Te Puāwaitanga Research Excellence Award

Te Tohu Kairangi Rangahau o Te Puāwaitanga recognises eminent and distinctive contribution to Te Ao Māori, and to Māori and Indigenous knowledge.
Award details
Discipline: Humanities
Award offered: Every two years, alternatively with the Te Rangaunua Hiranga Maōri Award
Prize: Award
Te Puāwaitanga Research Excellence Award is a prestigious award presented by Royal Society Te Apārangi in recognition of research that has made an eminent and distinctive contribution to Te Ao Māori, and to Māori and Indigenous knowledge.Ko te Tohu Kairangi Rangahau o Te Puāwaitanga te whakawhiwhinga tiketike rawa o te Royal Society Te Apārangi mō te toi o te rangahau, i puta ai he hua tino nui rawa atu ki te Ao Māori, ki te Mātauranga Māori, Iwi Taketake anō hoki.
Current status
The 2024 round is now closed. Nominations will open again in January 2026.
To make a nomination, please contact academy@royalsociety.org.nz and a URL will be sent to you to access the nomination web portal.