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How Companions are nominated

Potential Companions are nominated by at least two (and up to five) nominators, who must provide the following information by the end of April each year.

Companions shall be nominated in writing by at least two and no more than five nominators. Nominations should include:

  • A curriculum vitae which provides work history, awards, intellectual achievement and major contributions, including major publications if relevant.
  • A joint statement (up to 500 words) outlining why the nominee should be made a Companion, with particular reference to sustained and outstanding leadership and contributions to humanities, science or technology and the New Zealand community.
  • A completed Companion Nomination form.
  • two letters of support that demonstrate that the candidate is held in esteem and has broad support in the community or communities that are relevant to the nomination.

Nominations may be made by anyone. The nominee should be made aware of this nomination except where exceptional circumstances apply.

The Council of the Royal Society Te Apārangi may also invite persons to be elected as a Companion.

If you wish to submit a nomination fill out the Companions nomination form and return it to:

Academy Executive Officer
Royal Society of New Zealand
PO Box 598
Wellington 6140

Or to academy@royalsociety.org.nz