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Metge Medal

Social sciences award for excellence and building relationships in the social science research community, awarded every two years.

Award details

Discipline: Social Sciences

Award offered: Every two years, alternatively with Te Rangi Hiroa Medal

Prize: Medal

The Dame Joan Metge Medal will be awarded to a social scientist who, working in New Zealand, has shown excellence in their area but also excellence in the utilisation of their social science training, research experience, teaching and/or working life to facilitate and create connections and opportunities among the various stakeholders involved in social science research.

Since 2017 the medal has been referred to as the Metge Medal.

The Medal will recognise in particular those who have contributed to capacity building, beneficial relationships with research participants, mentoring of new researchers as well as contributions to new knowledge.

The Metge Medal will be awarded biennially, alternatively with the Te Rangi Hiroa Medal. The inaugural medal was awarded in 2008.

Current status

The 2024 round is now closed. Nominations will open again in January 2026.

To make a nomination, please contact academy@royalsociety.org.nz and a URL will be sent to you to access the nomination web portal.