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Published 28 May 2018

Two students will represent New Zealand at the Summer Research School, Bulgaria

Isha Kaur from Hastings Girls’ High School and Alasdair Tremlett from Sacred Heart College in Auckland have been selected by Royal Society Te Apārangi to attend the Summer Research School (SRS) that will take place in southern Bulgaria.

SRS is a summer research school for high achieving teenagers with a strong interest in the fields of mathematics, informatics and ICT.

Each student will focus on a personal research topic, coming from challenging fields such as combinatorics, number theory, computing, modelling and others. The programme includes lectures on advanced scientific problems and modern technologies, meetings with industry representatives and different academic institutions, soft skills training and discussions on important issues such as ethics in science and responsible research and innovation.

Andrew Cleland, Chief Executive at Royal Society Te Apārangi says: “Not only is this a great opportunity for talented young New Zealanders to interact with experts at the top of their fields in maths and informatics, but it is also an occasion for students to meet other like-minded students from Europe and to share their cultural differences.”

Isha is intending to study engineering and specifically bio-engineering at the University of Auckland next year. She is very involved in school life, mentoring students in maths and science, participating in the debating team and she is captain of community and services at her school. She is also a member of the youth environment council for the Hawke’s Bay regional council.  She says: “I believe attending this Summer Research School will provide me with the opportunity to understand how maths and science are being used in the real world and I also look forward to meeting and engaging with like-minded students from other countries”. 

Alasdair is a school prefect at Sacred Heart College and mentors students in maths and science. In addition to his school work he is studying a maths paper at the University of Auckland and he is relishing that opportunity. Alasdair is also a keen runner and gained a bronze medal at the national athletics road race champs last December.

"I am both proud and grateful to God. It is fantastic that that the Society are giving New Zealanders the chance to explore their academic passions in Europe, on the other side of the world, and at the very highest level. Opportunities such as these inspire me to continue my pursuit of knowledge; of success, and to embrace the never-ending learning journey that life has to offer," Alasdair said.

Seventy per cent of the travel and registration costs are funded by the Talented School Students Travel Award, managed by Royal Society Te Apārangi and funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. The students leave for Bulgaria in late July.

Source: Royal Society Te Apārangi