzgerald, B. M.; Parrish, R.; Bellingham, P. J.; Bonner, K. I. 2009: Predation of seabirds by invasive rats: multiple indirect consequences for invertebrate communities. Oikos 118: 420–430. doi; 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2008.17186.x,
- Yeates, G. W. 2009: Book review: Khan, Mujeebur Rahman. Plant nematodes: methodology, morphology, systematics, biology and ecology. Enfield (NH), USA, Science Publishers, 2008. Nematology 11: 316–320. DOI: 10.1163/138855409X412136
- Peltzer, D. A.; Bellingham. P. J.; Kurokawa, H.; Walker, L. R.; Wardle, D. A.; Yeates, G. W. 2009: Punching above their weight: low-biomass non-native plant species alter soil properties during primary succession. Oikos118: 1001–1014. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2009.17244.x
- Yeates, G. W.; Ferris, H.; Moens, T.; van der Putten, W. H. 2009: The role of nematodes in ecosystems. Chapter 1, Pp. 1–44 in: “Nematodes as Environmental Bioindicators”. Wilson, M. J.; Kakouli-Duarte, T. (eds). CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp. ISBN 978-1-84593-385-2
- Mulder, C.; Aldenberg, G.; den Hollander, H.; Jagers op Akkerhuis, G.; Rossberg, A.G. F.; Vonk, J. A.; van Wijen, H. J.; Yeates, G. W. 2009: Soil resource supply influences faunal size–specific distributions in natural food webs. Naturwissenschaften 96: 813–826. DOI 10.1007/s00114-009-0539-4 Supplementary material available on-line
- Yeates, G. W.; Scott, M. B.; Chown, S. L.; Sinclair, B. J. 2009: Changes in soil nematode populations indicate an annual life cycle at Cape Hallett, Antarctica. Pedobiologia 56: 375–386. doi: 10.1016/j.pedobi.2009.01.001
- Yeates, G. W.; Newton, P. C. D. 2009: Long-term changes in topsoil nematode populations in grazed pasture under elevated carbon dioxide. Biology and Fertility of Soils 45: 799–808.doi:10.1007/s00374-009-0384-9
- Jonsson, M.; Yeates, G. W.; Wardle, D. A. 2009: Patterns of invertebrate density and taxonomic richness across gradients of area, isolation, and vegetation diversity in a lake-island system. Ecography 32: 963–972. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2009.05784.x
- Wardle, D. A.; Karl, B. J.; Beggs Jacqueline R.; Yeates, G. W.; Williamson, Wendy M.; Bonner, Karen I. 2010: Determining the impact of scale insect honeydew, and invasive wasps and rodents, on the decomposer subsystem in a New Zealand beech forest. Biological Invasions 12: 2619-2638. DOI 10.1007/s10530-009-9670-6 [8 supplementary tables available on-line]
- Yeates, G. W. 2010: Nematodes in Ecological Webs. In: Encyclopedia Of Life Sciences 2010, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0021913 {also available in hard copy}
- Parfitt, R. L.; Yeates, G. W.; Ross, D. J.; Schon, N. L.; Mackay, A. D.; Wardle, D. A. 2010: Effect of fertilizer, herbicide and grazing management of pastures on plant and soil communities. Applied Soil Ecology 45: 175–186.[supplementary material available on-line] doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2010.03.010
- Schon, Nicole L.; Mackay, A. D.; Yeates, G. W.; Minor, M. A. 2010: Separating the effects of defoliation and dairy cow treading pressure on the abundance and diversity of soil invertebrates in pastures. Applied Soil Ecology 46: 209–221.doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2010.08.011
- Yeates, G. W. 2010: Phylum Nematoda – roundworms, eelworms. Chapter 13, Pp 480-493 in: D. P. Gordon (ed.) New Zealand Inventory of Biodiversity. Volume 2. Kingdom Animalia – Chaetognatha and Ecdysozoa, Ichnofossils. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch. ISBN 978-1-877257-93-3 [A Species 2000 Symposium Review.]
- Subbotin, S. A.; Inserra, R. N.; Marais, M.; Mullin, P.; Powers, T. O.; Roberts, P. A.; Van Den Berg, E.; Yeates, G. W.; Baldwin, J. G. 2011: Diversity and phylogenetic relationships within the spiral nematodes of genus Helicotylenchus (Tylenchida: Hoplolaimidae) as inferred from the analysis of D2-D3 expansion segments of 28S rRNA gene sequences. Nematology 13: 333–345.
- Wardle, D. A.; Hyodo, F.; Bardgett, R. D.; Yeates, G. W.; Nilsson, M-C. 2011: Long-term aboveground and belowground consequences of red wood ant exclusion in boreal forest. Ecology 92: 645–656.
- Dickie, I. A.; Yeates, G. W.; St John, M. G.; Stevenson, B. A.; Scott, J. T.; Rillig, M. C.; Peltzer, D. A.; Orwin, K. H.; Kirschbaum, M. U. F.; Hunt, J. E.; Burrows, L. E.; Barbour, M. M.; Aislabie, J. 2011: Ecosystem service and biodiversity trade-offs in two woody successions. Journal of Applied Ecology 48: 926–934. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2011.01980.x
- Shaw, S.; Speare, R.; Lynn, D. H.; Yeates G.; Zhao, Z.; Berger, L.; Jakob-Hoff, R. 2011: Nematode and ciliate nasal infection in captive Archey’s frogs (Leiopelma archeyi). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42: 473–479.
- Boyer, S.; Yeates, G. W.; Wratten, S. D.; Holyoake, A.; Cruickshank, R. H. 2011: Molecular and morphological analyses of faeces to investigate the diet of earthworm predators: example of a carnivorous land snail endemic to New Zealand. Pedobiologia 54: S153–S158.
- Wardle, D. A.; Jonsson, M.; Kalela-Brundin, M.; Lagerström, A.; Bardgett, R. D.; Yeates, G. W.; Nilsson, M-C. 2012: Drivers of inter-year variability of plant production and decomposers across contrasting island ecosystems. Ecology 93: 521–531.
- Yeates, G. W.; Zhao, Z.; Hitchmough, R. A.; Stringer, I.A.N. 2012: The conservation status of New Zealand Nematoda. New Zealand Entomologist 35 (2): 128–130 + appendices.
- St. John, M. G.; Bellingham, P. J.; Walker, L. R.; Orwin, K. H.; Bonner, K. I.; Dickie, I. A.; Morse, C. W.; Yeates, G. W.; Wardle, D. A. (on-line 12 July 2012) Loss of a dominant nitrogen-fixing shrub in primary succession: consequences for plant and below-ground communities. Journal of Ecology.
- Ferris, H.; Yeates, G.; Robbins, R. 2012: Atypical development in plant and soil nematodes. Journal of Nematology 44(1): 1–6.
Obituary was lodged on website on Monday, 11 February 2013.