2022 Early Career Research Excellence Award for Social Sciences: Valuing young children’s input for urban planning

Dr Christina Ergler, School of Geography — Te Ihowhenua, University of Otago, has been awarded the Royal Society Te Apārangi Award for Social Sciences for research highlighting young children’s contribution to achieving just, healthy, sustainable and inclusive cities.
Christina’s research demonstrates that young children are silenced on urban issues, but they deserve the right to be listened to. Young children not only demonstrate a logical interpretation of their environments and an awareness of risk and vulnerability, but they also care about their city, neighbourhoods and home spaces. Children also highlight that it is not only about people – non-humans are also important – and their care and inclusion must be a guiding planning principle for wellbeing and liveability.
Christina’s work bridges disciplinary boundaries and is highly-regarded for subscribing to child-led methodologies and provides accessible tools for planners and urban policy makers. Many seek out her expertise on including pre-schoolers voices and ways for eliciting young, pre-literate children's knowledge on urban matters.
Royal Society Te Apārangi Early Career Research Excellence Award for Social Sciences:
For early career researchers to recognise excellence in social sciences research.
Citation: For research highlighting young children’s contribution to achieving just, healthy, sustainable and inclusive cities.