Jenni Hopkins

2024: Dr Jenni Hopkins of Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington has been awarded a New Zealand Mana Tūānuku Research Leader Fellowship to study the composition and dispersal of toxic volcanic ash for better preparedness in case of future volcanic eruptions in Aotearoa New Zealand
Dr Hopkins received a PhD in Geology in 2015 from Victoria University of Wellington. She was appointed there as Lecturer in 2021 and as a Senior Research Fellow in 2024. Dr Hopkins serves on international and domestic scientific bodies like the Commission of Tephrochronology, the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, and the Geoscience Society of New Zealand. For her study of the Auckland volcanic field, she was awarded the Pullar-Vucetich Prize in Tephrochronology by the Geoscience Society of New Zealand in 2016. Dr Hopkins is the creator and curator of TephraNZ, a state-of-the-art open access database for volcanological research. She is an advisor to stakeholders like the Auckland Council on risk management of volcanic hazards.
A large volcanic eruption in Aotearoa New Zealand is only a matter of time. One of the most widespread and dangerous impacts on people, infrastructure, and environment will be the outfall of toxic and corrosive volcanic ash. The exact impacts will depend on the geochemical makeup of the erupting volcano and the reach of the ash cloud. We can only prepare for the ash-fall risk if we know what kind of ash to expect in different parts of the motu. Dr Hopkins will characterise the hazard for each volcano in Aotearoa New Zealand by studying the geochemistry of their ash and where it has been deposited in past eruptions. This internationally leading research will enhance our ability to forecast the impact of future volcanic hazards. Working with government bodies and iwi groups, Dr Hopkins will provide crucial information for the protection of our communities.

Ruapehu (Supplied)