Decolonisation in Aotearoa: Education, Research and Practice by Jessica Hutchings and Jenny Lee-Morgan, (2016)

This book examines decolonisation and Māori education in Aotearoa New Zealand in ways that seek to challenge, unsettle and provoke for change.
Publication details
Hutchings, J. and J. Lee-Morgan. Decolonisation in Aotearoa: Education, Research and Practice. NZCER Press, 2016.
About the book
Editors Dr Jessica Hutchings (Ngāi Tahu) and Dr Jenny Lee-Morgan (Waikato, Ngāti Mahuta) have drawn together leading Māori writers and intellectuals on topics that are at the heart of a decolonising education agenda, from tribal education initiatives to media issues, food sovereignty, wellbeing, Christianity, tikanga and more. A key premise is that colonisation excludes holistic and Māori experiences and ways of knowing and continues to assert a deep influence on knowledge systems and ways of living and being, and that efforts to combat its impact must be broad and comprehensive.
The book presents a kaupapa Māori and decolonised agenda for Māori education. The writers put kaupapa Māori into practice through a pūrākau (narrative) approach to explore the diverse topics in a range of styles.
Further information
This publication is part of the series Te Takarangi: Celebrating Māori publications - a sample list of 150 non-fiction books produced by a partnership between Royal Society Te Apārangi and Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga.