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Soil, Food and Society

An open, online science resource for primary school teachers and students.

Soil, Food and Society offer a free, web-based science teaching resource to help Year 5 – 8 students understand scientific concepts and critical thinking (using examples from ‘the story of food’).  

This www.soilfoodsociety.com resource has been developed using valuable and relevant feedback from teachers and educators who have used it as a teaching tool in the past.  It has been accessed by thousands of people since the beginning of the 2017.

Dr Tessa Mills of AgResearch, the project leader of the development of this tool, said feedback was really positive. “Users say it is ‘easy to teach’ and that students are engaged with the lesson plans, videos, animations and the fun experiments – which include following the chain that leads to the food in their lunch boxes, and then finding out why it goes mouldy.”
She adds that educators particularly like the fact that the resource is linked to the New Zealand curriculum.