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How to nominate

Learn how to nominate someone for the Jones Medal.


Nominations may be made by any person, other than the nominee. The Royal Society Te Apārangi’s Academy Executive Committee reserves the right to decline any nomination.

An online Nomination must be completed.

Please email the Academy (academy@royalsociety.org.nz) if you wish to submit a new nomination and you will be provided with a URL to access the web portal.

Nominations are to include one set of the following:

  • One sentence citation of not more than 25 words, describing their work, which may be used for publicity purposes;
  • Nomination summary of not more than 100 words, that clearly explains their contributions to mathematical sciences, to a non-specialist;
  • Nomination statement of no more than 500 words highlighting their contribution to mathematical sciences;
  • Supporting documents
    • Curriculum vitae of nominee;
    • Two references (to be arranged by the nominator), at least one from outside the nominee’s institution.

Please note:

Publications should include the names of all authors (Initials and Surname) and the full title of the journal in which a paper is published. Abbreviations should not be used.

Nominees must have a substantial connection to New Zealand. In cases where this is not obvious (for example, where the nominee has not spent more than half of their career in New Zealand), the connection to New Zealand should be detailed in the nomination statement.

Please also review general criteria that apply to all Royal Society Te Apārangi medals and awards.