Whangarei Primary School - Terésa Battersby

2024 | ‘Riparian Restoration and Īnanga Spawning Monitoring in Te Tai Tokerau’
Name: Terésa Battersby
Programme: ‘Riparian Restoration and Īnanga Spawning Monitoring in Te Tai Tokerau’
School: Whangarei Primary School
Host: Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust Northland
Region: Te Tai Tokerau/Northland
By participating in this programme, Whangarei Primary School hopes to gain a more experienced and confident practitioner, able to inspire and mentor other teachers in the school to deliver the Science curriculum more proficiently and confidently.
Terésa has extensive skills and knowledge in Environmental Science. By giving this opportunity to Terésa, she will access the necessary tools and strategies, as well as strengthening her knowledge and expertise, to coordinate a successful and effective Science programme in the kura. The school hope that this programme gives Terésa the confidence, skills and capabilities to lead Science at their kura, so that all teachers feel confident, supported and enthusiastic to deliver Science in their classrooms.
Terésa will work alongside Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust staff on a number of programmes including, Whitebait Connection, Wai Connection, Experiencing Marine Reserves, and the Northland Īnanga Spawning Habitat Restoration Project (NĪSHRP) around the wider Northland area. This will allow her to experience practical science in New Zealand conservation and participate in surveying at risk species and science informed management programmes. Terésa will gain a firm foundation of knowledge and understanding of the Nature of Science and Conservation as well as associated practical skills.