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Videos on the Emissions Trading Scheme

New videos explain emissions trading and how it helps NZ reduce climate change.


To help explain how the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS) works, Motu Economic and Public Policy Research has released  seven short videos answering questions asked by students relating to climate change and the NZ ETS.

 The videos answer the following questions in simple language:

  1. What is emissions trading?
  2. How does emissions trading affect me?
  3. We’ve had an ETS for years, so why are emissions still going up?
  4. Can the ETS be fixed?
  5. What can we do about dodgy carbon credits?
  6. Is the ETS enough?
  7. Wouldn’t a carbon tax be better?

The videos star students from the Wellington region alongside Dr Suzi Kerr, an international emissions pricing expert and co-leader of the 2016 World Bank and International Carbon Action Partnership report 'Emissions Trading in Practice: A Handbook on Design and Implementation'.

Dr Kerr is supported by Catherine Leining, who served as a negotiator in the New Zealand delegation to the UNFCCC negotiations, helped to design the NZ ETS and has over twenty years of experience in climate change policy work.

The videos (including a compilation of all seven questions) are available on the Motu website and on the Motu YouTube channel.