Rangeview Intermediate School - Rose Benns

2015 | Eyes on you – our Hauraki
School: Rangeview Intermediate School
Host: Auckland University of Technology (AUT)
Region: Auckland
Rose is one of 35 primary and secondary science teachers that make up the first cohort of Science Teaching Leadership Programme (STLP). She has been on placement at Auckland University of Technology (AUT),hosted at the School of Applied Sciences – Institute of Applied Ecology, where she has gained invaluable insight and ‘practical’ exposure to Science working alongside scientists on a variety of projects including ‘Seabirds & Plastic and Critters Galore’ (food webs).
Rose has visited a number of Science organisations; The Auckland War Memorial Museum – Collections Department and Landcare Research, and actively sought further professional development in Science teaching with; Te Toi Tupu, Virtual Learning Network and Ako Aotearoa. Rose has visited a multitude of schools throughout New Zealand to work with children in Science, and to see how their Science is developing.
Leadership development is an important component of the STLP. Rose recognised that effective leaders have certain qualities that persuade others to follow their vision, and certain skills that enable them to have successful outcomes. Interestingly, Rose has begun to recognise her own ability to ‘network’ and considers ‘time spent building and maintaining ‘quality’ relationships as time well spent.
Returning to school, Rose believes she has a ‘fairly comprehensive understanding’ of the principles of the New Zealand Curriculum, the Science component and related Nature of Science Strand and how it can be taught through the Science capabilities. Rose is looking forward to ‘sharing’ her new experiences with her colleagues and with support, intends to lead activity that will help bolster teacher confidence so they can see the fun in engaging and teaching of Science.
Rose would like to acknowledge the support of Associate Professor David Towns, her host at AUT, and sincerely thank the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment for this opportunity. Unquestionably, Rose has made the most of this fabulous opportunity given her. She has had time to breathe, read, study, think, be inquisitive, test theory, connect, be observant, become immersed in, rest and just ‘grow.’