Te Mana, Te Kāwanatanga: The Politics of Māori Self-Determination—Mason Durie (1998)

Mason Durie offers a detailed account of contemporary Maori development and Maori aspirations for greater autonomy.
Publication details
Durie, M. Te Mana, Te Kāwanatanga: The Politics of Māori Self-Determination. Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1998.
About the book
In Te Mana, Te Kāwanatanga, Sir Mason Durie explores a wide range of issues affecting Maori, many of which have been extremely controversial. The principal focus of the book is the relations between Maori and the Crown, considered in the light of legislation, court cases, tribunal hearings, hui and direct negotiations.
Professor Durie discusses recent developments and disputes concerning issues such as ; the environment and the Resource Management Ac; the relationship between broadcasting and the preservation of the Maori language; the well-being of the Maori population; Maori land; Maori fishing rights; Maori representation in Parliament and Treaty of Waitangi policies and settlements.
Professor Durie moves beyond the rhetoric to offer well-informed and fair discussion and analysis. He attempts to measure what progress has been made to advance Maori as individuals, as tribes and as a nation.
Further information
- Out of print
This publication is part of the series Te Takarangi: Celebrating Māori publications - a sample list of 150 non-fiction books produced by a partnership between Royal Society Te Apārangi and Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga.