Ngā Kāhui Pou, Launching Māori Futures—Mason Durie (2003)

Sir Mason Durie’s Ngā Kāhui Pou is the focus of Takarangi today. In this important work, Durie provides both an incisive and insightful overview of Māori development and a systematic framework for moving strategically into the future.
Publication details
Durie, M. Ngā Kāhui Pou: Launching Māori Futures. Wellington: Huia Publishers, 2003.
About the book
Ngā Kāhui Pou is shaped entirely around 20 addresses delivered between 1999 and 2002 at various conferences, seminars and hui by Sir Mason Durie. Each paper addresses a range of topics, such as Māori initiatives in health, education and Treaty settlements and are woven together by a number of recurring themes. All of the papers are concerned with aspects of Māori development, some examine the constitutional implications of self-determination, others dwell on the application of Māori perspectives to service delivery, still others concentrate on the needs of particular groups such as older Māori or Māori youth. Although the focus of each paper is on Māori development, the indigenous link is also highlighted – a reminder that Māori endeavours have much in common with those of other indigenous people.
Further information
This publication is part of the series Te Takarangi: Celebrating Māori publications - a sample list of 150 non-fiction books produced by a partnership between Royal Society Te Apārangi and Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga.