Mokorua - Ariana Tikao (2022)

An intimate story of decolonisation or ‘reindigenising ourselves’ this book is the compelling and emotional account of one woman receiving her moko kauae. Tikao’s story of reclaiming her Māori identity is interwoven with the story of the revival of language, tikanga and identity among Kāi Tahu whānau.
About this book
I kā rā o mua, I would know my place
in my tīpuna’s time, I would know my face.
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Publication details
Ariana Tikao, with Matt Calman (photographer) & Ross Calman (trans.). Mokorua: Ngā kōrero mō tōku moko kauae / My story of moko kauae (Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2022).
This book is part of a series marking the publication of Books of Mana (Otago University Press, 2025). It builds on the project Te Takarangi: Celebrating Māori publications and adds 30 titles to a selected list of 150 non-fiction books, led by Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga in collaboration with Royal Society Te Apārangi.