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Marsden Fund panels

Definitions of panels and details of panel members

There are eight discipline-based assessment panels which make funding recommendations to the Marsden Fund Council.  The panels are made up of researchers who are experts in their field. They are appointed by the Royal Society Te Apārangi after being recommended by the Fund Council and usually serve for a maximum of three years.

On this page:

Biomedical Sciences (BMS)

Research related to human health and disease in: physiology, pathology, pharmacology, molecular biology, genetics, cell biology, microbiology; neurobiology (including animals as a model species for humans); human genomics and related bioinformatics.

Name Institution
Professor Colin Brown (Convenor) University of Otago
Dr Jacky Suen University of Queensland
Dr Lisa Connor Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
Dr Nikki Freed  University of Auckland
Dr Sarah Herridge BioNTech
Dr Megan Leask University of Otago
Dr Vanessa Morris University of Canterbury
Associate Professor Pawel Olszewski  University of Waikato
Professor Simon Swift University of Auckland
Dr William Kelton University of Waikato
Associate Professor Ari Samaranayaka University of Otago
Dr Alex Semprini Medical Research Institute of New Zealand


Cellular, Molecular and Physiological Biology (CMP)

Studies related to understanding the activities that occur in cells and tissues, and their integration within living organisms across the biological, agricultural and veterinary and biochemical sciences. This includes: plant physiology; animal physiology; cell biology; plant and animal genetics; molecular biology and molecular genetics; functional genomics and related bioinformatics; microbiology excluding microbial ecology; animal and plant pathology.

Name Institution
Professor Richard Newcomb (Convenor) Plant & Food Research 
Dr David Crossman University of Auckland
Associate Professor Liz Ledgerwood University of Otago
Dr Jay Jayaraman Plant & Food Research
Professor Colleen Higgins Auckland University of Technology
Dr Adele Williamson University of Waikato
Professor Jenny Mortimer University of Adelaide
Professor Patrick Biggs Massey University


Earth Sciences and Astronomy (ESA)

Including: geology; geophysics; physical geography; oceanography; hydrology; meteorology; atmospheric science; earth sciences; astronomy and astrophysics; also cross-disciplinary topics which include substantial components in some of these areas.


Name Institution
Professor Jan Lindsay (Convenor) University of Auckland
Associate Professor Michael Brown Monash University
Doctor Denise Fernandez National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
Associate Professor Marwan Katurji University of Canterbury
Associate Professor Leanne Morgan University of Canterbury
Associate Professor Julia Mullarney University of Waikato
Professor Mark Stirling University of Otago
Associate Professor Gavin Dunbar Victoria University of Wellington
Professor John Foden University of Adelaide


Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour (EEB)

Studies related to the interrelationships between organisms and their environment, evolution and behaviour. This includes: animal, plant and microbial ecology; biogeography; biodiversity; phylogenetics; systematics and evolution; population biology and genetics; animal behaviour; physiological plant ecology; biostatistics and modelling. Note that proposals seeking to establish the molecular basis of processes or traits are better sent to CMP or BMS panels, unless they materially concern the evolution of those processes or traits.


Name Institution
Professor Jacqueline Beggs (Convenor) University of Auckland
Associate Professor Kim Handley University of Auckland
Professor Simon Ho University of Sydney
Dr Angela McGaughran University of Waikato
Associate Professor Craig Radford University of Auckland
Dr Alice Rogers Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Simon Stewart Cawthron Institute
Associate Professor Matthew Stott University of Canterbury
Dr Paul Szyszka University of Otago


Economics and Human and Behavioural Sciences (EHB)

Including: economics; psychology (experimental, cognitive, neuro-); cognitive science; cognitive linguistics; archaeology; biological anthropology; business studies; commerce; management studies; marketing; communication science and demography.


Name Institution
Convenor Vacant; TBC
Dr Elham Bahmanteymouri University of Auckland
Dr Paul Dalziel Wellbeing Economics
Professor Siân Halcrow University of Otago
Dr Sam Manuela University of Auckland 
Dr Susan Olivia University of Waikato
Professor Vincent Reid University of Waikato
Professor Maree Roche University of Auckland
Professor Matthew Roskruge Massey University
Dr Grace Villamor Scion
Professor Lianne Woodward University of Canterbury


Engineering and Interdisciplinary Sciences (EIS)

Including: fundamentals of engineering (biomedical, bioprocessing, civil, chemical, electrical, electronic, environmental, materials, mechanical and robotics); and cross-disciplinary research relating to engineering.


Name Institution
Distinguished Professor Geoff Chase (Convenor) University of Canterbury 
Associate Professor Peng Cao University of Auckland
Dr Hin Lim University of Waikato
Professor Melissa Knothe Tate Blue Mountains Interdisciplinary Innovation Institute
Dr Filicia Wicaksana University of Auckland
Professor Tracie Barber University of New South Wales
Dr Peter Murmu GNS Science
Associate Professor Brooke Farrugia University of Melbourne
Professor Mathieu Sellier University of Canterbury
Professor Mike Duke University of Waikato


Mathematical and Information Sciences (MIS)

Including: pure mathematics; applied mathematics; statistics; operations research; logic; computer science; information systems; and software engineering.


Name Institution
Convenor Vacant; TBC
Associate Professor Ting Wang University of Otago
Associate Professor Kelly Blincoe University of Auckland
Professor Clemency Montelle University of Canterbury
Emeritus Professor Mick Roberts Massey University
Professor Alan Fekete University of Sydney
Professor Felipe Voloch University of Canterbury
Associate Professor Steven Mills University of Otago
Professor Richard Arnold Victoria University of Wellington


Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry (PCB)

Including: materials science; physics; chemistry; biophysics, chemical biology and biochemistry.


Name Institution
Convenor Vacant; TBC
Associate Professor Jane Allison The University of Auckland
Professor Simone Ciampi Curtin University
Professor Matthew Davis The University of Queensland
Professor Catherine Bishop University of Canterbury
Associate Professor Erin Leitao The University of Auckland
Professor Renae Ryan The University of Sydney
Associate Professor Jonathan Squire University of Otago
Professor Shane Telfer   Massey University


TBC = to be confirmed. Not a complete list yet.

Potential Panellists

The Marsden Fund secretariat at the Royal Society Te Apārangi maintains a list of potential panellists. If individuals wish to signal their availability to serve on a Marsden Fund Panel in 2025 or beyond, they should contact Dr Rachel Averill at the Royal Society Te Apārangi with their contact details, affiliation, a clear preference for which panel they would be suitable for, and ideally a link to their institutional web page.

Panellists are appointed by the Chief Executive of the Royal Society Te Apārangi based on the recommendation of the Marsden Fund panel Convenor. Appointments are made on a year-by-year basis for each calendar year. Panellists must be experienced researchers in an appropriate field and may be drawn from outside New Zealand if necessary. 

In considering the suitability of potential panellists, the following requirements for panel composition should be taken into account as appropriate:

  • mix of discipline expertise;
  • institutional balance;
  • geographic representation; and
  • diversity/gender balance.

Panellists may not apply as a named as Principal or Associate Investigators to the panel they are serving on in that year.  The Royal Society Te Apārangi will call for nominations from interested parties. Individuals can nominate themselves or institutes can nominate staff to serve on panels.  All nominations received will be passed on to the relevant Convenor for consideration.