2024 Pickering Medal: Novel food ingredient to alleviate iron deficiency

Distinguished Professor Harjinder Singh FRSNZ, of the Riddet Institute at Te Kunenga Ki Pūrehuroa Massey University, has been awarded the Pickering Medal by the Royal Society Te Apārangi for pioneering research and development. He created a food ingredient to combat iron deficiency and other innovative food technologies that have bridged the gap between scientific discovery and commercial applications.

Team from Riddet Institute who received the Pickering Medal on Harjinder's behalf.
FerriPro is an encapsulated iron-protein complex that can alleviate iron deficiencies. The patented technology has been brought to markets globally by the food giant Nestlé.
Globally, iron deficiency affects more than 1.6 billion people. Iron fortification of food is an effective solution to alleviate iron deficiency, but it has been a great technological challenge to simultaneously achieve both high iron-bioavailability – allowing the iron to be taken up by the body –good shelf-life and acceptable taste for the consumer.
In 2014, Harjinder led the development of a novel iron–protein complex which was granted international patent protection. The complex is made using food-grade materials and enables iron fortification of foods and beverages without compromising quality. Human clinical trials have demonstrated high bioavailability of the iron from this complex.
The invention constitutes a major scientific breakthrough – providing the food industry for the first time with an iron-fortification agent that is highly bioavailable but does not induce lipid oxidation or protein coagulation in food products.
In 2019, Nestlé (the world’s largest food company) acquired the technology – the single biggest commercial licensing deal to emerge from Massey University.
With Nestlé’s reach, FerriPro has potential to enhance the wellbeing of millions of people. Harjinder has worked closely with Nestlé to scale-up the processes, develop food prototypes and to obtain approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration and the European Food Safety Authority.
In 2022 Nestlé launched FerriPro in Pakistan as a milk powder beverage trademarked BUNYAD IRON+.
The invention of FerriPro and its substantial uptake have been recognised by several recent awards:
- “PwC Commercial Impact Award”, 2020, KiwiNet
- “Best Licensing Deal” 2022, Knowledge Commercialisation Australasia Awards
- “Innovation in Research & Development Award” 2022, International Dairy Federation
- Finalist for “BNZ Researcher Entrepreneur Award”, 2023, KiwiNet
Other patented innovations emerging from Harjinder’s lab include: encapsulation technology (licensed to Croda Ltd); functional milk-protein products (in collaboration with Fonterra); probiotic delivery technology, Probiolife (licensed to Alpha group), and probiotics in fruit juices (in collaboration with PepsiCo).
Harjinder is a co-founder of two New Zealand- based start-up companies, Saber Foods and Miruku, focussed on producing sustainable dairy-free alternatives.
Harjinder is the highest-ranked food scientist in New Zealand and second highest in Australasia. He has 439 peer-reviewed papers in international journals, 55 book chapters, and 5 edited books, and has mentored over 50 PhD students and 30 postdoctoral researchers from around the world.
In awarding this medal, the selection committee noted that his multifaceted contributions underscore the depth and breadth of his impact on food science, industry, and global nutrition challenges. Also, that he is shaping the next generation of research entrepreneurs by supporting and mentoring promising young scientists.
Harjinder says that he is deeply honoured to receive this award. “This recognition highlights the importance of bridging discovery-based research with industry applications. It reflects the creativity and dedication of my exceptional research group, and our strong partnerships with the New Zealand and international food industry over many years. It is our collective efforts that have led to translating science innovation into practical, impactful outcomes. This award inspires us and others to continue advancing science that addresses the evolving challenges of the food industry and society.”
Harjinder has been recognised for research excellence in food science with many fellowships and awards: Fellow of the Royal Society Te Apārangi (2002), Fellow of the International Academy of the International Union of Food Science and Technology (2006); Fellow of the Institute of Food Technologists (USA; 2015); Massey University Research Medal (2008); JC Andrews Award from the New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology (2011); Shorland Medal from the New Zealand Association of Scientists (2011), Prime Minister’s Science Prize (co-recipient, 2012), International Dairy Foods Association Research Award in Dairy Foods Processing (USA; 2015), American Dairy Science Association Distinguished Service Award (USA; 2018), and a Lifetime Achievement Award in honour of Nicolas Appert, from the Institute of Food Technologists (USA; 2024).
Pickering Medal:
For innovation and excellence in technology that has generated significant impact both in Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally.
To Harjinder Singh for pioneering research and development of innovative food technologies, bridging the gap between scientific discovery and commercial applications to benefit industry.