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Published 13 December 2017

2018 New Medals | Recognising Innovative Māori Research

Royal Society Te Apārangi Te Puāwaitanga Research Excellence Award and Royal Society Te Apārangi Te Kōpūnui Research Award

Royal Society Te Apārangi is introducing two new medals into its suite from 2018 onwards: Royal Society Te Apārangi Te Pūawaitanga Research Excellence Award; and Royal Society Te Apārangi Te Kōpūnui Māori Research Award.

Royal Society Te Apārani Te Puāwaitanga Research Excellence Award

Royal Society Te Apārani Te Puāwaitanga Research Excellence Award, to be awarded biennially, is the Royal Society’s highest award in recognition of research that has made an eminent and distinctive contribution to Te Ao Māori, and to Māori and Indigenous knowledge

Royal Society Te Apārangi Te Kōpūnui Research Award

Royal Soicety Te Apārangi Te Kōpūnui Research Award, to be awarded annually to early career researchers, recognises innovative Māori research with a high standard of excellence and a promising trajectory.

This award will acknowledge the dynamism that underpins both Te Ao Māori and Mātauranga Māori and be awarded for research that has the potential to shift boundaries and change directions of inquiry. Research in all subject areas is eligible for this award.


Source: Royal Society Te Apārangi