Andrew Hall

2024: Dr Andrew Hall of Waipapa Taumata Rau The University of Auckland has been awarded a New Zealand Mana Tūānuku Research Leader Fellowship to study how to reduce noise and improve ventilation for healthier homes in Aotearoa New Zealand
After completing a Bachelor of Engineering and an Bachelor of Music Performance in Jazz Saxophone, Dr Hall received his PhD in Acoustical Engineering from the University of Auckland in 2013. Dr Hall then spent four years at Callaghan Innovation as a Research Engineer and Project Leader. Dr Hall then joined the University of Auckland as a Research Fellow where he received Smart Ideas funding from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment to develop next-generation building materials that reduce noise transmission. Making valuable industry connections through his current role as Manager of the Acoustic Testing Service at the University of Auckland, he also continues his research as a Senior Research Fellow and Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering.
As urbanization increases, additional health factors like noise pollution and adequate ventilation become increasingly important considerations in our building designs. Our current construction materials and technologies struggle to offer affordable solutions to both of these problems simultaneously. Dr Andrew Hall's research will develop and examine novel metamaterials (materials with specific internal structures which determine their functional properties) and systems of metamaterials called metasystems, investigating how such technology could be used to revolutionise building construction. Dr Hall will explore how sound waves interact with metamaterials and develop methods to significantly improve their noise attenuation properties, while still allowing sufficient ventilation. If successful, these materials could lead to a whole new class of building materials and systems. Ultimately, this research will facilitate more affordable, quiet and healthy homes for us all.

Example metamaterials (Supplied)