Kāti Au i Kōnei: He Kohikohinga i ngā Waiata a Ngāti Toarangatira, a Ngāti Raukawa - Te Ahukaramū Charles Royal (1994)

'Kāti Au i Kōnei' was important for picking up the traces of Sir Āpirana Ngata’s earlier work in its concentration on tribal waiata from from Ngāti Toarangatira and Ngāti Raukawa.
Publication details
Royal, Te A. C. Kāti au i Kōnei: He Kohikohinga a ngā Waiata, a Ngāti Toarangatira a Ngāti Raukawa. Wellington: Huia Publishers, 1994.
About the book
Kāti au i konei is a collection of waiata from Ngāti Toarangatira and Ngāti Raukawa of the southern reaches of Te Ika-a-Māui (North Island of New Zealand). It contains waiata composed by members of these two tribes. The collection follows the model created by Sir Āpirana Ngata in his monumental Ngā Moteatea series of collected waiata. Kāti au i konei contains contributions by current authorities and exponents of waiata including Pāteriki Te Rei, Te Waari Te Rei, Ngārongo Iwikātea Nicholson and Dr. Tūkawekai Kereama. Their contributions are published alongside information drawn from the manuscripts of Mātene Te Whiwhi, Te Rangihaeata, Wiremu Neera Te Kanae and Tāmihana Te Rauparaha. The text is fully bilingual.
Further information
- Out of print
This publication is part of the series Te Takarangi: Celebrating Māori publications - a sample list of 150 non-fiction books produced by a partnership between Royal Society Te Apārangi and Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga.