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Lauren Vinnell

Dr Lauren Vinnell in front of Te Rau Karamu Marae on Massey Universities's Wellington campus (Photo: Alicia Cui)

2024: Dr Lauren Vinnell of Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa Massey University will study risk perception and communication to find ways of increasing the public’s resilience to natural hazards

Despite decades of education efforts, and experiences with repeated hazardous natural events, from earthquakes to cyclones, public preparedness has not increased. This may be due to incorrect assumptions about how the public understand, perceive, and choose to act on risk. Risk communication efforts, too, might have been insufficient, or even potentially detrimental, to public preparedness. This project will address the complicated challenges of understanding people’s concepts of risk. The information can be used to improve actions to communicate and reduce risk for the public. Ultimately, Dr Vinnell’s work will contribute to an Aotearoa New Zealand which is more resilient to future natural hazards.


Dr Lauren Vinnell examining volcanic maps of Auckland to determine locations for risk perception research (Photo: Alicia Cui)