Fellowship categories
We have four categories of Fellowship: Fully employed; Working in retirement; Retired; Emeritus. The benefits and annual subscription fee are different for each category.
Fellowship categories
- Fully employed: Greater than 0.4 FTE
- Working in retirement: Less than 0.4 FTE on an ongoing basis but an occasional one-off contract permissible.
- Retired: No regular paid employment but an occasional one-off paid activity is permissible.
- Emeritus: No longer actively engaged in research or scholarly activities in a substantive way; no longer contributing to the activities of the Society; and has been a Fellow for at least 5 years.
The annual subscription for a fully employed Fellow is $500 per year. The rebate for Working in Retirement is 50%, for Retired is 75% and for Emeritus is 100%.
Emeritus Status
At the time of invoicing for subscriptions in June each year, Fellows are given the opportunity to apply for Emeritus status.
Below are the rules on a Fellow becoming an Emeritus Fellow.
- A Fellow may, by notice given to the Academy Executive Committee, choose to be an Emeritus Fellow.
- An Emeritus Fellow must:
- be no longer actively engaged in research or scholarly activities in a substantive way; and
- have been a Fellow for at least 5 years.
- An Emeritus Fellow is not:
- required to pay any subscriptions; or
- required to attend any formal meetings of the Academy; or
- obliged to participate in any activities of the Academy; or
- eligible to vote in any Royal Society of New Zealand ballots
- A Fellow becomes an Emeritus Fellow on and from the day the Society gives notice to the Fellow of the Academy Executive Committee’s acceptance of the notice given by the Fellow, and receipt of the Fellow’s signed Declaration.