Fragments from a Contested Past - Joanna Kidman, et al. (2022)

In this short, poignant book five researchers reflect on questions of loss, silence and the ‘memory wars’ that are still fought over the New Zealand Wars. Combining innovative archival research and oral history, Fragments explores how these events are remembered – or not – and how these choices have shaped modern New Zealand.
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Publication details
Joanna Kidman, Vincent O’Malley, Liana MacDonald, Tom Roa & Keziah Wallis. Fragments from a Contested Past: Remembrance, denial and New Zealand history. (Wellington: Bridget Williams Books, 2022).
This book is part of a series marking the publication of Books of Mana (Otago University Press, 2025). It builds on the project Te Takarangi: Celebrating Māori publications and adds 30 titles to a selected list of 150 non-fiction books, led by Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga in collaboration with Royal Society Te Apārangi.