Ko Tautoro, Te Pito o Tōku Ao: A Ngāpuhi Narrative - Hone Sadler (2014)

This is Ngāpuhi elder Hōne Sadler’s powerful account of the origins, history and culture of the Ngāpuhi people.
Publication details
Sadler, H. Ko Tautoro, Te Pito o Tōku Ao: A Ngāpuhi Narrative. Auckland: Auckland University Press, 2014.
About the book
Ngāpuhi is the largest iwi in New Zealand and its people have occupied the northern North Island, from Tāmaki in the south to Te Rerenga Wairua in the north, from the time of their arrival from Hawaiki. Ko Tautoro, Te Pito o Tōku Ao is Ngāpuhi elder Hōne Sadler’s powerful account of the origins, history and culture of the Ngāpuhi people – a profound introduction to the Sacred House of Puhi.
Sadler illustrates Ngāpuhi sovereignty by looking in-depth at his own hapū of Ngāti Moerewa, Ngāti Rangi and Ngāi Tawake ki te Waokū of Tautoro and Matarāua. The narrative is told through weaving together karakia and whakapapa, histories and kōrero that have been part of the oral traditions of Ngāpuhi’s whānau, hapū and iwi and handed down through the generations on marae and other gathering places. Presented first to open the Ngāpuhi’s claim before the Waitangi Tribunal, Sadler’s narrative is a powerful Māori oral account, presented here in te reo and English.
Further information
This publication is part of the series Te Takarangi: Celebrating Māori publications - a sample list of 150 non-fiction books produced by a partnership between Royal Society Te Apārangi and Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga.