General criteria for medals and awards
General criteria that apply for all medals and awards offered by Royal Society Te Apārangi
- Nominations may be made by any person other than the nominee. No self nominations will be accepted.
- Significant parts of the work being recognised need to have been undertaken in New Zealand.
- Council and Academy Executive Committee members cannot be nominated for any Royal Society Te Apārangi medals or awards during their term.
- The Academy Executive Committee may limit eligibility for any medal or award to ensure that no person is recognised more than once by the Society for what is substantially the same contribution to research or scholarship, or innovation.
- Criterion 4 is not applied to those awards intended to recognise cumulative contribution or leadership. These are the Rutherford Medal, Te Puāwaitanga Research Excellence Award, Pou Aronui Award and the Thomson Medal.
- Unless the Academy Executive Committee decides there are extraordinary circumstances to justify an exception, there shall normally be a single winner of each award or medal in a given year.
- Unless the Academy Executive Committee decides that there are extraordinary circumstances to justify an exception, no person shall be entitled to be awarded more than one medal or award in a given year.
- The Academy Executive Committee shall be the final arbiter on the selection of medals and awards of the Society.
Ngā paearu whānui mō ngā mētara me ngā tohu
Ngā paearu whānui e pā ana ki ngā mētara me ngā tohu whānui ka tukua ki te tangata e te Royal Society Te Apārangi
- Me noho ko tētahi wāhi nui o ngā mahi he mahi i kawea i Aotearoa.
- E kore e taea te whakarewa i te ingoa o tētahi mema o Te Kaunihera, o te Komiti Kaihautū rānei o te Academy mō ētahi mētara, tohu rānei o te Royal Society Te Apārangi i tō rātou wā i te Kaunihera.
- Tērā pea ka herea te whāinga mana e te Komiti Kaihautū o te Academy mō tētahi mētara, tohu rānei kia kaua e neke atu i te kotahi whakanuinga i te tāngata mō te rangahau kotahi, mō te takoha kotahi ki te ao mātauranga rānei.
- Ki te kore te Komiti Kaihautū e whakatau he tino pūtake kia pērā ai te kapenga, ka kotahi anake te tangata pupuru i tētahi mētara, tohu rānei i te tau kotahi.
- Ki te kore te Komiti Kaihautū e whakatau he tino pūtake e tika ai kia pērā te kapenga, e kore tētahi tangata e āhei kia whakawhiwhia ki neke atu i te kotahi mētara, tohu rānei i te tau.
- Ka noho te Komiti Kaihautū o te Academy te mana whakawā mō te whiriwhiri i ngā mētara me ngā tohu o te Apārangi.