2022 Te Kōpūnui Māori Research Award: Culturally-responsible literacy learning

Dr Melissa Derby, Ngāti Ranginui, of University of Waikato Te Whare Wānanga o Waikato, has been presented the Royal Society Te Apārangi Te Kōpūnui Māori Research Award for creating a culturally-responsive literacy programme.
Presented for creating a culturally-responsive literacy programme aimed at strengthening bilingual preschool children’s early literacy skills in te reo Māori and English.
Melissa is an emerging researcher with a focus on literacy development in the early years. In her award-winning doctoral study, Melissa drew from Māori oral traditions and pedagogical approaches to co-create a literacy programme aimed at strengthening bilingual preschool children’s early literacy skills in te reo Māori and English.
She then used her findings to co-write Talking Together: He Kōrerorero, a resource that strengthens kaiako and whānau practice in fostering early literacy skills. Melissa also runs workshops in developing children’s early literacy skills.
Royal Society Te Apārangi Te Kōpūnui Māori Research Award:
For early career researchers to recognise innovative Māori research.
For creating a culturally-responsive literacy programme aimed at strengthening bilingual preschool children’s early literacy skills in Te Reo Māori and English