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Te Rangi Hiroa Medal

Social sciences award for work in social history, cultural diversity, socioeconomics or medical anthropology, awarded every two years.

He tohu pūtaiao pāpori mō ngā mahi mō te hītori pāpori, te kanorau ahurea, te ōhanga pāpori, te mātai tikanga tangata whakaora mate, ā, ka whakawhiwhia ia rua tau.

Award details

DisciplineHistorical approaches to societal transformation and change; current issues in cultural diversity and cohesion; social and economic policy and development; and medical anthropology

Award offered: Every two years, alternatively with the Metge Medal. 

Prize: Medal 

Ngā āhuatanga o te tohu

Te Wehenga Mātauranga: Ngā tirohanga i roto i ngā tau ki ngā huringa me ngā panonitanga pāpori; ngā take o te wā mō te kanorau me te pipiri ā-ahurea; ngā kaupapa here me te whanaketanga ā-pāpori, ā-ōhanga hoki; me te mātai tikanga tangata whakaora mate. 

Ka whakawhiwhia te tohu: ia rua tau

Te whiwhinga: mētara

programmes hiroa medal featured


Please note: The Te Rangi Hiroa Medal is awarded biennially for historical approaches to societal transformation and change; current issues in cultural diversity and cohesion; social and economic policy and development; or medical anthropology, rather than one discipline per round in rotation.

Current status

The 2025 round is now open. The closing date for nominations is 31 March 2025.

To make a nomination, please contact academy@royalsociety.org.nz and a URL will be sent to you to access the nomination web portal.