Published 1 November 2018CE update on reshaping the Council structure

Last week all Fellows and Members were emailed a document setting out proposed changes to the structure of the Society Council.
The proposed changes aim to improve the Society’s responsiveness to the needs and perspectives of all parts of the research community.
In developing changes in the electoral colleges and how Councillors are elected we have ensured that each class of membership plays a role. We hope that the changes will be seen as a positive step to embrace the strategic directions to which the Society has committed.
The intended changes include the introduction of three new permanent Councillor roles (early career and Māori research perspectives), but reduced numbers of other types of role to avoid Council enlarging. Thus it is proposed there be the replacement of three Vice-Presidents by a Chair and Deputy Chair of the Academy Executive Committee, these roles serving on both the Academy Executive Committee and Council to help ensure cohesive decision making between the two bodies. The general membership electoral college which elected three Councillors is proposed to be disbanded in favour of more specific electoral colleges, each electing one Councillor. Each membership group would vote in only one electoral college.
The Academy Executive Committee which governs the Academy would have a make-up more representative of the diverse domains in which research, scholarship and innovation occur.
There is an opportunity to comment by email prior to 5 November to
Proposal for reshaping the Society Governance Structure.
Proposal for re-shaping of the Governance Structure for the Academy.
Andrew Cleland - Chief Executive Royal Society Te Apārangi