Te Kōpūnui Māori Research Award
Te Tohu Rangahau Māori o Te Kōpūnui o Te Apārangi Royal Society
Award details
Discipline: Humanities
Award offered: Yearly
Prize: Cash grant
This award, to be awarded annually to early career researchers, will recognise innovative Māori research with a high standard of excellence and a promising trajectory. The Award consists of a framed certificate and $2,500.
This award will acknowledge the dynamism that underpins both Te Ao Māori and Mātauranga Māori and be awarded for research that has the potential to shift boundaries and change directions of inquiry. Research in all subject areas is eligible for this award.
While other methodologies may also be used, the inclusion of Māori methodologies (both traditional and contemporary) in the research is an important consideration.
Nominees are encouraged to provide information that clearly demonstrates the impact of their research within their specific disciplinary fields and/or to the broader area of Indigenous research.
They may include evidence of creativity or innovation in their work and its significance at community, local, national and/or global levels.
This award will normally be only awarded to one person per year.
Te Tohu Rangahau Māori o Te Kōpūnui o Te Apārangi Royal Society
Ka whakawhiwhia tēnei tohu ia tau ki ngā kairangahau i ō rātou tau tuatahi e mahi ana, hei whakanui i te auahatanga o te rangahau Māori, tiketike te kairangi, he maha hoki ōna tohu pai mō ngā rā kei mua.
Mā tēnei tohu e whakamana te hihiri o Te Ao Māori me te Mātauranga Māori, ā, ka whakawhiwhia mō ngā rangahau ka taea te kī kei te nuku i ngā whaitua, hei te huri hoki i te anganga o ngā uiui. Ka āhei ngā momo rangahau i ngā wehenga mātauranga katoa mō tēnei tohu.
Ahakoa ka taea ētahi atu tikanga rangahau te whakamahi, ka noho ko te whakaurunga o ngā ritenga mahi Māori tūturu (ahakoa tuku iho, ahakoa nō ēnei rā) hei whakatau nui.
E whakatenatenatia ana ngā tāngata kua kaiwhakarewaina ō rātou ingoa kia homai he mōhiotanga hei tino waitohu i te pānga me te awe whānui o ngā mahi rangahau i roto i ō rātou wehenga o te mātauranga, ki ngā āhuatanga whānui kē atu o te rangahau iwi taketake hoki/rānei.
Kei ēnei pea ngā taunakitanga o te mahi auaha, o te hanga tikanga hou rānei i roto i ā rātou mahi, me tōna nui i te taumata hapori, ā-takiwā, ā-motu, ā-ao hoki/rānei.
Current status
The 2025 round is now open. The closing date for nominations is 31 March 2025.
To make a nomination, please contact academy@royalsociety.org.nz and a URL will be sent to you to access the nomination web portal.