Apanui School - Glen Young

2021 | Aquatic Knowledge Acquisition
School: Apanui School
Region: Eastern Bay of Plenty, Whakatane
Hosts: Keith Hamill, River Lake
Apanui School is dedicated to delivering a varied and enjoyable science curriculum. As a Learning Through Play school, Apanui is focused on providing practical and meaningful experiences, teaching children to think and act like scientists and giving children the chance to lead their own learning and follow their own interests. By having a teacher involved in the Science Teaching Leadership Programme, Apanui will utilise the skills and knowledge they have learned, to deliver and lead a quality science curriculum across the school.
Glen is an experienced teacher with over 18 years experience in education. He has taught atmany different age levels and believes that science is the key to unlocking children's creativity,wonderment and curiosity of the world around them.
Glen has been hosted by Keith Hamill, CEO of RiverLakes Ltd based in Whakatane. His placement has involved many aspects of Ecology including water sampling and analysis, aquatic life analysis, consent processes for various companies including Trustpower and Fonterra as well as being a part of the Awatapu Lagoon (Whakatane) restoration team. This has allowed him to gain experience in all aspects around the Nature of Science and observe first hand, the intricacies of ecological field work.
One of the highlights for Glen during his placement was his field trip to South Taranaki, to carry out consent work for Trustpower’s Patea Dam. This involved the catching, measuring and release of many types of freshwater fish including long and short fin eel, various bully, torrent fish and shrimp. This work involved 3 days of hard slog, in harsh conditions, collecting data on macroinvertebrates, giant eels and using a range of fishing methods including the use of fyke nets, gee minnows and electric fishing. It gave him an appreciation of what ecologists do and how they work together to solve problems and create accurate data based on sound evidence.
The Science Leadership Programme has provided Glen with amazing opportunities to foster his love of science and to build his repertoire to share with his students and colleagues when he returns to Apanui School. The skills and knowledge he has learned in terms of leadership have improved no end and he is looking forward to taking on the challenges that lie ahead for him when he returns to school. He would like to take this opportunity to thank Keith for being such a gracious and knowledgeable host. He would also like to thank the Royal Society for their commitment to the cause, Jenn Corbitt for leading us so well on our journey, and to Brigitte and Dayle for guiding us through the many aspects of our Professional Development.