Tamatea Intermediate School - Danie Leonard

2023 | The Wai Connection.
Name: Danie Leonard
School: Tamatea Intermediate School
Programme Title: The Wai Connection
Host: Environment Centre Hawkes Bay
Region: Hawkes Bay
Tamatea Intermediate School aims to refresh our science delivery plan in line with the curriculum refresh approach of "Understand, Know, Do". We believe that Science should be delivered in meaningful contexts and is integrated with our local curriculum, learning from our past and creating our future. We strive to provide a greater understanding of our local and international communities and how we can be responsible and contributing citizens within those communities. Having a teacher with science leadership skills will support our team to embrace teaching and learning opportunities in line with this approach.
Danie has amassed a wealth of teaching experience spanning 23 years. Throughout this period, he has held various managerial positions in different educational settings. Specifically, he served as a principal at a small rural school in South Africa for two years and subsequently held the position of deputy principal at a private school for 12 years. Following his immigration to New Zealand in 2019, he joined Tamatea Intermediate School as Head of Sport and Team Leader. Notably, he has had the privilege of assuming the role of acting deputy principal during the year 2022.
Danie will work alongside Environment Centre Hawke's Bay staff on a number of biodiversity conservation/ essential freshwater monitoring/ waterway health management projects. Some of this work will fall under the wai connection project and other parts under connecting workstreams. These projects will take place from the mountains to the sea across the Hawke's Bay region which will enable him to experience the practical use of science in NZ conservation. Danie will participate in practical science driven surveying of at risk fish species, water testing and science informed management plans which aims to give a firm foundation of knowledge and understanding of the Nature of Science and conservation as well as associated field skills.
Upon the conclusion of his placement, Danie intends to utilize the acquired skills to design and execute an engaging science program at Tamatea Intermediate School. The program aims to provide learners and teachers with an immersive, hands-on experience in science. The program's objective is to foster a curiosity and interest in science among learners, enabling them to appreciate the subject's significance in their daily lives. Through the development and implementation of this program, Danie hopes to enhance the school's overall science curriculum, ultimately contributing to the learners' academic and personal development.