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Published 6 December 2023

Call for nominations for the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk Programme

In light of the inception of the second phase of the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) Programme, we are invited to submit nominations for the renewed Scientific Committee, which will provide scientific and policy guidance to the IRDR community and the IRDR International Programme Office in programme planning, implementation, development and evaluation. Members of the Scientific Committee are experienced in working at the policy and practitioner interface for disaster risk management and reduction and in fostering international interdisciplinary collaboration, and will serve on the committee for three years.


In light of the start of IRDR Phase II, the ISC and UNDRR are seeking nominations for candidates interested to serve on the IRDR Scientific Committee (SC) to guide the programme and ensure that it is strategic, open, inclusive, productive and impactful through the entire period of implementation. The SC’s main role is to:

  • Develop the scientific agenda and priorities of the programme.
  • Provide scientific and policy guidance to the IRDR community and the IRDR International Programme Office (IPO) for the development and implementation of impactful activities and partnerships.
  • Guide the engagement with the IRDR community of national committees, international centres of excellence, and young scientists as well as other relevant DRR networks.

The qualifications required to become a member of the committee include:

  • Relevant expertise in the DRR domain with particular attention to representation from natural, social sciences, behavioural sciences, economics, health, engineering and technology
  • Experience in fostering international interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • Experience working at the policy and practitioner interface (including with national and local governments, civil society, indigenous groups, etc.) for disaster risk management and reduction.

How to apply:

Nominations must be endorsed and submitted by Royal Society Te Apārangi as the ISC member.

To be considered for nomination please complete the following:

  • Nomination to the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) Programme Form which includes a maximum of 100 words, and a list of domain(s) of expertise.
  • A Cover Letter of a maximum of 300 words, focusing on the contributions of the candidate which form the basis of the nomination.
  • The nominee’s Curriculum Vitae of up to two pages, focusing on the contributions of the candidate which form the basis of the nomination.

Nominations must be submitted on the Nomination to the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) Programme Form to international.unions@royalsociety.org.nz by Thursday 21 December.

The Society’s Academy Executive Committee (AEC) will ensure each candidate's eligibility and consider them against the selection criteria. The AEC recommendations will be made to the New Zealand ISC delegate for the final decisions. The delegate will have regard to the Society’s Diversity Policy in making their recommendation to the ISC.

Source: Royal Society Te Apārangi