Ethnographies in Pan Pacific Research: Tensions and Positioning—Robert E. Rinehart, elke emerald and Rangi Matamua (Eds) (2015)

Ethnographies in Pan Pacific Research is an exploration of ethnographic approaches, intents and practices in and across the broader Pacific region.
Publication details
Rinehart, R. E., e. emerald and R. Matamua (Eds). Ethnographies in Pan Pacific Research: Tensions and Positioning. New York, USA: Routledge, 2015
About the book
Ethnographies in Pan Pacific Research explores ethnographic writing as culture(s) (re)produced, positionalities of authors, tensions between authors and others, and multi-faceted groups, and as co-productions of these works. Co-edited by Rangi Mataamua (Tūhoe), the publication also includes contributions from leading Māori scholars such as; Te Ahukaramu Charles Royal, Hemi Whaanga, Priscilla Wehi, Ngahuia Te Awekotuku and Linda Nikora, among others.
The book is organised into five sections; Emerging Methods, Praxis and Advocacy, Social Justice and Transformation and Indigenous Ethnographies. Within each section authors have teased out the themes of ‘tensions and positionings’ as parts of their own ethnographic practices and sites. As such, a rich variety of concerns is raised and explored, from the place of performance poetry in research to the personal responsibility individuals hold in the battle for indigenous language survival. The fifth and final section of the book presents a panel discussion regarding the lived tensions and positionings of indigenous scholars within the contemporary academy – exploring the balance of (western) institutional and indigenous worldviews and the tensions of negotiating the demands of both.
Further information
This publication is part of the series Te Takarangi: Celebrating Māori publications - a sample list of 150 non-fiction books produced by a partnership between Royal Society Te Apārangi and Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga.