Kaharoa School - Shanelle Kivell

2020 | Marine Science- Science to inform management of BOP coasts and harbours
School: Kaharoa School
Host: University of Waikato, Coastal Marine Field Station
Region: Bay of Plenty
Shanelle Kivell is ready to develop the next level of her teaching and leadership by building on her passion for new learning related to the Nature of Science. Shanelle has all the prerequisites to work alongside fellow staff member Leanne Hale (who has already completed the Science Teaching Leadership Programme) and the rest of the staff as she leads with her new found knowledge and understanding. Kaharoa sees science as a key component of our learning programmes, being interesting and highly motivating for children and as an ideal means to develop key competencies and future leaders in scientific fields. Having two teachers to share their practice and understanding also ensures sustainability of our programmes.
Shanelle finished her teaching studies in 2012 and has had 7 years teaching experience in primary schools. She is passionate about teaching and strives to meet the individual needs of all the students she works with. Shanelle has taught students from a wide range of year levels, abilities and cultural backgrounds. She has a background in social work and is passionate about engaging reluctant learners by providing meaningful, engaging, hands on science experiences.
Shanelle’s placement at the Coastal Marine Field Station involved her participating and collaborating with faculty staff and post-graduate students in a number of ecology research projects. She also learnt about the environmental history of Tauranga Moana and had the opportunity to attend undergraduate lectures in aquaculture and ecology at the University of Waikato.
During her placement, Shanelle participated in a range of seagrass research experiments aimed at monitoring and improving the health of estuaries. This involved frequent trips out in the field to obtain data which provided information about the ecological health of estuaries in the local Bay of Plenty area. Shanelle also participated in shark population research and learnt about marine biosecurity and algae aquaculture. The programme provided Shanelle with a foundation of knowledge and understanding of the Nature of Science and marine ecosystems, ecology and biodiversity. It also provided her with opportunities to develop her field and laboratory skills.
After attending the Otago University Leadership Programme Shanelle has developed her leadership skills and has greater confidence leading science professional development at Kaharoa School. Shanelle has an improved understanding of the Nature of Science and has developed her knowledge, skills and confidence teaching science. She is looking forward to using her new learning and skills to enhance Kaharoa School’s science curriculum.