Resistance: An Indigenous Response to Neoliberalism – Maria Bargh (Ed.) (2007)

In this book Dr Maria Bargh brings together a unique collection of papers from Māori academics, activists and leaders highlighting the connection between globally dominant practices of neoliberalism and a diverse range of Māori resistance against them.
Publication details
Bargh, M. (Ed.). Resistance: An Indigenous Response to Neoliberalism. Wellington: Huia Publishers, 2007.
About the book
Edited by Maria Bargh (Te Arawa, Ngāti Kea/Ngāti Tuara and Ngāti Awa) Resistance: An Indigenous Response to Neoliberalism is a collection of papers from Māori academics, activists and leaders on the connection between global practices of neoliberalism and the diverse forms of Māori resistance that aim to destablise them. 'Aotearoa is one of the world leaders of neoliberalism. Successive New Zealand governments since 1984 have pursued neoliberal policies with a faith, vehemence and confidence in their success that few other governments appear to possess.'
At a time when ‘capital flows across borders as it has never done before, and multinational companies have bigger budgets than many states have ever had’, this book encourages people to look more closely at Māori views as integral and inspiring in a globalising world.
Further information
- Not currently in print
- View more about the editor
This publication is part of the series Te Takarangi: Celebrating Māori publications - a sample list of 150 non-fiction books produced by a partnership between Royal Society Te Apārangi and Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga.