Building blocks of health disrupted by climate change
Infographic of how climate change will disrupt the building blocks of our health from the air we breath and water we drink through to disease risk and our social support networks.
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Strong social ties support our health but communities may be disrupted if neighbourhoods are abandoned or relocated.

Mental outlook is important for health but repeated stresses from extreme weather and other impacts of climate change may take a toll on our well-being.

Clean water is essential for our health but droughts, floods and increased temperatures may lead to water contamination and toxic algal blooms.

We need healthy food but droughts, floods and changes in weather patterns increase risk of crop disease, food spoilage, shortages and contamination.

Clean air is vital for our health but changes in temperature and rainfall can increase air pollution and pollen allergens, which will increase the prevalence of respiratory problems.

Moderate temperatures make life and work comfortable but more hot days will increase heat stroke, aggression and heart disease, especially for outdoor workers.

We need adequate shelter for our health but some homes may become uninhabitable due to floods, erosion or fire.

Avoiding disease is vital for our health but rates of infection are likely to increase. Tropical diseases like malaria or West Nile virus may establish in New Zealand.