Technology and hangarau learning in Aotearoa New Zealand
2021: An Expert Advisory Panel was set up to provide advice to the Ministry of Education on improving technology and hangarau teaching, learning and assessment within NCEA and the secondary–tertiary education system to support career pathways.
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Information about the Panel
This Expert Advisory Panel was set up in December 2020, under the auspices of Royal Society Te Apārangi, to provide an independent source of expertise to
the Ministry of Education on improving teaching, learning and assessment in
the Technology learning area.
The Panel met a number of times and through its deliberations reached consensus on a number of findings.
Members of the Panel:
- Professor Alister Jones (chair) (University of Waikato)
- Dr Andrew Cleland FRSNZ (Royal Society Te Apārangi)
- Angela Christie (United Fire Brigades Association)
- Astrid Visser (Massey University)
- Dr Cathy Buntting (University of Waikato) (special contributor)
- Cheryl Pym (University of Otago)
- Dr Cliff Harwood (NZ Defence Force)
- Kane Milne (Te Wānanga o Aotearoa)
- Mary-Claire Proctor (Wellington Institute of Technology and Whitireia Community Polytechnic)
- Thomas Mitai (Te Whare Wānanga Awanuiarangi)