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NZJZ First Paper Award

The New Zealand Journal of Zoology (NZJZ) is pleased to announce the inaugural NZJZ First Paper Award to recognise and celebrate excellence among researchers as they launch their publishing careers.

Students or recent graduates who have their 1st first-author paper accepted for publication with NZJZ will be eligible. You are welcome to include co-authors on your paper. Articles will be evaluated for scientific excellence by the editorial panel and are subject to the usual peer-review process. Up to ten awards will be presented in 2022–2023, with an immediate start.


Did you know that many of Aotearoa’s leading zoologists, ranging from full professors to early career researchers, published their first first-author articles in the New Zealand Journal of ZoologyFor example:


The award

In addition to the recognition from the research community, the award carries a NZ$200 prize, and both you and your work will be highlighted in the Royal Society Te Apārangi Alert Newsletter and on social media.

How to participate

Simply respond to the relevant question in the journal portal when you submit your article and add a statement to the cover letter accompanying your article submission to explain how you:

  • meet the eligibility criteria (see below; degree status and university);
  • and that, if accepted, the article would be your 1st first-author paper.

Who can participate

 To be eligible for the award, the student author must, at the time of first submission:

  • be enrolled or no more than six months post-graduation from a university in Aotearoa New Zealand. Undergraduate, Honours, Masters, and PhD students are all encouraged to participate.
  • have had their 1st first-author, peer-reviewed article (review or research article) accepted for publication in NZJZ.

Why publish in NZJZ?

The New Zealand Journal of Zoology plays an important role in disseminating information on field-based, experimental, and theoretical research on the zoology of Aotearoa and beyond. It offers a great platform to highlight locally relevant research findings and to reach the local research network. For more information on NZJZ, see the journal website.

Our Editorial Board comprises an unparalleled range of expertise in all fields of zoological science in the southern hemisphere. This means you can be confident that your manuscript will be handled by someone who understands the value of your research. We aim to ensure the best possible publication experience.

Royal Society Te Apārangi reserves the right to update the terms and conditions of this pilot initiative and any updated version will be effective as soon as it is published on the website.


Submit an articlehttps://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/nzjz