Pāngarau Mathematics and Tauanga Statistics in Aotearoa New Zealand
2021: An Expert Advisory Panel was set up to provide advice to the Ministry of Education on refreshing the English-medium Mathematics and Statistics learning area of the New Zealand Curriculum.
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About the Panel
The Royal Society Te Apārangi Expert Advisory Panel on Mathematics and Statistics convened between January and June 2021 with a brief to provide advice to the Ministry of Education on the English-medium Mathematics and Statistics curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Ministry sought the Panel’s advice as part of a wider programme of work on refreshing the Mathematics and Statistics curriculum. This included analysis of data from national and international benchmark testing and monitoring of student assessment, and seeking advice from profession-focused reference groups along with other interested parties. The Panel comprised mathematicians, statisticians, economists, and mathematics educators, representing diverse experiences of the mathematics and statistics curriculum and mathematics and statistics teaching and learning in schooling.
The Panel members were:
- Distinguished Professor Gaven Martin (chair)
- Professor Glenda Anthony
- Professor Jennifer Brown
- Dr Michelle Dalrymple
- Associate Professor Fiona Ell
- Associate Professor Sina Greenwood
- Associate Professor Joanna Higgins
- Associate Professor Jodie Hunter
- Associate Professor Rua Murray
- Associate Professor Matthew Roskruge
- Associate Professor Tony Trinick
- Associate Professor Caroline Yoon.