Paroa School - Helen Kingi

2021 | Korehāhā Whakahau – Catch a possum, keep a kiwi
School: Paroa School
Region: Eastern Bay of Plenty – Whakatane
Hosts: Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa
Mā te ngaruru ō ngā whenua maru ō Ngāti Awa, ka noho momoho ngā taonga koiora,
taonga tuku iho, hei oranga whānui mō ngā whakatipuranga.
As the lands of Ngāti Awa flourishes, opportunities abound for future generations to enjoy their unique ecological, environmental and cultural uniqueness.
Māi tēnei māhere i whakatakoto he huarahi ki te whakakorehia ngā paihamu mai i raro i tenei kaupapa ‘Korehāhā Whakahau’ i roto i te rohe o nga whenua o Ngati Awa. Ko TRoNA (Te Runanga o Ngāti Awa) ngā Kaiwhakarite e arahina ana i ngā hapu. 22 ngā hapu o Ngati Awa.
He kaupapa hou tēnei mā rātou. Kei te heke haere te iwi taketake rerenga rauropi i roto i te whenua o Ngāti Awa. Kaha tonu tēnei mahi kino e whai hua ngā mahi ahurea me a mātou mātauranga. Ko te whakamarumaru me te whakahaumako o te iwi taketake rerenga rauropi o Ngāti Awa.
He pitopito korero mōku
Ko ngā whakaaro me te matauranga e hiahia ana e au ki te whakaako i runga i tēnei o nga kaupapa Putaiao i te wā i noho mai e au i waenganui i a rātou.
• Ko te mea tuatahi, me noho au i te marumaru o nga kaiwhakahaere o Ngati Awa ki te whakamahi, ki te mahitahi i te taha o te roopu Korehaha kia honoa ki nga kaupapa e haere ake nei i raro i ngā maru o tenei o nga kaupapa Putaiao me nga mahi Kaitiakitanga.
• Hangaia he huarahi mo a matou tamariki mokopuna hei whakaatu i nga mahi putaiao mo muri, inaianei tonu, kia herea e rātou kia puta ki te Ao marama. Ara, kia tuhono rātou i runga i tā rātou tā tātou, whakapapa, pepeha, waiata, pūrākau o Ngāti Awa.
• Ano hoki hei ako hei tirotiro me pehea e whakauruhia te matauranga e akongia e ngā tāngata o te roopu ki roto i tēnei hōtaka nei.
• Ko te wawata ka whakato te kakano kia rumakihia, ki te whakatipu, whakaakohia, he tangata putaiao i puta atu i te ao, me he kaitiaki mo te whenua o Ngāti Awa WHANAU WHANUI HOKI.
This plan sets out a pathway for the eradication of possums from a large portion of whenua (land) within the tribal boundaries of Ngāti Awa. The Project is led by Ngati Awa which represent 22 Ngāti Awa hapu. This is a new project.
The indigenous biodiversity within the Ngāti Awa rohe continues to decline. This in turn impacts on our cultural practices and mātauranga. The protection and enhancement of indigenous biodiversity is a key priority for Ngāti Awa hapū.
The pedagogy and mātauranga māori that underpin this project, Korehāhā Whakahau are areas where I would immerse myself in during the time I am here.
Under the guidelines and support of the Kaimahi, Helen will work to identify areas that could possibly create pathways of learning for Kura and wider iwi communities and schools. Links will be made to whānau, pepeha, hapu, iwi, with Ngāti Awa waiata and pū rākau.
By planting the seed of knowledge, she will help create a network system for career pathways in a Science environment to enable our tamariki mokopuna to seek career pathways in Science areas, to becoming Kaitiaki of our Ngāti Awa whenua.