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Leveraging AI to Explore Breast Density and its Implications on Wāhine Māori Health in Aotearoa New Zealand

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Dr Alexander Trevarton with a photo of his great grandmother, standing under a street sign with his Pākehā great grandfather's family name on it (photo supplied).

> Te reo Māori

Breast cancer is a major health concern that often goes undetected until it's too late, particularly among Māori and Pasifika women in Aotearoa New Zealand. I aim to change that by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to analyse mammograms more precisely. My focus is breast density, a factor that can hide cancer from traditional screenings. This mahi will begin with multiple hui with Māori groups to consider data sovereignty of mammogram images loaned us by Wahine Māori. If consensus approval is reached, then international AI algorithms will be used to compute breast density and volume from historical mammogram images. This will help determine who is at higher risk and needs more regular check-ups. I'll also validate AI tools rigorously, ensuring they are fair and accurate for all ethnic groups. Our goal is to catch breast cancer earlier, which could mean less invasive treatments and better survival rates. We’re not just creating new tech – we’re doing it in a way that embraces Manaakitanga, making sure everyone has an equal chance at life-saving early detection.