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Academy response to Government Green Paper on the future of New Zealand’s research system

2022: The Academy Executive Committee have submitted a response to the Government's Te Ara Paerangi Future Pathways Green Paper on the future of New Zealand’s research system.

Key points from the submission include:

  • The need for research priority setting to involve Government departments, iwi, business, researchers and the community.
  • Support for the formation of a Research Development and Innovation Council.
  • Better enabling mātauranga Māori and the interface between mātauranga and science.
  • Strengthening the connection between government policies and how research money is allocated.
  • Directing more graduate students towards, or to be prepared for, the applied and commercial sectors, policy development, or the research, science and innovation system outside of academia.
  • Highlighting that Nationally Significant Collections and Databases are a critical component of New Zealand’s science infrastructure and should be properly funded.

View submission.