Huihuinga Whānau Māori: Gene Editing in Aotearoa - Primary Industries | Wellington

E rere atu nei taku reo karanga ki ngā tōpito o te motu ki Te Tairāwhiti, ki Te Taitokerau, ki Te Taihauāuru, ki Te Puku o Te Ika, ki Te Pane o Te Motu e. Ka whakawhiti atu rā taku manu i Moana Raukawakawa ki Te Tauihu o Te Waka, ki Te Waipounamu, ki Waitaha, ki Murihiku, ki Rēkohu-Wharekauri e.
Tēnā koutou.
The Royal Society Te Apārangi have convened a multi-disciplinary panel for our latest major project which considers the potential uses and implications of Gene Editing in Aotearoa, including Healthcare and Pest Control. A critical part of the process is facilitating huihuinga with Māori involved in these sectors as well as whānau and hapori to provide information and gather feedback. This process of consultation is supported by a Māori Reference Group. Our first huihiunga with Māori stakeholders was held in Hamilton in June 2018. We are now looking to develop scenarios around the implications of gene editing in the Primary Industries and to discuss concerns and gather feedback from Māori involved in the primary industries sector, whānau and hapori Māori. The Māori Reference Group would like to invite interested parties to join us in these discussions, which will be facilitated by Dr Barry Smith (Te Rarawa, Ngāti Kahu), a Population health analyst and Chair of the Research and Ethics Committee for Lakes District Health Board.
If you or your organisation are involved in or concerned about the impact for Māori of gene editing technologies in Primary Industries, we invite you to register for the huihuinga which will start at 10:00am and conclude at 4:30pm.
Food and refreshments will be provided throughout the day.
We appreciate your contribution as we consider the social, ethical, cultural, legal, scientific and economic challenges to Aotearoa of Gene Editing technology. If you know anyone within your organisation or others that would be interested in attending please pass this invitation on.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Expert Advice Team.
Ka nui te mihi ki a koutou katoa.
The Expert Advice Team
Te Apārangi
Royal Society Te Apārangi
Harbourside Function Centre- The Loft, 4 Taranaki Street, 6011
10:00am Tue 16 October, 2018 - 2:00pm Tue 16 October, 2018